427 research outputs found

    Energy-Efficient β

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    As the first priority of query processing in wireless sensor networks is to save the limited energy of sensor nodes and in many sensing applications a part of skyline result is enough for the user’s requirement, calculating the exact skyline is not energy-efficient relatively. Therefore, a new approximate skyline query, β-approximate skyline query which is limited by a guaranteed error bound, is proposed in this paper. With an objective to reduce the communication cost in evaluating β-approximate skyline queries, we also propose an energy-efficient processing algorithm using mapping and filtering strategies, named Actual Approximate Skyline (AAS). And more than that, an extended algorithm named Hypothetical Approximate Skyline (HAS) which replaces the real tuples with the hypothetical ones is proposed to further reduce the communication cost. Extensive experiments on synthetic data have demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed approaches with various experimental settings

    Pheromone-based In-Network Processing for wireless sensor network monitoring systems

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    Monitoring spatio-temporal continuous fields using wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has emerged as a novel solution. An efficient data-driven routing mechanism for sensor querying and information gathering in large-scale WSNs is a challenging problem. In particular, we consider the case of how to query the sensor network information with the minimum energy cost in scenarios where a small subset of sensor nodes has relevant readings. In order to deal with this problem, we propose a Pheromone-based In-Network Processing (PhINP) mechanism. The proposal takes advantages of both a pheromone-based iterative strategy to direct queries towards nodes with relevant information and query- and response-based in-network filtering to reduce the number of active nodes. Additionally, we apply reinforcement learning to improve the performance. The main contribution of this work is the proposal of a simple and efficient mechanism for information discovery and gathering. It can reduce the messages exchanged in the network, by allowing some error, in order to maximize the network lifetime. We demonstrate by extensive simulations that using PhINP mechanism the query dissemination cost can be reduced by approximately 60% over flooding, with an error below 1%, applying the same in-network filtering strategy.Fil: Riva, Guillermo Gaston. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Finochietto, Jorge Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología; Argentin

    An Energy-Efficient Skyline Query for Massively Multidimensional Sensing Data

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    Cyber physical systems (CPS) sense the environment based on wireless sensor networks. The sensing data of such systems present the characteristics of massiveness and multi-dimensionality. As one of the major monitoring methods used in in safe production monitoring and disaster early-warning applications, skyline query algorithms are extensively adopted for multiple-objective decision analysis of these sensing data. With the expansion of network sizes, the amount of sensing data increases sharply. Then, how to improve the query efficiency of skyline query algorithms and reduce the transmission energy consumption become pressing and difficult to accomplish issues. Therefore, this paper proposes a new energy-efficient skyline query method for massively multidimensional sensing data. First, the method uses a node cut strategy to dynamically generate filtering tuples with little computational overhead when collecting query results instead of issuing queries with filters. It can judge the domination relationship among different nodes, remove the detected data sets of dominated nodes that are irrelevant to the query, modify the query path dynamically, and reduce the data comparison and computational overhead. The efficient dynamic filter generated by this strategy uses little non-skyline data transmission in the network, and the transmission distance is very short. Second, our method also employs the tuple-cutting strategy inside the node and generates the local cutting tuples by the sub-tree with the node itself as the root node, which will be used to cut the detected data within the nodes of the sub-tree. Therefore, it can further control the non-skyline data uploading. A large number of experimental results show that our method can quickly return an overview of the monitored area and reduce the communication overhead. Additionally, it can shorten the response time and improve the efficiency of the query

    Wireless Sensor Networks for Fire Detection and Control

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    Due to current technological progress, the manufacturing of tiny and low price sensors became technically and economically feasible. Sensors can measure physical surroundings related to the environment and convert them into an electric signal. A huge quantity of these disposable sensors is networked to detect and monitor fire. This paper provides an analysis of utilisation of wireless sensor networks for fire detection and control

    A Smartphone-Based System for Outdoor Data Gathering Using a Wireless Beacon Network and GPS Data: From Cyber Spaces to Senseable Spaces

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and mobile devices are deeply influencing all facets of life, directly affecting the way people experience space and time. ICTs are also tools for supporting urban development, and they have also been adopted as equipment for furnishing public spaces. Hence, ICTs have created a new paradigm of hybrid space that can be defined as Senseable Spaces. Even if there are relevant cases where the adoption of ICT has made the use of public open spaces more “smart”, the interrelation and the recognition of added value need to be further developed. This is one of the motivations for the research presented in this paper. The main goal of the work reported here is the deployment of a system composed of three different connected elements (a real-world infrastructure, a data gathering system, and a data processing and analysis platform) for analysis of human behavior in the open space of Cardeto Park, in Ancona, Italy. For this purpose, and because of the complexity of this task, several actions have been carried out: the deployment of a complete real-world infrastructure in Cardeto Park, the implementation of an ad-hoc smartphone application for the gathering of participants’ data, and the development of a data pre-processing and analysis system for dealing with all the gathered data. A detailed description of these three aspects and the way in which they are connected to create a unique system is the main focus of this paper.This work has been supported by the Cost Action TU1306, called CYBERPARKS: Fostering knowledge about the relationship between Information and Communication Technologies and Public Spaces supported by strategies to improve their use and attractiveness, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the ESPHIA project (ref. TIN2014-56042-JIN) and the TARSIUS project (ref. TIN2015-71564-C4-4-R), and the Basque Country Department of Education under the BLUE project (ref. PI-2016-0010). The authors would also like to thank the staff of UbiSive s.r.l. for the support in developing the application

    Void Node Detection and Packet Re-routing in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network

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    Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have been appeared as an encouraging innovation to screen and investigate the seas in lieu of customary undersea wire line instruments. All things considered, the information social occasion of UWSNs is still seriously restricted in light of the acoustic channel correspondence attributes. One approach to improve the information assortment in UWSNs is through the plan of directing conventions thinking about the special attributes of the underwater acoustic correspondence and the exceptionally unique organization geography. In this paper, we propose the GEDAR steering convention for UWSNs. GEDAR is an anycast, geographic and deft steering convention that courses information parcels from sensor hubs to numerous sonobuoys (sinks) at the ocean's surface. At the point when the hub is in a correspondence void area, GEDAR changes to the recuperation mode strategy which depends on geography control through the profundity change of the void hubs, rather than the customary methodologies utilizing control messages to find and keep up steering ways along void locales. Reproduction results show that GEDAR altogether improves the organization execution when contrasted and the pattern arrangements, even in hard and troublesome versatile situations of inadequate and extremely thick networks and for high organization traffic loads

    The 10th Jubilee Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    Data centric storage framework for an intelligent wireless sensor network

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    In the last decade research into Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has triggered extensive growth in flexible and previously difficult to achieve scientific activities carried out in the most demanding and often remote areas of the world. This success has provoked research into new WSN related challenges including finding techniques for data management, analysis, and how to gather information from large, diverse, distributed and heterogeneous data sets. The shift in focus to research into a scalable, accessible and sustainable intelligent sensor networks reflects the ongoing improvements made in the design, development, deployment and operation of WSNs. However, one of the key and prime pre-requisites of an intelligent network is to have the ability of in-network data storage and processing which is referred to as Data Centric Storage (DCS). This research project has successfully proposed, developed and implemented a comprehensive DCS framework for WSN. Range query mechanism, similarity search, load balancing, multi-dimensional data search, as well as limited and constrained resources have driven the research focus. The architecture of the deployed network, referred to as Disk Based Data Centric Storage (DBDCS), was inspired by the magnetic disk storage platter consisting of tracks and sectors. The core contributions made in this research can be summarized as: a) An optimally synchronized routing algorithm, referred to Sector Based Distance (SBD) routing for the DBDCS architecture; b) DCS Metric based Similarity Searching (DCSMSS) with the realization of three exemplar queries – Range query, K-nearest neighbor query (KNN) and Skyline query; and c) A Decentralized Distributed Erasure Coding (DDEC) algorithm that achieves a similar level of reliability with less redundancy. SBD achieves high power efficiency whilst reducing updates and query traffic, end-to-end delay, and collisions. In order to guarantee reliability and minimizing end-to-end latency, a simple Grid Coloring Algorithm (GCA) is used to derive the time division multiple access (TDMA) schedules. The GCA uses a slot reuse concept to minimize the TDMA frame length. A performance evaluation was conducted with simulation results showing that SBD achieves a throughput enhancement by a factor of two, extension of network life time by 30%, and reduced end-to-end latency. DCSMSS takes advantage of a vector distance index, called iDistance, transforming the issue of similarity searching into the problem of an interval search in one dimension. DCSMSS balances the load across the network and provides efficient similarity searching in terms of three types of queries – range query, k-query and skyline query. Extensive simulation results reveal that DCSMSS is highly efficient and significantly outperforms previous approaches in processing similarity search queries. DDEC encoded the acquired information into n fragments and disseminated across n nodes inside a sector so that the original source packets can be recovered from any k surviving nodes. A lost fragment can also be regenerated from any d helper nodes. DDEC was evaluated against 3-Way Replication using different performance matrices. The results have highlighted that the use of erasure encoding in network storage can provide the desired level of data availability at a smaller memory overhead when compared to replication