8 research outputs found

    Towards Zero-Waste Furniture Design

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    In traditional design, shapes are first conceived, and then fabricated. While this decoupling simplifies the design process, it can result in inefficient material usage, especially where off-cut pieces are hard to reuse. The designer, in absence of explicit feedback on material usage remains helpless to effectively adapt the design -- even though design variabilities exist. In this paper, we investigate {\em waste minimizing furniture design} wherein based on the current design, the user is presented with design variations that result in more effective usage of materials. Technically, we dynamically analyze material space layout to determine {\em which} parts to change and {\em how}, while maintaining original design intent specified in the form of design constraints. We evaluate the approach on simple and complex furniture design scenarios, and demonstrate effective material usage that is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve without computational support

    Learning Gradient Fields for Scalable and Generalizable Irregular Packing

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    The packing problem, also known as cutting or nesting, has diverse applications in logistics, manufacturing, layout design, and atlas generation. It involves arranging irregularly shaped pieces to minimize waste while avoiding overlap. Recent advances in machine learning, particularly reinforcement learning, have shown promise in addressing the packing problem. In this work, we delve deeper into a novel machine learning-based approach that formulates the packing problem as conditional generative modeling. To tackle the challenges of irregular packing, including object validity constraints and collision avoidance, our method employs the score-based diffusion model to learn a series of gradient fields. These gradient fields encode the correlations between constraint satisfaction and the spatial relationships of polygons, learned from teacher examples. During the testing phase, packing solutions are generated using a coarse-to-fine refinement mechanism guided by the learned gradient fields. To enhance packing feasibility and optimality, we introduce two key architectural designs: multi-scale feature extraction and coarse-to-fine relation extraction. We conduct experiments on two typical industrial packing domains, considering translations only. Empirically, our approach demonstrates spatial utilization rates comparable to, or even surpassing, those achieved by the teacher algorithm responsible for training data generation. Additionally, it exhibits some level of generalization to shape variations. We are hopeful that this method could pave the way for new possibilities in solving the packing problem

    Printgets: an Open-Source Toolbox for Designing Vibrotactile Widgets with Industrial-Grade Printed Actuators and Sensors

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    International audienceNew technologies for printing sensors and actuators combine the flexibility of interface layouts of touchscreens with localized vibrotactile feedback, but their fabrication still requires industrial-grade facilities. Until these technologies become easily replicable, interaction designers need material for ideation. We propose an open-source hardware and software toolbox providing maker-grade tools for iterative design of vibrotactile widgets with industrial-grade printed sensors and actuators. Our hardware toolbox provides a mechanical structure to clamp and stretch printed sheets, and electronic boards to drive sensors and actuators. Our software toolbox expands the design space of haptic interaction techniques by reusing the wide palette of available audio processing algorithms to generate real-time vibrotactile signals. We validate our toolbox with the implementation of three exemplar interface elements with tactile feedback: buttons, sliders, touchpads

    String-Actuated Curved Folded Surfaces

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    Curved folded surfaces, given their ability to produce elegant freeform shapes by folding flat sheets etched with curved creases, hold a special place in computational Origami. Artists and designers have proposed a wide variety of different fold patterns to create a range of interesting surfaces. The creative process, design, as well as fabrication is usually only concerned with the static surface that emerges once folding has completed. Folding such patterns, however, is difficult as multiple creases have to be folded simultaneously to obtain a properly folded target shape. We introduce string actuated curved folded surfaces that can be shaped by pulling a network of strings, thus, vastly simplifying the process of creating such surfaces and making the folding motion an integral part of the design. Technically, we solve the problem of which surface points to string together and how to actuate them by locally expressing a desired folding path in the space of isometric shape deformations in terms of novel string actuation modes. We demonstrate the validity of our approach by computing string actuation networks for a range of well-known crease patterns and testing their effectiveness on physical prototypes. All the examples in this article can be downloaded for personal use from http://geometry.cs.ucl.ac.uk/projects/2017/string-actuated/

    Computational fabrication guided by function and material usage

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    This thesis introduces novel computational design paradigms for digital fabrication guided by function and material usage. With these approaches, the users can design prototypes of mechanical objects by specifying high-level functions of the objects, instead of manipulating low-level geometric details. These methods also provide the users with design suggestions which minimise material wastage during the design process. The benefit of these approaches is that the users can focus on the exploration of the design space without worrying about the realisability of the design or efficient material usage. The shallow exploration of the design space due to the lack of guidance of the users in terms of function and material usage has been one of the most critical obstacles to achieving good designs using existing design tools. We verify this hypothesis by designing and fabricating a variety of objects using our computational tools. The main contributions of the thesis are (i) clearly defined sets of constraints regarding function and material usage in the design and fabrication process, (ii) novel optimisation methods for generating designs subject to the constraints and (iii) computational tools which guide the users to design objects that satisfy the constraints

    Towards Zero-Waste Furniture Design

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