4 research outputs found

    Forschungsdatenmanagement an der ETH Zürich: Ansätze und Wirkung

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    Nicht nur die komplexer werdenden Arbeitsprozesse in der Forschung, sondern auch Vorgaben von Geldgebern machen ein professionelles Datenmanagement erforderlich. Die ETH Zürich unterstützt ihre Forschenden auf vielfältige Weise. Der Artikel beschreibt konkrete technische Lösungen die im Einsatz sind, sowie das Beratungs- und Kursangebot der ETH Zürich. Statistiken zeigen, welche Kundengruppen erreicht werden und wo noch Handlungsbedarf besteht.Not only the increasingly complex methods in research, but also the policies implemented by funding agencies make professional data management a necessity. ETH Zurich supports its researchers in many ways. The article describes concrete technical solutions in use, as well as the consulting and course offerings of ETH Zurich. Survey data show which customer groups the available services already reach and where further action is still required

    Towards Narrowing the Curation Gap—Theoretical Considerations and Lessons Learned from Decades of Practice

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    Research as a digital enterprise has created new, often poorly addressed challenges for the management and curation of research to ensure continuity, transparency, and accountability. There is a common misunderstanding that curation can be considered at a later point in the research cycle or delegated or that it is too burdensome or too expensive due to a lack of efficient tools. This creates a curation gap between research practice and curation needs. We argue that this gap can be narrowed if curators provide attractive support that befits research needs and if researchers consistently manage their work according to generic concepts consistently from the beginning. A rather uniquely long-term case study demonstrates how such concepts have helped to pragmatically implement a research practice intentionally using only minimalist tools for sustained, self-contained archiving since 1989. The paper sketches the concepts underlying three core research activities. (i) handling of research data, (ii) reference management as part of scholarly publishing, and (iii) advancing theories through modelling and simulation. These concepts represent a universally transferable best research practice, while technical details are obviously prone to continuous change. We hope it stimulates researchers to manage research similarly and that curators gain a better understanding of the curation challenges research practice actually faces.ISSN:2220-996

    Towards Narrowing the Curation Gap—Theoretical Considerations and Lessons Learned from Decades of Practice

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    Research as a digital enterprise has created new, often poorly addressed challenges for the management and curation of research to ensure continuity, transparency, and accountability. There is a common misunderstanding that curation can be considered at a later point in the research cycle or delegated or that it is too burdensome or too expensive due to a lack of efficient tools. This creates a curation gap between research practice and curation needs. We argue that this gap can be narrowed if curators provide attractive support that befits research needs and if researchers consistently manage their work according to generic concepts consistently from the beginning. A rather uniquely long-term case study demonstrates how such concepts have helped to pragmatically implement a research practice intentionally using only minimalist tools for sustained, self-contained archiving since 1989. The paper sketches the concepts underlying three core research activities. (i) handling of research data, (ii) reference management as part of scholarly publishing, and (iii) advancing theories through modelling and simulation. These concepts represent a universally transferable best research practice, while technical details are obviously prone to continuous change. We hope it stimulates researchers to manage research similarly and that curators gain a better understanding of the curation challenges research practice actually faces

    Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography

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    This e-book includes over 800 selected English-language articles and books that are useful in understanding the curation of digital research data in academic and other research institutions. It covers topics such as research data creation, acquisition, metadata, provenance, repositories, management, policies, support services, funding agency requirements, open access, peer review, publication, citation, sharing, reuse, and preservation. It has live links to included works. Abstracts are included in this bibliography if a work is under certain Creative Commons Licenses. This book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Cite as: Bailey, Charles W., Jr. Research Data Curation and Management Bibliography. Houston: Digital Scholarship, 2021