38 research outputs found

    An IS Student’s Worst Nightmare: Programming Courses

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    IS students continue to struggle to complete the programming courses often required in their course of study. In this research-in-progress, we describe how IS educators can learn about the predictors of success in programming courses and translate that knowledge into better advising for their IS students. We plan to administer an open-ended survey to IS educators, asking them what factors they believe predict success in programming principles courses. Based on their responses, we will determine if IS educator perceptions of variables predicting success in programming courses match the realities discussed in previous research. Then we plan to develop a set of guidelines so that IS educators can translate that knowledge into better advising for IS students

    A percepción da profesión informática e a súa influencia na baixa matrícula de alumnas no grado

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    [RESUMO] Este traballo ten por obxecto mellorar a inclusión das mulleres nos estudos relacionados coas TIC, deste mesmo obxectivo é o que move a axenda dixital europea en relación a aumentar a participación das mozas na sociedade da información. A inclusión sen formación, especialmente nun ámbito laboral tan especializado como o tecnolóxico, non é posible e por iso consideramos imprescindible coñecer cales son os factores que inflúen nas alumnas que finalizan os estudos de bacherelato á hora de non considerar os estudos superiores de informática como unha opción maioritaria. A elección de estudos superiores está moi determinada pola rama de especialización á que opte


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    The Digital Divide

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    A Framework for Inclusive Teaching in STEM Disciplines

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    A wide body of literature exists recounting the ways in which inclusive teaching practices and principles benefit students and positively impact learning, student retention, and professional development across disciplines. However, STEM faculty do not readily accept the traditional approach of examining course content from multiple perspectives as relevant to their course content or useful in their teaching. In this chapter, we propose a Framework for Inclusive Teaching in STEM Disciplines that reflects the contexts of teaching in these disciplines, and extends James Banks’ Five Dimensions of Multicultural Education to the distinct needs of STEM faculty in their classes. We also discuss ways that faculty development professionals can successfully communicate with STEM faculty about inclusive teaching goals

    The Role of Gender in Students’ Decisions to Major in Information Systems

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    In order to understand the reasons for women’s underrepresentation in IS, we extended the IS Major Choice Goals Model, which identifies the major factors that influence students’ pursuit of IS majors and careers. There were significant differences between female and male students in terms of self-efficacy, interests, and choice goals. Significant gender differences were also found in the relationships among the key determinants of the model meaning that females and males differed with respect to how they developed aspirations to major in IS. The relationship between self-efficacy and interest was stronger in females than in males, as well as the relationship between self-efficacy and outcome expectations. Self-efficacy influenced choice goals more strongly for males than it influenced females. The relationship between outcome expectations and interest was stronger in males than in females. Interest influenced choice goals more strongly for female students than it influenced male students

    Increasing the Enrolment of Women in IT at Fanshawe College

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    Women comprise over 50% of the population of Canada. At Fanshawe College, where I am a female professor in the School of Information Technology, approximately 95% of the students in my classes are male. The number of women enrolling in Information Technology (IT) programs has been declining in recent years, although enrolment of females in other post-secondary programs is increasing. Technology is becoming ever-present in the lives of young people, including girls and young women, yet education and employment in technology fields are not attracting women