7 research outputs found

    Fuzzy rule-based transfer learning for label space adaptation

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    © 2017 IEEE. As the age of big data approaches, methods of massive scale data management are rapidly evolving. The traditional machine learning methods can no longer satisfy the exponential development of big data; there is a common assumption in these data-driving methods that the distribution of both the training data and testing data should be equivalent. A model built using today's data will not adequately address the classification tasks tomorrow if the distribution of the data item values has changed. Transfer learning is emerging as a solution to this issue, and many methods have been proposed. Few of the existing methods, however, explicitly indicate the solution to the case where the labels' distributions in two domains are different. This work proposes the fuzzy rule-based methods to deal with transfer learning problems where the discrepancy between the two domains shows in the label spaces. The presented methods are validated in both the synthetic and real-world datasets, and the experimental results verify the effectiveness of the introduced methods

    Granular Fuzzy Regression Domain Adaptation in Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models

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    © 1993-2012 IEEE. In classical data-driven machine learning methods, massive amounts of labeled data are required to build a high-performance prediction model. However, the amount of labeled data in many real-world applications is insufficient, so establishing a prediction model is impossible. Transfer learning has recently emerged as a solution to this problem. It exploits the knowledge accumulated in auxiliary domains to help construct prediction models in a target domain with inadequate training data. Most existing transfer learning methods solve classification tasks; only a few are devoted to regression problems. In addition, the current methods ignore the inherent phenomenon of information granularity in transfer learning. In this study, granular computing techniques are applied to transfer learning. Three granular fuzzy regression domain adaptation methods to determine the estimated values for a regression target are proposed to address three challenging cases in domain adaptation. The proposed granular fuzzy regression domain adaptation methods change the input and/or output space of the source domain's model using space transformation, so that the fuzzy rules are more compatible with the target data. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods

    Transfer Learning using Computational Intelligence: A Survey

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    Abstract Transfer learning aims to provide a framework to utilize previously-acquired knowledge to solve new but similar problems much more quickly and effectively. In contrast to classical machine learning methods, transfer learning methods exploit the knowledge accumulated from data in auxiliary domains to facilitate predictive modeling consisting of different data patterns in the current domain. To improve the performance of existing transfer learning methods and handle the knowledge transfer process in real-world systems, ..

    Multistep Fuzzy Bridged Refinement Domain Adaptation Algorithm and Its Application to Bank Failure Prediction

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    © 2015 IEEE. Machine learning plays an important role in data classification and data-based prediction. In some real-world applications, however, the training data (coming from the source domain) and test data (from the target domain) come from different domains or time periods, and this may result in the different distributions of some features. Moreover, the values of the features and/or labels of the datasets might be nonnumeric and involve vague values. Traditional learning-based prediction and classification methods cannot handle these two issues. In this study, we propose a multistep fuzzy bridged refinement domain adaptation algorithm, which offers an effective way to deal with both issues. It utilizes a concept of similarity to modify the labels of the target instances that were initially predicted by a shift-unaware model. It then refines the labels using instances that are most similar to a given target instance. These instances are extracted from mixture domains composed of source and target domains. The proposed algorithm is built on a basis of some data and refines the labels, thus performing completely independently of the shift-unaware prediction model. The algorithm uses a fuzzy set-based approach to deal with the vague values of the features and labels. Four different datasets are used in the experiments to validate the proposed algorithm. The results, which are compared with those generated by the existing domain adaptation methods, demonstrate a significant improvement in prediction accuracy in both the above-mentioned datasets

    Fuzzy Transfer Learning

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    The use of machine learning to predict output from data, using a model, is a well studied area. There are, however, a number of real-world applications that require a model to be produced but have little or no data available of the specific environment. These situations are prominent in Intelligent Environments (IEs). The sparsity of the data can be a result of the physical nature of the implementation, such as sensors placed into disaster recovery scenarios, or where the focus of the data acquisition is on very defined user groups, in the case of disabled individuals. Standard machine learning approaches focus on a need for training data to come from the same domain. The restrictions of the physical nature of these environments can severely reduce data acquisition making it extremely costly, or in certain situations, impossible. This impedes the ability of these approaches to model the environments. It is this problem, in the area of IEs, that this thesis is focussed. To address complex and uncertain environments, humans have learnt to use previously acquired information to reason and understand their surroundings. Knowledge from different but related domains can be used to aid the ability to learn. For example, the ability to ride a road bicycle can help when acquiring the more sophisticated skills of mountain biking. This humanistic approach to learning can be used to tackle real-world problems where a-priori labelled training data is either difficult or not possible to gain. The transferral of knowledge from a related, but differing context can allow for the reuse and repurpose of known information. In this thesis, a novel composition of methods are brought together that are broadly based on a humanist approach to learning. Two concepts, Transfer Learning (TL) and Fuzzy Logic (FL) are combined in a framework, Fuzzy Transfer Learning (FuzzyTL), to address the problem of learning tasks that have no prior direct contextual knowledge. Through the use of a FL based learning method, uncertainty that is evident in dynamic environments is represented. By combining labelled data from a contextually related source task, and little or no unlabelled data from a target task, the framework is shown to be able to accomplish predictive tasks using models learned from contextually different data. The framework incorporates an additional novel five stage online adaptation process. By adapting the underlying fuzzy structure through the use of previous labelled knowledge and new unlabelled information, an increase in predictive performance is shown. The framework outlined is applied to two differing real-world IEs to demonstrate its ability to predict in uncertain and dynamic environments. Through a series of experiments, it is shown that the framework is capable of predicting output using differing contextual data

    Towards fuzzy transfer learning for intelligent environments

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    By their very nature, Intelligent Environments (IE’s) are infused with complexity, unreliability and uncertainty due to a combination of sensor noise and the human element. The quantity, type and availability of data to model these applications can be a major issue. Each situation is contextually different and constantly changing. The dynamic nature of the implementations present a challenging problem when attempting to model or learn a model of the environment. Training data to construct the model must be within the same feature space and have the same distribution as the target task data, however this is often highly costly and time consuming. There can even be occurrences were a complete lack of labelled target data occurs. It is within these situations that our study is focussed. In this paper we propose a framework to dynamically model IE’s through the use of data sets from differing feature spaces and domains. The framework is constructed using a novel Fuzzy Transfer Learning (FuzzyTL) process. The use of a FuzzyTL algorithm allows for a source of labelled data to improve the learning of an alternative context task. We will demonstrate the application of an Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to produce a model from a source Intelligent Environment (IE) which can provide the knowledge for a differing target context. We will investigate the use of FuzzyTL within differing contextual distributions through the use of temporal and spatial alternative domains