444 research outputs found

    Making Sense of Blockchain Applications:A Typology for HCI

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    Blockchain is an emerging infrastructural technology that is proposed to fundamentally transform the ways in which people transact, trust, collaborate, organize and identify themselves. In this paper, we construct a typology of emerging blockchain applications, consider the domains in which they are applied, and identify distinguishing features of this new technology. We argue that there is a unique role for the HCI community in linking the design and application of blockchain technology towards lived experience and the articulation of human values. In particular, we note how the accounting of transactions, a trust in immutable code and algorithms, and the leveraging of distributed crowds and publics around vast interoperable databases all relate to longstanding issues of importance for the field. We conclude by highlighting core conceptual and methodological challenges for HCI researchers beginning to work with blockchain and distributed ledger technologies

    Enabling DApps Data Exchange with Hardware-Assisted Secure Oracle Network

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    Decentralized applications (dApps), enabled by the blockchain and smart contract technology, are known for allowing distrustful parties to execute business logic without relying on a central authority. Compared to regular applications, dApps offer a wide range of benefits, including security by design, trustless transactions, and resistance to censorship. However, dApps need to access real-world data to achieve their full potential, relying on the data oracles. Oracles act as bridges between blockchains and the outside world, providing essential data to the smart contracts that power dApps. A significant challenge in integrating oracles into the dApp ecosystem is the Oracle Problem, which arises from the difficulty of securely and reliably providing off-chain data to smart contracts. Trust issues, centralization risks, and data manipulation are some concerns of the Oracle Problem. Addressing these challenges is vital for the continued growth and success of dApps. In this paper, we propose DEXO, a novel decentralized oracle mechanism designed to tackle the oracle problem by leveraging the power of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and secure attestation mechanisms. DEXO aims to provide a more transparent, decentralized, and trustworthy solution for incorporating external data into dApps, ensuring that the data originates from regular, trustworthy dApp users. By empowering dApp users and developers to contribute diverse data types, DEXO fosters a more dynamic and enriched ecosystem. The proposed DEXO network not only addresses the challenges posed by the Oracle Problem but also encourages greater trust and confidence in the data provided to dApps, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience and promoting further growth in the decentralized application space
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