8 research outputs found

    Towards a Cubical Type Theory without an Interval

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    Following the cubical set model of type theory which validates the univalence axiom, cubical type theories have been developed that interpret the identity type using an interval pretype. These theories start from a geometric view of equality. A proof of equality is encoded as a term in a context extended by the interval pretype. Our goal is to develop a cubical theory where the identity type is defined recursively over the type structure, and the geometry arises from these definitions. In this theory, cubes are present explicitly, e.g., a line is a telescope with 3 elements: two endpoints and the connecting equality. This is in line with Bernardy and Moulin\u27s earlier work on internal parametricity. In this paper we present a naive syntax for internal parametricity and by replacing the parametric interpretation of the universe, we extend it to univalence. However, we do not know how to compute in this theory. As a second step, we present a version of the theory for parametricity with named dimensions which has an operational semantics. Extending this syntax to univalence is left as further work

    Towards a cubical type theory without an interval

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    Following the cubical set model of type theory which validates the univalence axiom, cubical type theories have been developed that interpret the identity type using an interval pretype. These theories start from a geometric view of equality. A proof of equality is encoded as a term in a context extended by the interval pretype. Our goal is to develop a cubical theory where the identity type is defined recursively over the type structure, and the geometry arises from these definitions. In this theory, cubes are present explicitly, e.g. a line is a telescope with 3 elements: two endpoints and the connecting equality. This is in line with Bernardy and Moulin's earlier work on internal parametricity. In this paper we present a naive syntax for internal parametricity and by replacing the parametric interpretation of the universe, we extend it to univalence. However, we don't know how to compute in this theory. As a second step, we present a version of the theory for parametricity with named dimensions which has an operational semantics. Extending this syntax to univalence is left as further work

    A parametricity-based formalization of semi-simplicial and semi-cubical sets

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    Semi-simplicial and semi-cubical sets are commonly defined as presheaves over respectively, the semi-simplex or semi-cube category. Homotopy Type Theory then popularized an alternative definition, where the set of n-simplices or n-cubes are instead regrouped into the families of the fibers over their faces, leading to a characterization we call indexed. Moreover, it is known that semi-simplicial and semi-cubical sets are related to iterated Reynolds parametricity, respectively in its unary and binary variants. We exploit this correspondence to develop an original uniform indexed definition of both augmented semi-simplicial and semi-cubical sets, and fully formalize it in Coq.Comment: Associated formalization in Coq at https://github.com/artagnon/bona

    Twisted Cubes and their Applications in Type Theory

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    This thesis captures the ongoing development of twisted cubes, which is a modification of cubes (in a topological sense) where its homotopy type theory does not require paths or higher paths to be invertible. My original motivation to develop the twisted cubes was to resolve the incompatibility between cubical type theory and directed type theory. The development of twisted cubes is still in the early stages and the intermediate goal, for now, is to define a twisted cube category and its twisted cubical sets that can be used to construct a potential definition of (infinity, n)-categories. The intermediate goal above leads me to discover a novel framework that uses graph theory to transform convex polytopes, such as simplices and (standard) cubes, into base categories. Intuitively, an n-dimensional polytope is transformed into a directed graph consists 0-faces (extreme points) of the polytope as its nodes and 1-faces of the polytope as its edges. Then, we define the base category as the full subcategory of the graph category induced by the family of these graphs from all n-dimensional cases. With this framework, the modification from cubes to twisted cubes can formally be done by reversing some edges of cube graphs. Equivalently, the twisted n-cube graph is the result of a certain endofunctor being applied n times to the singleton graph; this endofunctor (called twisted prism functor) duplicates the input, reverses all edges in the first copy, and then pairwisely links nodes from the first copy to the second copy. The core feature of a twisted graph is its unique Hamiltonian path, which is useful to prove many properties of twisted cubes. In particular, the reflexive transitive closure of a twisted graph is isomorphic to the simplex graph counterpart, which remarkably suggests that twisted cubes not only relate to (standard) cubes but also simplices.Comment: PhD thesis (accepted at the University of Nottingham), 162 page

    The Marriage of Univalence and Parametricity

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    International audienceReasoning modulo equivalences is natural for everyone, including mathematicians. Unfortunately, in proof assistants based on type theory, which are frequently used to mechanize mathematical results and carry out program verification efforts, equality is appallingly syntactic and, as a result, exploiting equivalences is cumbersome at best. Parametricity and univalence are two major concepts that have been explored in the literature to transport programs and proofs across type equivalences, but they fall short of achieving seamless, automatic transport. This work first clarifies the limitations of these two concepts when considered in isolation, and then devises a fruitful marriage between both. The resulting concept, called univalent parametricity, is an extension of parametricity strengthened with univalence that fully realizes programming and proving modulo equivalences. Our approach handles both type and term dependency, as well as type-level computation. In addition to the theory of univalent parametricity, we present a lightweight framework implemented in the Coq proof assistant that allows the user to transparently transfer definitions and theorems for a type to an equivalent one, as if they were equal. For instance, this makes it possible to conveniently switch between an easy-to-reason-about representation and a computationally-efficient representation, as soon as they are proven equivalent. The combination of parametricity and univalence supports transport Ă  la carte: basic univalent transport, which stems from a type equivalence, can be complemented with additional proofs of equivalences between functions over these types, in order to be able to transport more programs and proofs, as well as to yield more efficient terms. We illustrate the use of univalent parametricity on several examples, including a recent integration of native integers in Coq. This work paves the way to easier-to-use proof assistants by supporting seamless programming and proving modulo equivalences

    Twisted Cubes and their Applications in Type Theory

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    This thesis captures the ongoing development of twisted cubes, which is a modification of cubes (in a topological sense) where its homotopy type theory does not require paths or higher paths to be invertible. My original motivation to develop the twisted cubes was to resolve the incompatibility between cubical type theory and directed type theory. The development of twisted cubes is still in the early stages and the intermediate goal, for now, is to define a twisted cube category and its twisted cubical sets that can be used to construct a potential definition of (infinity, n)-categories. The intermediate goal above leads me to discover a novel framework that uses graph theory to transform convex polytopes, such as simplices and (standard) cubes, into base categories. Intuitively, an n-dimensional polytope is transformed into a directed graph consists 0-faces (extreme points) of the polytope as its nodes and 1-faces of the polytope as its edges. Then, we define the base category as the full subcategory of the graph category induced by the family of these graphs from all n-dimensional cases. With this framework, the modification from cubes to twisted cubes can formally be done by reversing some edges of cube graphs. Equivalently, the twisted n-cube graph is the result of a certain endofunctor being applied n times to the singleton graph; this endofunctor (called twisted prism functor) duplicates the input, reverses all edges in the first copy, and then pairwisely links nodes from the first copy to the second copy. The core feature of a twisted graph is its unique Hamiltonian path, which is useful to prove many properties of twisted cubes. In particular, the reflexive transitive closure of a twisted graph is isomorphic to the simplex graph counterpart, which remarkably suggests that twisted cubes not only relate to (standard) cubes but also simplices

    Twisted Cubes and their Applications in Type Theory

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    This thesis captures the ongoing development of twisted cubes, which is a modification of cubes (in a topological sense) where its homotopy type theory does not require paths or higher paths to be invertible. My original motivation to develop the twisted cubes was to resolve the incompatibility between cubical type theory and directed type theory. The development of twisted cubes is still in the early stages and the intermediate goal, for now, is to define a twisted cube category and its twisted cubical sets that can be used to construct a potential definition of (infinity, n)-categories. The intermediate goal above leads me to discover a novel framework that uses graph theory to transform convex polytopes, such as simplices and (standard) cubes, into base categories. Intuitively, an n-dimensional polytope is transformed into a directed graph consists 0-faces (extreme points) of the polytope as its nodes and 1-faces of the polytope as its edges. Then, we define the base category as the full subcategory of the graph category induced by the family of these graphs from all n-dimensional cases. With this framework, the modification from cubes to twisted cubes can formally be done by reversing some edges of cube graphs. Equivalently, the twisted n-cube graph is the result of a certain endofunctor being applied n times to the singleton graph; this endofunctor (called twisted prism functor) duplicates the input, reverses all edges in the first copy, and then pairwisely links nodes from the first copy to the second copy. The core feature of a twisted graph is its unique Hamiltonian path, which is useful to prove many properties of twisted cubes. In particular, the reflexive transitive closure of a twisted graph is isomorphic to the simplex graph counterpart, which remarkably suggests that twisted cubes not only relate to (standard) cubes but also simplices