2 research outputs found


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    The Philippines’ Advanced Science and Technology Institute under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-ASTI) has developed an AI-based and near real-time flood extent mapping service that utilizes C-Band Sentinel-1 SAR images. However, this method is limited by the availability of the Sentinel-1 images during flooding events. To address this issue, the institute, through its SARwAIS Project, utilized the S-Band NovaSAR-1 satellite, which was designed and launched by Surrey Satellite Technology, Ltd. With a 10% share to NovaSAR-1’s imaging capacity, the country can task image acquisitions that could help augment the Sentinel-1 datasets. Successfully captured images are prepared using the institute’s developed pre-processing workflow. Afterwards, a thresholding method, adopted from UN-SPIDER’s recommended practices for flood mapping, is employed to identify potentially flooded areas from these images. Generated products are then assessed to determine their relative accuracy in detecting potential floods. Satisfactory products are then distributed to relevant disaster management agencies and are also published in the agency’s social media page for further information dissemination. Python scripts were then developed to automate the established workflows, which were initially done manually. These scripts also help expedite the generation of flood maps especially when processing multiple SAR images. The acquisition and utilization of NovaSAR-1 images substantially help the country address the gaps on the availability of workable data for a more informative disaster response especially during flooding events

    Aplicacions de Dades Copernicus per analitzar canvis en les cobertes del sòl

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    Aquest treball estudia dos casos d'ús de dades Copernicus per a fer una anàlisi dels canvis de les cobertes del sòl amb diverses metodologies d'anàlisi, en el cas del control de la mineria i el de l'evolució de les inundacions. S'ha realitzat un estudi del canvi de les cobertes del sòl, des de 2016 fins al 2018, d'una mina il·legal a Colòmbia; on es donarà a conèixer la desforestació generada i es presentarà al Govern de Colòmbia. D'altra banda, pel que fa al seguiment de les inundacions de la crescuda del riu Ebre, de l'abril de 2018, s'ha fet una comparativa de diverses metodologies de detecció de l'aigua superficial per conèixer els diferents avantatges i desavantatges de cadascuna d'elles i determinar quina resulta més eficientEste trabajo estudia dos casos de uso de datos Copernicus para el análisis de los cambios de cubiertas del suelo en distintas metodologías de análisis, el caso de la minería i en la evolución de las inundaciones. Se ha realizado un estudio del cambio de cubiertas del suelo, des de 2016 hasta 2018, de una mina ilegal de Colombia; donde se dará a conocer la desforestación generada i se presentará al Gobierno de Colombia. Por otro lado, se hará un seguimiento de las inundaciones de la crecida del Ebro de abril de 2018, donde se ha realizado una comparativa de metodologías de detección del agua superficial para conocer las ventajas y contras de cada una para determinar la más eficienteIn this paper, two examples of applications from the Copernicus Program will be shown for the analysis of soil cover changes in different analysis methodologies; the case of mining and the evolution of floods. A study of the change in land cover, from 2016 to 2018, of an illegal mine of Colombia; where the deforestation generated will be announced and will be presented to the Colombian Government. On the other hand, the flooding of the Ebro river flood in April 2018, where a comparison of surface water detection methodologies has been carried out to know the advantages and cons of each one, to determine the most efficien