16 research outputs found

    Self-supervised Multi-Modal Video Forgery Attack Detection

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    Video forgery attack threatens the surveillance system by replacing the video captures with unrealistic synthesis, which can be powered by the latest augment reality and virtual reality technologies. From the machine perception aspect, visual objects often have RF signatures that are naturally synchronized with them during recording. In contrast to video captures, the RF signatures are more difficult to attack given their concealed and ubiquitous nature. In this work, we investigate multimodal video forgery attack detection methods using both vision and wireless modalities. Since wireless signal-based human perception is environmentally sensitive, we propose a self-supervised training strategy to enable the system to work without external annotation and thus can adapt to different environments. Our method achieves a perfect human detection accuracy and a high forgery attack detection accuracy of 94.38% which is comparable with supervised methods

    MDPose:Human Skeletal Motion Reconstruction Using WiFi Micro-Doppler Signatures

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    Motion tracking systems based on optical sensors typically often suffer from issues, such as poor lighting conditions, occlusion, limited coverage, and may raise privacy concerns. More recently, radio frequency (RF)-based approaches using commercial WiFi devices have emerged which offer low-cost ubiquitous sensing whilst preserving privacy. However, the output of an RF sensing system, such as Range-Doppler spectrograms, cannot represent human motion intuitively and usually requires further processing. In this study, MDPose, a novel framework for human skeletal motion reconstruction based on WiFi micro-Doppler signatures, is proposed. It provides an effective solution to track human activities by reconstructing a skeleton model with 17 key points, which can assist with the interpretation of conventional RF sensing outputs in a more understandable way. Specifically, MDPose has various incremental stages to gradually address a series of challenges: First, a denoising algorithm is implemented to remove any unwanted noise that may affect the feature extraction and enhance weak Doppler signatures. Secondly, the convolutional neural network (CNN)-recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture is applied to learn temporal-spatial dependency from clean micro-Doppler signatures and restore key points' velocity information. Finally, a pose optimising mechanism is employed to estimate the initial state of the skeleton and to limit the increase of error. We have conducted comprehensive tests in a variety of environments using numerous subjects with a single receiver radar system to demonstrate the performance of MDPose, and report 29.4mm mean absolute error over all key points positions, which outperforms state-of-the-art RF-based pose estimation systems

    Understanding factors behind IoT privacy -- A user's perspective on RF sensors

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    While IoT sensors in physical spaces have provided utility and comfort in our lives, their instrumentation in private and personal spaces has led to growing concerns regarding privacy. The existing notion behind IoT privacy is that the sensors whose data can easily be understood and interpreted by humans (such as cameras) are more privacy-invasive than sensors that are not human-understandable, such as RF (radio-frequency) sensors. However, given recent advancements in machine learning, we can not only make sensitive inferences on RF data but also translate between modalities. Thus, the existing notions of privacy for IoT sensors need to be revisited. In this paper, our goal is to understand what factors affect the privacy notions of a non-expert user (someone who is not well-versed in privacy concepts). To this regard, we conduct an online study of 162 participants from the USA to find out what factors affect the privacy perception of a user regarding an RF-based device or a sensor. Our findings show that a user's perception of privacy not only depends upon the data collected by the sensor but also on the inferences that can be made on that data, familiarity with the device and its form factor as well as the control a user has over the device design and its data policies. When the data collected by the sensor is not human-interpretable, it is the inferences that can be made on the data and not the data itself that users care about when making informed decisions regarding device privacy

    MM-Fi: Multi-Modal Non-Intrusive 4D Human Dataset for Versatile Wireless Sensing

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    4D human perception plays an essential role in a myriad of applications, such as home automation and metaverse avatar simulation. However, existing solutions which mainly rely on cameras and wearable devices are either privacy intrusive or inconvenient to use. To address these issues, wireless sensing has emerged as a promising alternative, leveraging LiDAR, mmWave radar, and WiFi signals for device-free human sensing. In this paper, we propose MM-Fi, the first multi-modal non-intrusive 4D human dataset with 27 daily or rehabilitation action categories, to bridge the gap between wireless sensing and high-level human perception tasks. MM-Fi consists of over 320k synchronized frames of five modalities from 40 human subjects. Various annotations are provided to support potential sensing tasks, e.g., human pose estimation and action recognition. Extensive experiments have been conducted to compare the sensing capacity of each or several modalities in terms of multiple tasks. We envision that MM-Fi can contribute to wireless sensing research with respect to action recognition, human pose estimation, multi-modal learning, cross-modal supervision, and interdisciplinary healthcare research.Comment: The paper has been accepted by NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks Track. Project page: https://ntu-aiot-lab.github.io/mm-f

    MUSE-Fi: Contactless MUti-person SEnsing Exploiting Near-field Wi-Fi Channel Variation

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    Having been studied for more than a decade, Wi-Fi human sensing still faces a major challenge in the presence of multiple persons, simply because the limited bandwidth of Wi-Fi fails to provide a sufficient range resolution to physically separate multiple subjects. Existing solutions mostly avoid this challenge by switching to radars with GHz bandwidth, at the cost of cumbersome deployments. Therefore, could Wi-Fi human sensing handle multiple subjects remains an open question. This paper presents MUSE-Fi, the first Wi-Fi multi-person sensing system with physical separability. The principle behind MUSE-Fi is that, given a Wi-Fi device (e.g., smartphone) very close to a subject, the near-field channel variation caused by the subject significantly overwhelms variations caused by other distant subjects. Consequently, focusing on the channel state information (CSI) carried by the traffic in and out of this device naturally allows for physically separating multiple subjects. Based on this principle, we propose three sensing strategies for MUSE-Fi: i) uplink CSI, ii) downlink CSI, and iii) downlink beamforming feedback, where we specifically tackle signal recovery from sparse (per-user) traffic under realistic multi-user communication scenarios. Our extensive evaluations clearly demonstrate that MUSE-Fi is able to successfully handle multi-person sensing with respect to three typical applications: respiration monitoring, gesture detection, and activity recognition.Comment: 15 pages. Accepted by ACM MobiCom 202

    Winect: 3D Human Pose Tracking for Free-form Activity Using Commodity WiFi

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    WiFi human sensing has become increasingly attractive in enabling emerging human-computer interaction applications. The corresponding technique has gradually evolved from the classification of multiple activity types to more fine-grained tracking of 3D human poses. However, existing WiFi-based 3D human pose tracking is limited to a set of predefined activities. In this work, we present Winect, a 3D human pose tracking system for free-form activity using commodity WiFi devices. Our system tracks free-form activity by estimating a 3D skeleton pose that consists of a set of joints of the human body. In particular, we combine signal separation and joint movement modeling to achieve free-form activity tracking. Our system first identifies the moving limbs by leveraging the two-dimensional angle of arrival of the signals reflected off the human body and separates the entangled signals for each limb. Then, it tracks each limb and constructs a 3D skeleton of the body by modeling the inherent relationship between the movements of the limb and the corresponding joints. Our evaluation results show that Winect is environment-independent and achieves centimeter-level accuracy for free-form activity tracking under various challenging environments including the none-line-of-sight (NLoS) scenarios