3 research outputs found

    Estrategias para mejorar la aceptaci贸n de los servicios de gobierno electr贸nico en los ciudadanos - mapeo sistem谩tico

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    El gobierno electr贸nico generalmente se refiere a la aplicaci贸n de un modelo de comercio electr贸nico a nivel gubernamental de un pa铆s, y su 茅xito se mide a menudo en t茅rminos de satisfacci贸n del usuario y calidad del servicio. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el 茅xito en t茅rminos de estrategias de dise帽o de software para el desarrollo de servicios de gobierno electr贸nico, as铆 como la implementaci贸n y utilizaci贸n de herramientas de evaluaci贸n empleadas, la calidad del servicio y las tecnolog铆as utilizadas, mediante una mapeo sistem谩tico de la literatura. Este estudio evidencia que se est谩n realizando importantes investigaciones sobre servicios de gobierno electr贸nico en pa铆ses del continente de Europa, parte del Sudeste asi谩tico y Ocean铆a, entre las que destacan: China, Malasia e Indonesia, asimismo en Am茅rica en los pa铆ses de Canad谩, EEUU, Brasil y Ecuador.Trabajo de investigaci贸

    Towards dynamic composition of e-government services: A Policy-based Approach

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    The use of Information and Communication Technologies in governmental process and services, often known as e-Government, has gained momentum over the last decade. The demands for the on-line delivery of each time more complex and citizen-centric services and also the need for enabling citizen participation in governmental processes and decisions have created a series of technological challenges. If, on one hand, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) appears as a natural and direct solution for problems like heterogeneity, on the other, issues like how to deal with the dynamism of the processes, the autonomy of the different entities involved and the privacy of data being exchanged still must be treated. We present in this article the first steps towards an effective solution to dynamically compose e-government services. These compositions are mediated through policies which provide different levels of autonomy and privacy in the involved interactions. Semantics are used t o help building up the compositions, which are made effective through techniques like Orchestration, Choreography or a combination of both

    E-government And Grid Computing : Potentials And Challenges Towards Citizen-centric Services

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    The demands for integrated and efficient public services have increased worldwide over the recent years, due mainly to the proliferation of the Information and Communication Technologies. In order to develop these new e-Government applications, many challenges are being faced, including higher interoperability claims, scalability and security issues. Grid computing can be considered an interesting middleware solution for supporting e-Government thanks to its high computation and massive storage capabilities added to its recent convergence towards service-orientation. This position paper intends to investigate the state of the art and the challenges concerning the use of Grid technologies as a support platform for Citizen-centric Services and Applications.SAIC144148Ahmed, N., An overview of e-participation models (2006), Technical report, United Nations Department of Economic and Social AffairsBarnickel, N., Fluegge, M., Schmidt, K.-U., Interoperability in egovernment through cross-ontology semantic web service composition (2006) Workshop Semantic Web for eGovemment / 3rd European Semantic Web Conference, , Budva, MontenegroFoster, I., Globus toolkit version 4: Software for service-oriented systems (2006) LNCS, 3779, pp. 2-13. , IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, of, Springer-VerlagFoster, I., Iamnitchi, A., On death, taxes, and the convergence of peer-to-peer and grid computing (2003) Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Peer-toPeer Systems (IPTPS '03), pp. 129-138. , Berkeley, CA, USAGOV, (2006) Citizen Centric Government (White Paper), , www.intel.com/go/government, 3 , The GOV3 Foundationwww.kbst.bund.de/saga, KBSt 2006, SAGA, Standards and Architectures for eGovemment Applications, Version 3.0. German Federal Ministry of InteriorLenk, K., Traunmller, R., Electronic government: Where are we heading? (2002) LNCS, 2456, pp. 1-9. , EGOV 2002, of, Springer-VerlagMaad, S., Coghlan, B., Ryan, J., Kenny, E., Watson, R., Pierantoni, G., The horizon of the grid for e-government (2002) eGovemment Workshop 05 (eGOVOS), , West London, UKMedjahed, B., Bouguettaya, A., Customized delivery of e-government web services (2005) IEEE Intelligent Systems, 20 (6), pp. 77-84Santos, I. J. G., Madeira, E. R. M., and Tschammer, V. (2005). Towards dynamic composition of e-government services - a policy-based approach. In Proceedings of the 5th IFIP International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Government (I3E), Challenges of Expanding the Internet, 189 of IFIP, pages 173-185. SpringerSenger, H., Silva, F. A. B., de J. Mendes, M., Rondini, R., and de Farias, C. R. G. (2006). Grid platforms for e-democracy applications. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06), pages 334-33