8 research outputs found

    Review of Facial Recognition and Liveness Detect

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    Facial recognition technology has been dramatically integrated into almost all the aspects of human life, such as mobile payment, identification applications, security management, and criminal cases, etc. However, these applications can be easily fooled by deliberate spoofing strategies. To ensure the identifications of users and avoid being spoofed are the central cores of this technology. As a result, its safeness and accuracy issues attract researchers to dig into this field. In terms of present existing deception and spoofing strategies, liveness detection plays a significant role in improving the robustness of facial recognition techniques. This paper will summarize the current mainstream facial recognition technology methods. The basic ideas, methods, implementations, and corresponding drawbacks of current facial recognition methods are in this paper. The future trends of facial recognition and liveness detection are also discussed and concluded

    Cross-Quality LFW: A Database for Analyzing Cross-Resolution Image Face Recognition in Unconstrained Environments

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    Real-world face recognition applications often deal with suboptimal image quality or resolution due to different capturing conditions such as various subject-to-camera distances, poor camera settings, or motion blur. This characteristic has an unignorable effect on performance. Recent cross-resolution face recognition approaches used simple, arbitrary, and unrealistic down- and up-scaling techniques to measure robustness against real-world edge-cases in image quality. Thus, we propose a new standardized benchmark dataset and evaluation protocol derived from the famous Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW). In contrast to previous derivatives, which focus on pose, age, similarity, and adversarial attacks, our Cross-Quality Labeled Faces in the Wild (XQLFW) maximizes the quality difference. It contains only more realistic synthetically degraded images when necessary. Our proposed dataset is then used to further investigate the influence of image quality on several state-of-the-art approaches. With XQLFW, we show that these models perform differently in cross-quality cases, and hence, the generalizing capability is not accurately predicted by their performance on LFW. Additionally, we report baseline accuracy with recent deep learning models explicitly trained for cross-resolution applications and evaluate the susceptibility to image quality. To encourage further research in cross-resolution face recognition and incite the assessment of image quality robustness, we publish the database and code for evaluation.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Face Recognition using Deep Learning and TensorFlow framework

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    Detecting human faces and recognizing faces and facial expressions have always been an area of interest for different applications such as games, utilities and even security. With the advancement of machine learning, the techniques of detection and recognition have become more accurate and precise than ever before. However, machine learning remains a relatively complex field that could feel intimidating or inaccessible to many of us. Luckily, in the last couple of years, several organizations and open-source communities have been developing tools and libraries that help abstract the complex mathematical algorithms in order to encourage developers to easily create learning models and train them using any programming languages. As part of this project, we will create a Face Detection framework in Python built on top of the work of several open-source projects and models with the hope to reduce the entry barrier for developers and to encourage them to focus more on developing innovative applications that make use of face detection and recognition

    Causality-Inspired Taxonomy for Explainable Artificial Intelligence

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    As two sides of the same coin, causality and explainable artificial intelligence (xAI) were initially proposed and developed with different goals. However, the latter can only be complete when seen through the lens of the causality framework. As such, we propose a novel causality-inspired framework for xAI that creates an environment for the development of xAI approaches. To show its applicability, biometrics was used as case study. For this, we have analysed 81 research papers on a myriad of biometric modalities and different tasks. We have categorised each of these methods according to our novel xAI Ladder and discussed the future directions of the field