1,763 research outputs found

    Multimedia Chinese Web Search Engines: A Survey

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the state of multimedia search functionality on major general and dedicated Web search engines in Chinese language. The authors studied: a) how many Chinese Web search engines presently make use of multimedia searching, and b) the type of multimedia search functionality available. Specifically, the following were examined: a) multimedia features - features allowing multimedia search; and b) extent of personalization - the extent to which a search engine Web site allows users to control multimedia search. Overall, Chinese Web search engines offer limited multimedia searching functionality. The significance of the study is based on two factors: a) little research has been conducted on Chinese Web search engines, and b) the instrument used in the study and the results obtained by this research could help users, Web designers, and Web search engine developers. By large, general Web search engines support more multimedia features than specialized one

    Modelling of chromatic contrast for retrieval of wallpaper images

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    Colour remains one of the key factors in presenting an object and consequently has been widely applied in retrieval of images based on their visual contents. However, a colour appearance changes with the change of viewing surroundings, the phenomenon that has not been paid attention yet while performing colour-based image retrieval. To comprehend this effect, in this paper, a chromatic contrast model, CAMcc, is developed for the application of retrieval of colour intensive images, cementing the gap that most of existing colour models lack to fill by taking simultaneous colour contrast into account. Subsequently, the model is applied to the retrieval task on a collection of museum wallpapers of colour-rich images. In comparison with current popular colour models including CIECAM02, HSI, and RGB, with respect to both foreground and background colours, CAMcc appears to outperform the others with retrieved results being closer to query images. In addition, CAMcc focuses more on foreground colours, especially by maintaining the balance between both foreground and background colours, while the rest of existing models take on dominant colours that are perceived the most, usually background tones. Significantly, the contribution of the investigation lies in not only the improvement of the accuracy of colour-based image retrieval, but also the development of colour contrast model that warrants an important place in colour and computer vision theory, leading to deciphering the insight of this age-old topic of chromatic contrast in colour science

    Development of a perception oriented texture-based image retrieval system for wallpapers.

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    Due to advances in computer technology, large image collections have been digitised and archived in computers. Image management systems are therefore developed to retrieve relevant images. Because of the limitations of text-based image retrieval systems, Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems have been developed. A CBIR system usually extracts global or local contents of colour, shape and texture from an image to form a feature vector that is used to index the image. Plethora methods have been developed to extract these features, however, there is very little in the literature to study the closeness of each method to human perception. This research aims to develop a human perception oriented content-based image retrieval system for the Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture (MoDA) wallpaper images. Since texture has been widely regarded as the main feature for these images and applied in CBIR systems, psychophysical experiments were conducted to study the way human perceive texture and to evaluate five popular computational models for texture representations: Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM), Multi-Resolution Simultaneous Auto-Regressive (MRSAR) model, Fourier Transform (FT), Wavelet Transform (WT) and Gabor Transform (GT). By analyzing experimental results, it was found that people consider directionality and regularity to be more important in terms of texture than coarseness. Unexpectedly, none of the five models appeared to represent human perception of texture very well. It was therefore concluded that classification is needed before retrieval in order to improve retrieval performance and a new classification algorithm based on directionality and regularity for wallpaper images was developed. The experimental result showed that the evaluation algorithm worked effectively and the evaluation experiments confirmed the necessity of the classification step in the development of CBIR system for MoDA collections

    A Survey on Classification of Photo Aesthetics Based on Emotion

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    Recognition of human facial expression and calculating exact emotion by computer vision is an interesting and challenging problem. Emotion in natural scenery images plays vital role in the way humans perceive an image. Based on the various emotions like happiness, sadness, fear, anger of any human being the images that are examined by that person can propose that if the person is in happy mood then he/she would C the same images in different ways but still can be possible to build a universal classification for various emotions. The paper proposes the various techniques of recognizing emotion on the basis of how humans perceive an image, also aims to classify the aesthetics of the photographic images and determine wallpaper (Scene or non-scene images) according to human emotions

    Sharing, privacy and trust issues for photo collections

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    Digital libraries are quickly being adopted by the masses. Technological developments now allow community groups, clubs, and even ordinary individuals to create their own, publicly accessible collections. However, users may not be fully aware of the potential privacy implications of submitting their documents to a digital library, and may hold misconceptions of the technological support for preserving their privacy. We present results from 18 autoethnographic investigations and 19 observations / interviews into privacy issues that arise when people make their personal photo collections available online. The Adams' privacy model is used to discuss the findings according to information receiver, information sensitivity, and information usage. Further issues of trust and ad hoc poorly supported protection strategies are presented. Ultimately while photographic data is potentially highly sensitive, the privacy risks are often hidden and the protection mechanisms are limited

    In the Presence of Images

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    I capture an image. I forget the image. I attempt to remember. Nothing. The images sole purpose was to help me remember, yet it cant. Has it failed, or have I? I begin to speculate how the forgotten image functions in the present, liberated from its associated past. Through the use of digitally archived images that have been forgotten since their capture, In the Presence of Images is a travelling exhibition that explores the digital revolution and its potential effects on memory. Through the processing of photographs and videos sourced from my personal digital archive, images are created to form a space for discussion, contemplation, and speculation, encouraging the viewer to question the capacities of forgotten imagery and to become cognizant of the technologies we entrust with more and more data everyday
