8 research outputs found

    Potential effects of chatbot technology on customer support: A case study

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    This study analyzed an experiment with using a chatbot for the customer support department at the case company. A modified version of the updated DeLone and McLean information system success model was utilized to evaluate potential effects of the chatbot on the operation of the customer support. Five dimensions of the model were measured before and after the chatbot implementation and then compared to determine if the chatbot can help improve the customer experience with the customer support of the case company. Responses from 60 customers who had used the chatbot were obtained through a web-based survey. Results indicated that the addition of a chatbot to a traditional customer support model can improve customer experience, mainly on responsiveness measure, while maintain a similar level on information quality, system quality and user satisfaction dimensions. Results also suggested that unsuccessful chatbot attempts which require further human involvement may not necessarily worsen customer experience as many expect. Based on the experiment, the study also provided three suggestions for firms when planning to adopt chatbot technology. First, the potential of chatbot should not be overestimated, it cannot replace human agents completely in customer support. Second, chatbot should handle only simple enough tasks and leave the more complex and trickier ones to human. And third, building a chatbot is a continuous process that requires careful resource planning not only for the initial development but also for the later stage of analyzing and turning conversations of the chatbot

    huBERT alapú sziámi neurális háló architektúrák elemzése ügyfélszolgálati emailek klasszifikációjára

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    A digitális gazdaságban megnőtt az ügyfélszolgálatok szerepe és az ügyfelek nem-közvetlen kommunikációs csatornák (pl. email) esetén is gyors választ és hatékony megoldást várnak. Az ügyfélszolgálatoknak ezt úgy kell elérniük, hogy közben a szöveges (email, közösségi média stb.) üzenetek száma rohamosan növekszik. A szöveges adathalmazok természetes nyelvi feldolgozásának egyik új technikája a BERT, melynek huBERT néven magyar változata is elérhető. Az itt bemutatott kutatás célja kettős: egyrészt egy valós ügyfélszolgálati probléma (nagy mennyiségű emailek automatikus kategorizálásának) mesterséges intelligencia alapú informatikai támogatása a hatékonyabb feldolgozás érdekében; másrészt a felhasznált BERT-alapú MI architektúrák szisztematikus vizsgálata tapasztalat szerzés céljából. A Python nyelven megírt és huBERT modulokat is használó sziámi architektúrára épülő 3 illetve 10 kategóriát felismerő, ügyfél emaileket feldolgozó megoldás paramétereinek változtatásával növelhető volt a pontosság és az alkalmazott legösszetettebb struktúrával a kezdeti alig 70%-os helyett közel 95%-os teljesítmény volt elérhető

    Utilisation of Open Intent Recognition Models for Customer Support Intent Detection

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    Businesses have sought out new solutions to provide support and improve customer satisfaction as more products and services have become interconnected digitally. There is an inherent need for businesses to provide or outsource fast, efficient and knowledgeable support to remain competitive. Support solutions are also advancing with technologies, including use of social media, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and remote device connectivity to better support customers. Customer support operators are trained to utilise these technologies to provide better customer outreach and support for clients in remote areas. Interconnectivity of products and support systems provide businesses with potential international clients to expand their product market and business scale. This paper reports the possible AI applications in customer support, done in collaboration with the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) program between Birmingham City University and a company that handles customer service systems for businesses outsourcing customer support across a wide variety of business sectors. This study explored several approaches to accurately predict customers' intent using both labelled and unlabelled textual data. While some approaches showed promise in specific datasets, the search for a single, universally applicable approach continues. The development of separate pipelines for intent detection and discovery has led to improved accuracy rates in detecting known intents, while further work is required to improve the accuracy of intent discovery for unknown intents

    Software-based dialogue systems: Survey, taxonomy and challenges

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    The use of natural language interfaces in the field of human-computer interaction is undergoing intense study through dedicated scientific and industrial research. The latest contributions in the field, including deep learning approaches like recurrent neural networks, the potential of context-aware strategies and user-centred design approaches, have brought back the attention of the community to software-based dialogue systems, generally known as conversational agents or chatbots. Nonetheless, and given the novelty of the field, a generic, context-independent overview on the current state of research of conversational agents covering all research perspectives involved is missing. Motivated by this context, this paper reports a survey of the current state of research of conversational agents through a systematic literature review of secondary studies. The conducted research is designed to develop an exhaustive perspective through a clear presentation of the aggregated knowledge published by recent literature within a variety of domains, research focuses and contexts. As a result, this research proposes a holistic taxonomy of the different dimensions involved in the conversational agents’ field, which is expected to help researchers and to lay the groundwork for future research in the field of natural language interfaces.With the support from the Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Business and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the European Social Fund. The corresponding author gratefully acknowledges the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Banco Santander for the inancial support of his predoctoral grant FPI-UPC. This paper has been funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under project / funding scheme PID2020-117191RB-I00 / AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Competencias digitales para la atención al usuario en el módulo civil corporativo de litigación oral, Corte Superior 2022

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    El presente estudio de investigación tuvo como finalidad primordial Determinar de qué manera las competencias digitales mejoran el Módulo civil Corporativo de Litigación Oral, Corte Superior de Cajamarca 2022, la metodología fue de enfoque cuantitativo y de tipo básica y su alcance descriptivo y propositivo, la población de estudio fue 32 subordinados, la técnica empleada fue la encuesta, con su instrumento el cuestionario debidamente validado al cual se le realizo la verificación de la fiabilidad que permitió ser aplicado a todas las unidades de estudio. Los resultados de competencias digitales un 28% lo considera que es mala, el 56% regular, debido a que los colaboradores no suelen capacitar en herramientas tecnológicas para lograr un mejor desempeño de sus actividades; para la variable atención al usuario un 9% lo considera que es mala, el 63% regular, debido a que la atención recibida por el cliente no es la esperada. Se concluye que las competencias digitales, mejoran la atención al usuario en la entidad pública, el análisis estadístico evidencia que la relación es de 0.719 se acepta la hipótesis alterna, se precisa que ante mejores competencias digitales se mejora la atención al usuario en la entidad pública que se realizó la investigación

    Avaliação da satisfação na utilização de aplicações de telemedicina

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    Incluída na temática das aplicações móveis, este estudo foca-se na avaliação da satisfação dos utilizadores de aplicações de Telemedicina. As aplicações de Telemedicina identificadas para este estudo foram a da Médis e Multicare tendo em conta a sua quota de mercado que os indica como líderes no seu sector. A dissertação tem como objetivo principal avaliar a satisfação atual dos utilizadores das aplicações de Telemedicina em quatro perspetivas, a aceitação destas aplicações, como produto de software, quanto à qualidade do conteúdo e qualidade de uso. Com base nas métricas definidas nas ISO 25010:2011 e 25012:2008 foi formulado um questionário com o objetivo principal na obtenção de dados que permitam avaliar a opinião dos utilizadores deste tipo de aplicações e proporcionar a concretização deste estudo. A partir dos resultados obtidos foi possível concluir um grau de aceitação das aplicações de 90.3% e um grau de satisfação global de 84.4%. Com base na opinião dos inquiridos foi possível selecionar futuras melhorias nas aplicações, tendo sido obtidas sugestões tais como avisos caso seja necessária preparação por parte do utente para a realização de exames (por exemplo jejum), sugestão de médicos na zona de residência e acompanhamento após a realização de consultas. Concluímos que existe uma ligação direta entre a aceitação e qualidade do conteúdo, sendo possível identificar que os utilizadores consideram que a qualidade do conteúdo irá ser um fator determinante para a sua aceitação.Included in the mobile applications thematic, this study focusses in assessing the satisfaction of telemedicine mobile application users. The applications selected in the study were the two market leaders in their sector. The prime objective of this study consists in assessing the satisfaction of telemedicine mobile application users in four perspectives, namely acceptance, has a software product, content quality and usage quality. The survey was built upon the metrics defined in the ISO 25010:2011 and 25012:2008, with the objective of gathering data to evaluate the user’s opinion of this type of mobile application and therefore to complete this study. From the results obtained it was possible to verify that the percentage of acceptance of this type of application is 90.3% and a global satisfaction degree of 84.4%. Based in the opinion of the enquiries it was possible to assess future improvements, mainly suggesting doctors in the residence area, medical follow-up after exams and warnings if an exam needs preparation at home (such as fasting,). We conclude a direct connection between the acceptance and the content quality of telemedicine application, being possible to identify that the users consider the content quality has a fundamental factor to accept these applications

    Gestión de la calidad y atención al cliente con problemas de morosidad en Caja Sullana agencia principal, Sullana, 2022

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la gestión de la calidad y atención al cliente con problemas de morosidad en Caja Sullana, para lo cual se planteó una investigación de diseño no experimental y tipo correlacionaltransversal con un enfoque mixto que utilizó una muestra de 251 clientes con problemas de morosidad a quienes aplicó un cuestionario de 31 preguntas con escala de Likert. Los resultados de la prueba de correlación de Spearman arrojaron un coeficiente de 0.482 entre la planificación del servicio y la atención al cliente, un coeficiente de 0.697 entre la ejecución de los procesos y la atención al cliente y un coeficiente de 0.797 entre las medidas de control adoptadas y la atención al cliente. Por ello, se concluye que existe una relación directa entre la gestión de la calidad y la atención que se brinda al cliente con problemas de morosidad en la agencia principal de Caja Sullana, donde el adecuado soporte tecnológico y documentario, la estandarización de sus procesos para hacerlos más ágiles, el diseño de diferentes canales de atención presenciales y virtuales, así como la atención que brindan los asesores y gestores de recuperaciones, son aspectos mejor percibidos por dichos clientes

    XIX. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia

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