3 research outputs found

    A Big-Data based and process-oriented decision support system for traffic management

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    Data analysis and monitoring of road networks in terms of reliability and performance are valuable but hard to achieve, especially when the analytical information has to be available to decision makers on time. The gathering and analysis of the observable facts can be used to infer knowledge about traffic congestion over time and gain insights into the roads safety. However, the continuous monitoring of live traffic information produces a vast amount of data that makes it difficult for business intelligence (BI) tools to generate metrics and key performance indicators (KPI) in nearly real-time. In order to overcome these limitations, we propose the application of a big-data based and process-centric approach that integrates with operational traffic information systems to give insights into the road network's efficiency. This paper demonstrates how the adoption of an existent process-oriented DSS solution with big-data support can be leveraged to monitor and analyse live traffic data on an acceptable response time basis.publishedVersio

    Performance Modeling and Optimization of Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Systems

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    Cloud computing offers on-demand network access to the computing resources through virtualization. This paradigm shifts the computer resources to the cloud, which results in cost savings as the users leasing instead of owning these resources. Clouds will also provide power constrained mobile users accessibility to the computing resources. In this thesis, we develop performance models of these systems and optimization of their resource allocation. In the performance modeling, we assume that jobs arrive to the system according to a Poisson process and they may have quite general service time distributions. Each job may consist of multiple number of tasks with each task requiring a virtual machine (VM) for its execution. The size of a job is determined by the number of its tasks, which may be a constant or a variable. In the case of constant job size, we allow different classes of jobs, with each class being determined through their arrival and service rates and number of tasks in a job. In the variable case a job generates randomly new tasks during its service time. The latter requires dynamic assignment of VMs to a job, which will be needed in providing service to mobile users. We model the systems with both constant and variable size jobs using birth-death processes. In the case of constant job size, we determined joint probability distribution of the number of jobs from each class in the system, job blocking probabilities and distribution of the utilization of resources for systems with both homogeneous and heterogeneous types of VMs. We have also analyzed tradeoffs for turning idle servers off for power saving. In the case of variable job sizes, we have determined distribution of the number of jobs in the system and average service time of a job for systems with both infinite and finite amount of resources. We have presented numerical results and any approximations are verified by simulation. The performance results may be used in the dimensioning of cloud computing centers. Next, we have developed an optimization model that determines the job schedule, which minimizes the total power consumption of a cloud computing center. It is assumed that power consumption in a computing center is due to communications and server activities. We have assumed a distributed model, where a job may be assigned VMs on different servers, referred to as fragmented service. In this model, communications among the VMs of a job on different servers is proportional to the product of the number of VMs assigned to the job on each pair of servers which results in a quadratic network power consumption in number of job fragments. Then, we have applied integer quadratic programming and the column generation method to solve the optimization problem for large scale systems in conjunction with two different algorithms to reduce the complexity and the amount of time needed to obtain the solution. In the second phase of this work, we have formulated this optimization problem as a function of discrete-time. At each discrete-time, the job load of the system consists of new arriving jobs during the present slot and unfinished jobs from the previous slots. We have developed a technique to solve this optimization problem with full, partial and no migration of the old jobs in the system. Numerical results show that this optimization results in significant operating costs savings in the cloud computing systems

    Towards scalable traffic management in cloud data centers

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    Cloud Computing is becoming a mainstream paradigm, as organizations, large and small, begin to harness its benefits. This novel technology brings new challenges, mostly in the protocols that govern its underlying infrastructure. Traffic engineering in cloud data centers is one of these challenges that has attracted attention from the research community, particularly since the legacy protocols employed in data centers offer limited and unscalable traffic management. Many advocated for the use of VLANs as a way to provide scalable traffic management, however, finding the optimal traffic split between VLANs is the well known NP-Complete VLAN assignment problem. The size of the search space of the VLAN assignment problem is huge, even for small size networks. This paper introduce a novel decomposition approach to solve the VLAN mapping problem in cloud data centers through column generation. Column generation is an effective technique that is proven to reach optimality by exploring only a small subset of the search space. We introduce both an exact and a semi-heuristic decomposition with the objective to achieve load balancing by minimizing the maximum link load in the network. Our numerical results have shown that our approach explores less than 1% of the available search space, with an optimality gap of at most 4%. We have also compared and assessed the performance of our decomposition model and state of the art protocols in traffic engineering. This comparative analysis proves that our model attains encouraging gain over its peers. 2014 IEEE.Scopu