10 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management of Technology Development for Advocate

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    This research was conducted with the support of Research And Community Service Directorate (Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat), Deputy for Research and Development Reinforcement, Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research And Innovation Agency, Republic of Indonesia, through the Applied Research Grant, Fiscal Year of 2020. Abstract Advocate is a profession based on knowledge as a commodity which is exchanged for services and has economic value. Advocate as one of legal professions must continue to develop its professional abilities in a sustainable manner. However, in this digital era, besides of having knowledge about legal field, an advocate needs to cognize to the development of information technology. The information technology today has become the part of social life, including in judicial system process. This research uses a normative legal method with the statute and conceptual approach. This research aims to map the need for Knowledge Management Technology development that must be developed by an advocate as an effective and efficient legal delivery process. The result of this research indicates that to anticipate changes to demands for efficiency and encouragement of regulations related to the use of information technology in the judicial system of both private and public law, advocates must develop information technology as the basis for the legal process. The stages of development begin with the arrangement of Knowledge Management Systems by considering the Advocate’s characteristics. From the framework of Knowledge Management System, Knowledge Management Technology can be developed to meet the needs of advocates in providing legal services based on information technology. Keywords: Advocate, Knowledge Management Systems, Knowledge Management Technology. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/102-02 Publication date:October 31st 202

    The Shifting of the Law Firm Business Model in the Disruption Era

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    The flow of globalization, liberalization and the development of information technology must be anticipated by every law firm. Especially with the massive development of information technology where such condition is often referred to as the disruption era.  It means that the development of information technology in an industry has the potential to replace old players with new ones. In the disruption era, old physical technology will be replaced with digital technology that produces something that is completely new, more efficient and also more useful. In the management of law firm, there are at least two areas of innovation that must be developed: legal service and legal process. To realize an effective and efficient legal process there are two steps that can be taken, the development of Knowledge Management Systems and Knowledge Management Technology.In the perspective of the law firm business model in the era of disruption, in addition to developing legal processes in the form of Client Portal, Information System and Virtual Data Room, it is also necessary to develop electronic document and records management systems (“EDRMS”). The EDRMS development is also carried out to anticipate the application of Case Administration in the Electronic Court (e-Court) which was imposed based on the Republic of Indonesia Supreme Court Regulation No. 3 of 2018. Keywords: Business Model, Law Firm, Disruption Era DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/89-15 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Preparing Knowledge management for Law Practice

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    Abstract. Law practice is paying more and more attention to the deployment of knowl-edge management (KM). However, the deployment of knowledge management is of-ten based on an ad hoc decision. We claim that the application of KM in law practice needs a good preparation, which is important, but often no part of KM methods. There is still no specific KM method for law practice and most methods approach knowl-edge management only as a support of the entire organisation. Such an approach of knowledge management is in our view too limited. Knowledge management for an entire organisation may for instance not be fully appropriate to support management of specific legal tasks using specific knowledge. For the development of a KM method for law practice, AI and Law research should be useful. 1 Introduction1 Law practice is paying more and more attention to the deployment of knowledge manage-ment (KM).2 A cause of the increasingly popularity is the use of information technology (IT), which makes more and more knowledge, information and data available [25]. Knowl-edge is even being considered as the most important asset of legal organisations [12], [18]


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    Arus globalisasi dan liberalisasi serta perkembangan teknologi informasi harus diantisipasi olehsetiap kantor hukum. Terlebih dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang demikian masif, dimana kondisi seperti itu sering disebut sebagai era disruption artinya pengembangan teknologi informasi pada suatu industri berpotensi menggantikan pemain-pemain lama dengan yang baru. Pada era disruption, teknologi lama yang serba fisik akan tergantikan dengan teknologi digital yang menghasilkan sesuatu yang benar-benar baru, lebih efisien dan juga lebih bermanfaat. Demikian juga dalam pengelolaan kantor hukum, setidaknya ada dua inovasi yang harus di kembangkan   yakni legal service and legal process. Untuk mewujudkan legal process yang efektif dan efisien dapat ditempuhdalam dua langkah yakni pengembangan Knowledge Management Systems and Knowledge Management Technology. Dalam perspektif model bisnis kantor hukumpada era disruption, selain pengembangan legal processberupa Client Portal, Sistem Informasi dan Virtual Data Room juga perlu pengembangan electronic document and records management systems (”EDRMS”).Pengembangan EDRMS juga dilakukan guna mengantisipasi penerapan Administrasi Perkara Di Pengadilan Secara Elektronik (e-Court) yang diberlakukan berdasarkan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2019. Selanjutnya sistem informasi yang telah dikembangkan perlumendapatkan perlindungan hukum melalui pendaftaran Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dalam bentuk Hak Cipt

    Advocaat en Kennismanagement

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    Oskamp, A. [Promotor

    Local-global geographies of tacit knowledge production in London and New York's advertising and law professional service firms

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    For economic geographers interest in the role of knowledge in economic activities and a ‘knowledge economy’ raises questions about how geography enables (and disables) learning and whether the production of tacit knowledge has exclusively local or multiple overlapping geographies. This thesis engages with this debate and considers its relevance to the geographies of tacit knowledge production (learning) in the employees of global advertising and law professional service firms operating in London and New York City. It begins by critically engaging with theories of knowledge, learning and their geographies to develop a spatially sensitive approach to examine learning. Such an analysis is then applied in order to understand the geographies of knowledge production in global advertising and law firms. Three themes are addressed. First, why is tacit knowledge important in the work of these firms? Second, what are the key practices involved in producing such knowledge? Third, what are the geographies of these practices and how important is the local scale (the communities within London and New York) and the global scale (the communities stretched between offices of the global firms studied) for knowledge production. Research findings from semistructured interviews highlight the multiple geographies of learning in the firms studied at both local and global scales. This is enabled by a number of ‘embedding’ forces that ‘smooth’ the learning process and that have multiple geographies themselves. It is therefore argued that a relational and topological analysis that traces the learning networks across space most usefully provides insights into the geographies of knowledge production. This reveals that the ‘networks and spaces of learning’ are fluid and transcend spatial scales when suitable constructed

    Juristisches Wissensmanagement im Wandel Die Digitalisierung des literarischen Diskurses zur Anwendung und Fortentwicklung des Rechts im Spannungsfeld der Marktmacht juristischer Fachverlage

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf den juristischen Diskurs in Deutschland. Dabei wird die Funktion, Bedeutung und Marktentwicklung deutscher Fachverlage für die in Deutschland sehr spezielle juristische Veröffentlichungskultur nachgezeichnet. Die Ausarbeitung macht deutlich, dass die Digitalisierung zu einer Marktkonzentration geführt hat, welche zu einer Beschränkung der bisherigen Meinungsvielfalt im juristischen Diskurs um die Anwendung und Fortentwicklung des Rechts im Rahmen des juristischen Wissensmanagement führt. Weder das Kartellrecht noch das Meinungskonzentrationsrecht zum Zeitpunkt der Bearbeitung bieten für diese Situation Lösungsmechanismen. Der Verfasser zeigt gleichwohl einen aus der Berufs- und Wettbewerbsfreiheit begründeten staatlichen Handlungsauftrag auf und stellt Lösungsansätze in Form staatlichen wirtschaftlichen Handelns vor

    Toward Knowledge Management Systems in the Legal Domain

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    This paper reviews the technical and organizational basis for knowledge management in large law offices. Based on a taxonomy of knowledge consisting of administrative data, declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, and analytical knowledge a number of relevant knowledge management characteristics are extracted. Knowledge currency, knowledge dispersion, knowledge documentation, and the retrieval of implicit knowledge are among the main issues that constitute the arena for knowledge management in the field of law offices. Finally, a set of high level specifications for technology based knowledge management tools in large law firms are provided