18 research outputs found

    Towards Speech Emotion Recognition "in the wild" using Aggregated Corpora and Deep Multi-Task Learning

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    One of the challenges in Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) "in the wild" is the large mismatch between training and test data (e.g. speakers and tasks). In order to improve the generalisation capabilities of the emotion models, we propose to use Multi-Task Learning (MTL) and use gender and naturalness as auxiliary tasks in deep neural networks. This method was evaluated in within-corpus and various cross-corpus classification experiments that simulate conditions "in the wild". In comparison to Single-Task Learning (STL) based state of the art methods, we found that our MTL method proposed improved performance significantly. Particularly, models using both gender and naturalness achieved more gains than those using either gender or naturalness separately. This benefit was also found in the high-level representations of the feature space, obtained from our method proposed, where discriminative emotional clusters could be observed.Comment: Published in the proceedings of INTERSPEECH, Stockholm, September, 201

    Towards Speech Emotion Recognition "in the wild" using Aggregated Corpora and Deep Multi-Task Learning

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    One of the challenges in Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) "in the wild" is the large mismatch between training and test data (e.g. speakers and tasks). In order to improve the generalisation capabilities of the emotion models, we propose to use Multi-Task Learning (MTL) and use gender and naturalness as auxiliary tasks in deep neural networks. This method was evaluated in within-corpus and various cross-corpus classification experiments that simulate conditions "in the wild". In comparison to Single-Task Learning (STL) based state of the art methods, we found that our MTL method proposed improved performance significantly. Particularly, models using both gender and naturalness achieved more gains than those using either gender or naturalness separately. This benefit was also found in the high-level representations of the feature space, obtained from our method proposed, where discriminative emotional clusters could be observed

    Planning Based System for Child-Robot Interaction in Dynamic Play Environments

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    This paper describes the initial steps towards the design of a robotic system that intends to perform actions autonomously in a naturalistic play environment. At the same time it aims for social human-robot interaction~(HRI), focusing on children. We draw on existing theories of child development and on dimensional models of emotions to explore the design of a dynamic interaction framework for natural child-robot interaction. In this dynamic setting, the social HRI is defined by the ability of the system to take into consideration the socio-emotional state of the user and to plan appropriately by selecting appropriate strategies for execution. The robot needs a temporal planning system, which combines features of task-oriented actions and principles of social human robot interaction. We present initial results of an empirical study for the evaluation of the proposed framework in the context of a collaborative sorting game

    Learning spectro-temporal features with 3D CNNs for speech emotion recognition

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    In this paper, we propose to use deep 3-dimensional convolutional networks (3D CNNs) in order to address the challenge of modelling spectro-temporal dynamics for speech emotion recognition (SER). Compared to a hybrid of Convolutional Neural Network and Long-Short-Term-Memory (CNN-LSTM), our proposed 3D CNNs simultaneously extract short-term and long-term spectral features with a moderate number of parameters. We evaluated our proposed and other state-of-the-art methods in a speaker-independent manner using aggregated corpora that give a large and diverse set of speakers. We found that 1) shallow temporal and moderately deep spectral kernels of a homogeneous architecture are optimal for the task; and 2) our 3D CNNs are more effective for spectro-temporal feature learning compared to other methods. Finally, we visualised the feature space obtained with our proposed method using t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding (T-SNE) and could observe distinct clusters of emotions.Comment: ACII, 2017, San Antoni

    Speaking of Trust -- Speech as a Measure of Trust

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    Since trust measures in human-robot interaction are often subjective or not possible to implement real-time, we propose to use speech cues (on what, when and how the user talks) as an objective real-time measure of trust. This could be implemented in the robot to calibrate towards appropriate trust. However, we would like to open the discussion on how to deal with the ethical implications surrounding this trust measure.Comment: in TRAITS Workshop Proceedings (arXiv:2103.12679) held in conjunction with Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, March 2021, Pages 709-71

    Does your robot know? Enhancing children's information retrieval through spoken conversation with responsible robots

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    In this paper, we identify challenges in children's current information retrieval process, and propose conversational robots as an opportunity to ease this process in a responsible way. Tools children currently use in this process, such as search engines on a computer or voice agents, do not always meet their specific needs. The conversational robot we propose maintains context, asks clarifying questions, and gives suggestions in order to better meet children's needs. Since children are often too trusting of robots, we propose to have the robot measure, monitor and adapt to the trust the child has in the robot. This way, we hope to induce a critical attitude with the children during their information retrieval process.Comment: IR4Children'21 workshop at SIGIR 2021 - http://www.fab4.science/IR4C

    Ladder Networks for Emotion Recognition: Using Unsupervised Auxiliary Tasks to Improve Predictions of Emotional Attributes

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    Recognizing emotions using few attribute dimensions such as arousal, valence and dominance provides the flexibility to effectively represent complex range of emotional behaviors. Conventional methods to learn these emotional descriptors primarily focus on separate models to recognize each of these attributes. Recent work has shown that learning these attributes together regularizes the models, leading to better feature representations. This study explores new forms of regularization by adding unsupervised auxiliary tasks to reconstruct hidden layer representations. This auxiliary task requires the denoising of hidden representations at every layer of an auto-encoder. The framework relies on ladder networks that utilize skip connections between encoder and decoder layers to learn powerful representations of emotional dimensions. The results show that ladder networks improve the performance of the system compared to baselines that individually learn each attribute, and conventional denoising autoencoders. Furthermore, the unsupervised auxiliary tasks have promising potential to be used in a semi-supervised setting, where few labeled sentences are available.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 201