4 research outputs found

    Knowledge Representation with Multiple Logical Theories and Time

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    We present a knowledge representation framework where a collection of logic programs can be combined together by means of meta-level program composition operations. Each object-level program is composed of a collection of extended clauses, equipped with a time interval representing the time period in which they hold. The interaction between program composition operations and time yields a powerful knowledge representation language in which many applications can be naturally developed. The language is given a meta-level semantics which also provides an executable specification. Moreover, we define an abstract semantics by extending the immediate consequence operator from a single logic program to compositions of logic programs and taking into account time intervals. The operational, meta-level semantics is proven sound and complete with respect to the abstract bottom-up semantics. The approach is further extended in order to cope with the problem of reasoning over joined intervals of time. Three applications in the field of business regulations are shown

    Analysis and design of a geographic information system for the OGX process Oil exploration

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    In these days, the oil exploration activity is mainly based on the integration and multidisciplinary analysis of data from different sources: Multipurpose cadastre, land use, aerial photos and separate satellite images such as topographic, geomorphological, geological, geophysical, land and air, and so on. In addition, organizations guarantors for oil exploration establish relationships with a large number of other entities, from which it takes or have to share the information handled. All of this process has significant benefits as it puts the information right in the hands of an end user, but it also results in problems like fractured databases, lack of synchronization, data duplication, loss of data and ultimately loss of productivity and accuracy. Unorganized growth also leads to proliferation of systems with attendant interoperability and compatibility problems. Here an enterprise Oil 1GIS as the answer to that kind of problems. Such a system designed to provide an integrated and interoperable environment in which the different departments and functionaries of an enterprise can make, access, view, and analyze data relevant to their tasks. This information can incorporate spatial as well as non-spatial datasets. Applications could range from complex spatial models to delivery of services encompassing government, business and citizens. The processing of information by means of data collecting, storage and manipulation does sometimes not have a clear and logical structure that allows decisions makers doing effectively in the oil business. Firstly, we have the definition and basic theoretical concepts of environment, secondly a review stepper of the philosophy which was conceived with the geographic information system, ending with the results and analysis of the same Web viewer.En estos d铆as, la actividad de exploraci贸n petrolera se basa principalmente en la integraci贸n y el an谩lisis multidisciplinario de datos de diferentes fuentes: Multiprop贸sito, catastro, uso del suelo, fotograf铆as a茅reas e im谩genes de sat茅lite, separados como topogr谩ficos, geomorfol贸gicos, geol贸gicos, geof铆sicos de la tierra y el aire, y as铆 sucesivamente. Adem谩s, las organizaciones garantes para la exploraci贸n petrolera deben establecer relaciones con un gran n煤mero de otras entidades, de las que toma o comparte la informaci贸n manejada. El procesamiento de la informaci贸n por medio de la recopilaci贸n de datos, el almacenamiento y la manipulaci贸n a veces no tienen una estructura clara y l贸gica que permita a los tomadores de decisiones haciendo efectivamente en el negocio del petr贸leo. En primer lugar, se tiene la definici贸n y los conceptos te贸ricos b谩sicos de medio ambiente, en segundo lugar una revisi贸n paso a paso de la filosof铆a que nace con el sistema de informaci贸n geogr谩fica, para terminar con los resultados y an谩lisis del visor web

    Towards Declarative GIS Analysis

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    The paper proposes an integration between GIS technology and deductive databases technology. The integration provides the user with a declarative language to support GIS analysis. The language is based on a well established theory of logic program algebras developed by the authors in recent years as an extension of deductive databases. An example of application is provided to show the benefits of the approach. Extensions to manage multiple, heterogeneous GIS, and issues for making the approach more practical are addressed. 1 Introduction Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are computer-based systems that are used to store and manipulate geographic information [Aro89]. The most important feature of GIS is that spatial data are stored in a structured format - referred to as a spatial data base - that uses different maps called themes or layers. The way spatial data are structured will determine how easy it is for the user to retrieve and analyze the information. The components of a GI..

    Towards Declarative GIS Analysis

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    The paper proposes an integration between GIS technology and deductive databases technology. The integration provides the user with a declarative language to support GIS analysis. The language is based on a well established theory of logic program algebras developed by the authors in recent years as an extension of deductive databases. An example of application is provided to show the benefits of the approach. Extensions to manage multiple, heterogeneous GIS, and issues for making the approach more practical are addressed