2 research outputs found

    Towards Enabling Mobile Domain-specific Modelling

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) promotes an active use of models in all phases of software development. In this paradigm, the design and usage of Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) for modelling in a certain application area is frequent. While in MDE, modelling has been traditionally supported by desktop computers, in this position paper we analyse useful scenarios for modelling using mobile devices, like smartphones or tablets. Moreover, we present a working architecture and a prototype tool, called DSL-comet, which enable collaborative mobile modelling and integrate seamlessly desktop and mobile graphical modelling environments.Work supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (TIN2014-52129-R), the R&D programme of the Madrid Region (S2013/ICE-3006), and the EU commission (FP7-ICT-2013-10, #611125)

    Un Framework para la generaci贸n autom谩tica de ejercicios mediante t茅cnicas de mutaci贸n

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    En este trabajo se describe el dise帽o e implementaci贸n de un entorno que genera ejercicios tipo test de forma autom谩tica mediante t茅cnicas de mutaci贸n, llamado Wodel-Edu. Wodel-Edu es una extensi贸n de post-procesado para el Lenguaje de Dominio Espec铆fico (DSL) Wodel, desarrollado por el grupo MISO, y que proporciona primitivas de alto nivel para mutaci贸n de modelos. Para ello, se ha extendido el DSL Wodel con nuevas primitivas de mutaci贸n, nuevas estrategias de selecci贸n, un registro de las mutaciones aplicadas, un control de la generaci贸n de mutantes duplicados, y una comprobaci贸n de que los mutantes que se generan son modelos correctos (conformes a su meta-modelo). Tambi茅n se ha dotado a Wodel de un mecanismo extensible que permite registrar distintas acciones de post-procesado sobre los mutantes generados, extensi贸n sobre la que se ha implementado el entorno Wodel-Edu. Wodel-Edu es independiente del dominio, y genera tres formatos diferentes de ejercicios tipo test: el primero, en el que se presentan varios diagramas, y el estudiante ha de decidir cu谩l es el correcto; el segundo, en el que se presenta un 煤nico diagrama, y el estudiante ha de decidir si es correcto, o no; el tercer formato, se presentan una serie de posibles cambios a realizar sobre el diagrama para corregirlo, y el estudiante ha de seleccionar cu谩les de estos cambios son correctos. En este trabajo se ha elegido utilizar Wodel-Edu para generar ejercicios de aut贸matas finitos. Se presenta adem谩s una evaluaci贸n de la aplicaci贸n de ejercicios generada.This work presents the design and development of a framework for the automatic generation of test exercises using mutation techniques, that we call Wodel-Edu. Wodel-Edu is a post-processing extension for the Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Wodel - developed by MISO group - that provides high level primitives for model mutation. We extend the DSL Wodel with new mutation primitives, new selection strategies, a registry of the applied mutations, a duplicated mutant generation control, and a verification that the generated mutants are conforming to the meta-model. We also improve Wodel with an extensible mechanism that allows applying post-processing actions to the generated mutants, and we use this feature to include the Wodel-Edu extension in the Wodel environment. Wodel-Edu is domain independent, and generates three kind of test exercises: the first one, where several diagrams are shown to the student, and he has to choose which one is correct; the second one, where just one diagram is shown to the student, and he has to choose if it is correct or not; and the third kind of exercise, where several changes, that can be applied to the diagram, are presented to the student, and he has to choose which of these changes are correct. In this work, we chose to apply Wodel-Edu to generate finite automata exercises. We also present an evaluation of the generated test application