47 research outputs found

    Teaching Concurrency and Parallelism Concepts with CMRE

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    Possible methodologies for teaching the concepts of processor heterogeneity and its impact on speedup and efficiency in a parallel system are discussed, as well as energy efficiency of parallel algorithms based on processor power. CMRE (Concurrent Multi Robot Environment) is expanded to be able to consider different virtual clocks in each robot (processor), as well as the cost – both in relation to time and energy consumption – of the operations carried out by the robots (Move, Put Down / Pick Up / Message / Inform). In this paper, we analyze some examples to show how concepts are introduced to students.Facultad de Informátic

    Teaching Concurrency and Parallelism Concepts with CMRE

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    Possible methodologies for teaching the concepts of processor heterogeneity and its impact on speedup and efficiency in a parallel system are discussed, as well as energy efficiency of parallel algorithms based on processor power. CMRE (Concurrent Multi Robot Environment) is expanded to be able to consider different virtual clocks in each robot (processor), as well as the cost – both in relation to time and energy consumption – of the operations carried out by the robots (Move, Put Down / Pick Up / Message / Inform). In this paper, we analyze some examples to show how concepts are introduced to students.Facultad de Informátic

    Green IS Assimilation: A Theoretical Framework and Research Agenda

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    The current paper presents a theoretical framework on the assimilation of Green IS in organizations. The assimilation of Green IS comprises three stages, namely, Green IS initiation, adoption, and routinization. The different stages of assimilation are proposed to be affected by different groups of factors. Based on institutional theory, organizational information processing theory and organization theory, environmental uncertainty, organizational slack, and institutional pressure are employed to explain Green IS assimilation, and the importance of each of these factors will vary in different stages of assimilation. Institutional factors and environmental uncertainty will affect the initiation of adoption of Green IS, while organizational resources will affect the adoption and rountinization of Green IS. Organizational resources will moderate the relationship between environmental uncertainty and Green IS adoption. The proposed framework is planned to be tested in the future empirical study. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications of the proposed conceptual model are presented

    Value and energy aware adaptive resource allocation of soft real-time jobs on many-core HPC data centers

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    Modern high performance computing (HPC) data centers consume huge energy to operate them. Therefore, appropriate measures are required to reduce their energy consumption. Existing efforts for such measures focus on consolidation and dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). However, most of them do not perform adaptive resource allocation for the executing dependent tasks (or jobs) in order to optimize both value and energy. The value is achieved by completing the execution of a job and it depends on the completion time. A high value is achieved if the job is completed before its deadline, otherwise a lower value. In this paper, we propose an adaptive resource allocation approach that uses design-time profiling results of jobs for efficient allocation and adaptation in order to optimize both value and energy while executing dependent tasks. The profiling results for each job are obtained by exploiting efficient allocation combined with identification of voltage/frequency levels of used system cores and used in adapting to different number of cores based on the monitored execution progress of the job and available cores. Experiments show that the proposed approach enhances the overall value by about 10% when compare to existing approaches while showing reduction in energy consumption and percentage of rejected jobs leading to zero value

    How Green is my Outsourcer - Environmental Responsibility in Global IT Outsourcing

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    The focus of this paper is on the intersection of Environmental Responsibility (ER) and Global IT Outsourcing (GITO). GITO is well established as a business practice towards reducing costs and improving performance. ER is becoming increasingly important in global outsourcing in relation to environmental issues. The cost of energy has already increased dramatically and further increases appear likely. Sustainability issues related to carbon footprint and greenhouse gases (GHG) are also becoming increasingly important. Thus responsible and economic energy management has become a critical business capability and an important social responsibility. Global outsourcing of IT operations to a less energy efficient, less environmentally responsible organization may provide increased returns to shareholders, but may also become an ER liability. The key question this paper seeks to answer is how are GITO vendors transforming their ER capabilities? Drawing on preliminary fieldwork and an extensive literature search, we conclude that ER issues will become important capabilities for outsourcers to demonstrate, as buyers are increasingly sensitive to their stakeholders’ environmental concerns

    A decision framework for placement of applications in clouds that minimizes their carbon footprint

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    Cloud computing gives users much freedom on where they host their computation and storage. However the CO2 emission of a job depends on the location and the energy efficiency of the data centers where it is run. We developed a decision framework that determines to move computation with accompanying data from a local to a greener remote data center for lower CO2 emissions. The model underlying the framework accounts for the energy consumption at the local and remote sites, as well as of networks among them. We showed that the type of network connecting the two sites has a significant impact on the total CO2 emission. Furthermore, the task’s complexity is a factor in deciding when and where to move computation

    Análisis de eficiencia en sistemas paralelos

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    El objetivo de esta línea de investigación es estudiar problemas de consumo y eficiencia energética en arquitecturas de procesamiento paralelo, analizando la relación que guarda con los paradigmas de programación de algoritmos paralelos. Por otro lado se pretende investigar las consecuencias de las fallas que puedan presentarse en arquitecturas paralelas y distribuidas y proponer estrategias de detección y recuperación. Finalmente, resulta necesario estudiar casos concretos sobre arquitecturas con procesadores de múltiples núcleos. Específicamente se pretende analizar la factibilidad del procesamiento paralelo en algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes, evaluando la eficiencia sobre sistemas multicore basados en plataformas FPGAs.Eje: Arquitectura , Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Análisis de eficiencia en sistemas paralelos

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    El objetivo de esta línea de investigación es estudiar problemas de consumo y eficiencia energética en arquitecturas de procesamiento paralelo, analizando la relación que guarda con los paradigmas de programación de algoritmos paralelos. Por otro lado se pretende investigar las consecuencias de las fallas que puedan presentarse en arquitecturas paralelas y distribuidas y proponer estrategias de detección y recuperación. Finalmente, resulta necesario estudiar casos concretos sobre arquitecturas con procesadores de múltiples núcleos. Específicamente se pretende analizar la factibilidad del procesamiento paralelo en algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes, evaluando la eficiencia sobre sistemas multicore basados en plataformas FPGAs.Eje: Arquitectura , Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Análisis de eficiencia en sistemas paralelos

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    El objetivo de esta línea de investigación es estudiar problemas de consumo y eficiencia energética en arquitecturas de procesamiento paralelo, analizando la relación que guarda con los paradigmas de programación de algoritmos paralelos. Por otro lado se pretende investigar las consecuencias de las fallas que puedan presentarse en arquitecturas paralelas y distribuidas y proponer estrategias de detección y recuperación. Finalmente, resulta necesario estudiar casos concretos sobre arquitecturas con procesadores de múltiples núcleos. Específicamente se pretende analizar la factibilidad del procesamiento paralelo en algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes, evaluando la eficiencia sobre sistemas multicore basados en plataformas FPGAs.Eje: Arquitectura , Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic