309,020 research outputs found

    Modeling emergency management data by UML as an extension of geographic data sharing model: AST approach

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    Applying GIS functionality provides a powerful decision support in various application areas and the basis to integrate policies directed to citizens, business, and governments. The focus is changing toward integrating these functions to find optimal solutions to complex problems. As an integral part of this approach, geographic data sharing model for Turkey were developed as a new approach that enables using the data corporately and effectively. General features of this model are object-oriented model, based on ISO/TC211 standards and INSPIRE Data Specifications, describing nationwide unique object identifiers, and defining a mechanism to manage object changes through time. The model is fully described with Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram. This can be a starting point for geographic data providers in Turkey to create sector models like Emergency Management that has importance because of the increasing number of natural and man-made disasters. In emergency management, this sector model can provide the most appropriate data to many "Actors" that behave as emergency response organizations such as fire and medical departments. Actors work in "Sectors" such as fire department and urban security. Each sector is responsible for "Activities" such as traffic control, fighting dire, emission, and so on. "Tasks" such as registering incident, fire response, and evacuating area are performed by actors and part of activity. These tasks produce information for emergency response and require information based on the base data model. By this way, geographic data models of emergency response are designed and discussed with "Actor-Sector-Activity-Task" classes as an extension of the base model with some cases from Turkey

    Climate change and variability, energy and disaster management: produced risks without produced solutions: rethinking the approach

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    Accelerated climate change and increasing climate variability is the single largest threat to the international goals of sustainable development, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and disaster risk reduction. Global discourses recognise the need for effective and sustainable responses tso produced climate risks. The risk types likely to occur are known, but only in broad terms - their scale, severity, longevity and frequency are not known. The challenge for policymakers is developing an effective framework within which sustainable responses can be formulated. To address the problems of produced risks a comprehensive approach to risk management is necessary. The mechanisms within the climate change, sustainable development and disaster risk reduction discourses are not sufficiently effective or integrated to respond to this challenge. Fundamental reform to current modes of risk reduction is needed, but this can only be achieved through a shift in the dominant perspective on formulating sustainable responses. This requires a shift to an enabling policy framework that encourages bottom-up resilient responses. Resilience is argued as a tool for policy development that can enhance adaptive capacity to current climate risks and shape energy policy to respond to mitigate future climate risks

    Applying the lessons of the attack on the World Trade Center, 11th September 2001, to the design and use of interactive evacuation simulations

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    The collapse of buildings, such as terminal 2E at Paris' Charles de Gaule Airport, and of fires, such as the Rhode Island, Station Night Club tragedy, has focused public attention on the safety of large public buildings. Initiatives in the United States and in Europe have led to the development of interactive simulators that model evacuation from these buildings. The tools avoid some of the ethical and legal problems from simulating evacuations; many people were injured during the 1993 evacuation of the World Trade Center (WTC) complex. They also use many concepts that originate within the CHI communities. For instance, some simulators use simple task models to represent the occupants' goal structures as they search for an available exit. However, the recent release of the report from the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States (the '9/11 commission') has posed serious questions about the design and use of this particular class of interactive systems. This paper argues that simulation research needs to draw on insights from the CHI communities in order to meet some the challenges identified by the 9/11 commission

    Towards a Resilient Future: Experiences with Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

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    This testimony shows the urgency of the problems faced by people on the front line of climate change, which is exposing more and more people to increased risk of dis This testimony shows the urgency of the problems faced by people on the front line of climate change, which is exposing more and more people to increased risk of diaster and directly affecting their lives and livelihoods. Tragically, the global community turns a blind eye to the severity of the risks posed by climate change and is doing too little to help people prepare themselves for these risks. Community managed disaster risk reduction (CMDRR) is an effective strategy of addressing the impacts and effects of climate change and reducing communities' vulnerability to disasters
