6 research outputs found

    Defining and matching test-based certificates in Open SOA

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    Following the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the Cloud paradigms, an increasing number of organizations implement their business processes and applications via runtime composition of services made available on the cloud by single suppliers. This scenario however introduces new security risks and threats, as the service providers may not provide the level of assurance required by their customers. There is therefore the need of a new certification scheme for services that provides trusted evidence that a service has some security properties, and a matching infrastructure to compare service certificates with users' certification preferences. In this paper, we propose a first solution to the definition of a test-based certification process for SOA

    Toward WS-certificate

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    Certifying the security and dependability properties of individual web services or of entire business processes hosted on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a major challenge of SOA research. It is widely recognized that the unique features of WS/SOA require new security assessment approaches, including novel service testing and process monitoring techniques. In this talk, we discuss a framework for certifying the security and dependability properties of web-services and of SOA-based properties, introducing a third party certifier as a trusted authority. Our certifications are run-time negotiable XML data items based on signed test cases and formal proofs and operate at different level of granularity, providing a sound basis for run-time service selection and process orchestration decisions