4 research outputs found

    Toward Process Modeling in Creative Domains

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    Process modeling has emerged as a widely accepted approach in order to reduce organizational complexity in organizations. Process models are used for different purposes, including process analysis and redesign, risk management, and the implementation of software systems. However, the majority of existent approaches is restricted to processes that are wellstructured and predictable. Highly creative environments, such as the film industry or R&D departments, however, are characterized by high levels of flexibility. As existent approaches do not provide ample means to model such processes, this paper discusses the capabilities that a conceptual process modeling grammar for processes in creative environments must provide. Furthermore, we suggest an approach to process analysis that aims at the identification and specification of creativity in business processes. The study belongs to the design science paradigm; the discussion is grounded in a theory that explains the nature of processes that rely on creativity

    Workaround Aware Business Process Modeling

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    Workarounds are an omnipresent part of organizational settings where formal rules and regulations describe standardized processes. Still, only few studies have focused on incorporating workarounds in designing information systems (IS) or as a part of management decisions. Therefore, this study provides an extension to the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) by conducting a metamodel transformation, which includes workarounds. As a result, the Workaround Process Modeling Notation (WPMN) (1) leads organizations in designing workaround aware systems, (2) supports managers in deciding how to deal with workarounds, and (3) provides auditors with visualizations of non-compliance. We exemplify how this technique can be used to model a workaround in the process of accessing patient-identifying data in a hospital. We evaluated the model and find it particular suitable as an empirically grounded BPMN extension

    BPM in Creative Industries: An Action-Research in the Fashion Industry

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    Despite the growing interest in Business Process Management (BPM), its adoption involves challenges related to the complexity of its methods and tools, and to the applicability in industries that have creativity and flexibility as their main pillars. The Fashion Industry, which are part of the Creative Industries, begins to look for management alternatives to give sustainability to its businesses in face of the acceleration of the transformations in its competitive environment. The present study reports an action-research conducted in the context of the adoption of BPM in a fashion company, evaluating the practical consequences generated for the organization. The results obtained suggest that BPM can facilitate the integration and reconciliation of creativity management and business management, while enabling gains in efficiency and competitiveness. A pesar del creciente interés en Business Process Management (BPM), su adopción implica desafíos relacionados con la complejidad de sus métodos y herramientas, y con la aplicabilidad en industrias que tienen la creatividad y la flexibilidad como pilares principales. La Industria de la Moda, insertada en las Industrias Creativas, comienza a buscar alternativas de gestión para dar sostenibilidad a sus negocios ante la aceleración de las transformaciones en su entorno competitivo. El presente estudio reporta una investigación-acción realizada en el contexto de la adopción de BPM en una empresa de moda, evaluando las consecuencias prácticas que genera para la empresa. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que Business Process Management puede facilitar la integración y conciliación de la gestión de la creatividad y la gestión empresarial, al tiempo que permite ganancias en eficiencia y competitividad. Apesar do crescente interesse na Gestão de Processos de Negócio (BPM), sua adoção envolve desafios relacionados à complexidade de seus métodos e ferramentas, e à aplicabilidade em indústrias que têm na criatividade e na flexibilidade os seus principais pilares. A Indústria da Moda, inserida nas Indústrias Criativas, começa a buscar alternativas de gestão para dar sustentabilidade aos seus negócios face à aceleração das transformações no seu ambiente competitivo. O presente estudo relata uma pesquisa-ação conduzida no contexto de adoção do BPM em uma empresa de moda, avaliando as conseqüências práticas geradas para a empresa. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que Gestão de Processos de Negócio pode facilitar a integração e conciliação do gerenciamento da criatividade e da gestão de negócios, ao mesmo tempo em possibilita ganhos em eficiência e em competitividade