4 research outputs found

    Toward a Dichotomy for Approximation of H-Coloring

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    Given two (di)graphs G, H and a cost function c:V(G) x V(H) -> Q_{>= 0} cup {+infty}, in the minimum cost homomorphism problem, MinHOM(H), we are interested in finding a homomorphism f:V(G)-> V(H) (a.k.a H-coloring) that minimizes sum limits_{v in V(G)}c(v,f(v)). The complexity of exact minimization of this problem is well understood [Pavol Hell and Arash Rafiey, 2012], and the class of digraphs H, for which the MinHOM(H) is polynomial time solvable is a small subset of all digraphs. In this paper, we consider the approximation of MinHOM within a constant factor. In terms of digraphs, MinHOM(H) is not approximable if H contains a digraph asteroidal triple (DAT). We take a major step toward a dichotomy classification of approximable cases. We give a dichotomy classification for approximating the MinHOM(H) when H is a graph (i.e. symmetric digraph). For digraphs, we provide constant factor approximation algorithms for two important classes of digraphs, namely bi-arc digraphs (digraphs with a conservative semi-lattice polymorphism or min-ordering), and k-arc digraphs (digraphs with an extended min-ordering). Specifically, we show that: - Dichotomy for Graphs: MinHOM(H) has a 2|V(H)|-approximation algorithm if graph H admits a conservative majority polymorphims (i.e. H is a bi-arc graph), otherwise, it is inapproximable; - MinHOM(H) has a |V(H)|^2-approximation algorithm if H is a bi-arc digraph; - MinHOM(H) has a |V(H)|^2-approximation algorithm if H is a k-arc digraph. In conclusion, we show the importance of these results and provide insights for achieving a dichotomy classification of approximable cases. Our constant factors depend on the size of H. However, the implementation of our algorithms provides a much better approximation ratio. It leaves open to investigate a classification of digraphs H, where MinHOM(H) admits a constant factor approximation algorithm that is independent of |V(H)|

    PTAS for Sparse General-Valued CSPs

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    We study polynomial-time approximation schemes (PTASes) for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) such as Maximum Independent Set or Minimum Vertex Cover on sparse graph classes. Baker's approach gives a PTAS on planar graphs, excluded-minor classes, and beyond. For Max-CSPs, and even more generally, maximisation finite-valued CSPs (where constraints are arbitrary non-negative functions), Romero, Wrochna, and \v{Z}ivn\'y [SODA'21] showed that the Sherali-Adams LP relaxation gives a simple PTAS for all fractionally-treewidth-fragile classes, which is the most general "sparsity" condition for which a PTAS is known. We extend these results to general-valued CSPs, which include "crisp" (or "strict") constraints that have to be satisfied by every feasible assignment. The only condition on the crisp constraints is that their domain contains an element which is at least as feasible as all the others (but possibly less valuable). For minimisation general-valued CSPs with crisp constraints, we present a PTAS for all Baker graph classes -- a definition by Dvo\v{r}\'ak [SODA'20] which encompasses all classes where Baker's technique is known to work, except possibly for fractionally-treewidth-fragile classes. While this is standard for problems satisfying a certain monotonicity condition on crisp constraints, we show this can be relaxed to diagonalisability -- a property of relational structures connected to logics, statistical physics, and random CSPs