6 research outputs found

    Correcting Sociodemographic Selection Biases for Population Prediction from Social Media

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    Social media is increasingly used for large-scale population predictions, such as estimating community health statistics. However, social media users are not typically a representative sample of the intended population -- a "selection bias". Within the social sciences, such a bias is typically addressed with restratification techniques, where observations are reweighted according to how under- or over-sampled their socio-demographic groups are. Yet, restratifaction is rarely evaluated for improving prediction. Across four tasks of predicting U.S. county population health statistics from Twitter, we find standard restratification techniques provide no improvement and often degrade prediction accuracies. The core reasons for this seems to be both shrunken estimates (reduced variance of model predicted values) and sparse estimates of each population's socio-demographics. We thus develop and evaluate three methods to address these problems: estimator redistribution to account for shrinking, and adaptive binning and informed smoothing to handle sparse socio-demographic estimates. We show that each of these methods significantly outperforms the standard restratification approaches. Combining approaches, we find substantial improvements over non-restratified models, yielding a 53.0% increase in predictive accuracy (R^2) in the case of surveyed life satisfaction, and a 17.8% average increase across all tasks

    Codificar la salut mental. Darrere la predicci贸 i detecci贸 de salut mental amb intel路lig猫ncia artificial

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    La intel路lig猫ncia artificial (IA) s'incorpora de forma creixent en sistemes de predicci贸 i detecci贸 a la salut mental, un 脿mbit sanitari tradicionalment desat猫s, infrarepresentat i d'acc茅s dificult贸s. Tot i ser una opci贸 prometedora, l'estudi de la producci贸 de la IA en el camp de la salut mental segueix sent incipient, aix铆 com els estudis que es centren en com aquesta tecnologia concep la salut mental. Aix铆, per con猫ixer la noci贸 de salut mental darrera el proc茅s de creaci贸 d'aquests sistemes, aquest treball ha recopil路lat els discursos d'investigadors/es de ci猫ncia computacional que treballen per a la detecci贸 i predicci贸 de salut mental amb IA. A trav茅s d'aquesta an脿lisis qualitativa, hem pogut identificar un posicionament com煤 respecte els objectius de la IA, la valoraci贸 de l'interdisciplinarietat de la salut mental, la noci贸 de subjecte i, sobretot, la concepci贸 de salut mental.La inteligencia artificial (IA) se incorpora de forma creciente en sistemas de predicci贸n y detecci贸n a la salud mental, un 谩mbito sanitario tradicionalmente desatendido, infrarrepresentado y de dificultoso acceso. A pesar de ser una opci贸n prometedora, el estudio de la producci贸n de la IA en el campo de la salud mental sigue siendo incipiente, as铆 como los estudios que se centran en c贸mo esta tecnolog铆a concibe la salud mental. As铆, para conocer la noci贸n de salud mental detr谩s del proceso de creaci贸n de estos sistemas, este trabajo ha recopilado los discursos de investigadores/as de ciencia computacional que trabajan para la detecci贸n y predicci贸n de salud mental con IA. A trav茅s de este an谩lisis cualitativo, hemos podido identificar un posicionamiento com煤n respecto a los objetivos de la IA, la valoraci贸n de la interdisciplinariedad de la salud mental, la noci贸n de sujeto y, sobre todo, la concepci贸n de salud mental.Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being incorporated into mental health prediction and detection systems, an area of healthcare that has traditionally been neglected, underrepresented, and difficult to access. Despite being a promising option, research of AI for mental health remains incipient, and few attempts are evident that focus on how this technology conceives mental health. Thus, in order to understand the notion of mental health behind the process of creating these systems, we developed an analysis of the discourses of computer science researchers working for the detection and prediction of mental health with AI. In this qualitative study, we identify a common position regarding the objectives of AI, the assessment of the interdisciplinarity of mental health, the notion of the subject/patient and, above all, the conception of mental health

    Social media mental health analysis framework through applied computational approaches

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    Studies have shown that mental illness burdens not only public health and productivity but also established market economies throughout the world. However, mental disorders are difficult to diagnose and monitor through traditional methods, which heavily rely on interviews, questionnaires and surveys, resulting in high under-diagnosis and under-treatment rates. The increasing use of online social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, is now a common part of people鈥檚 everyday life. The continuous and real-time user-generated content often reflects feelings, opinions, social status and behaviours of individuals, creating an unprecedented wealth of person-specific information. With advances in data science, social media has already been increasingly employed in population health monitoring and more recently mental health applications to understand mental disorders as well as to develop online screening and intervention tools. However, existing research efforts are still in their infancy, primarily aimed at highlighting the potential of employing social media in mental health research. The majority of work is developed on ad hoc datasets and lacks a systematic research pipeline. [Continues.]</div