6 research outputs found

    Privacy-Preserving Ad-Hoc Equi-Join on Outsourced Data

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    In IT outsourcing, a user may delegate the data storage and query processing functions to a third-party server that is not completely trusted. This gives rise to the need to safeguard the privacy of the database as well as the user queries over it. In this article, we address the problem of running ad hoc equi-join queries directly on encrypted data in such a setting. Our contribution is the first solution that achieves constant complexity per pair of records that are evaluated for the join. After formalizing the privacy requirements pertaining to the database and user queries, we introduce a cryptographic construct for securely joining records across relations. The construct protects the database with a strong encryption scheme. Moreover, information disclosure after executing an equi-join is kept to the minimum—that two input records combine to form an output record if and only if they share common join attribute values. There is no disclosure on records that are not part of the join result. Building on this construct, we then present join algorithms that optimize the join execution by eliminating the need to match every record pair from the input relations. We provide a detailed analysis of the cost of the algorithms and confirm the analysis through extensive experiments with both synthetic and benchmark workloads. Through this evaluation, we tease out useful insights on how to configure the join algorithms to deliver acceptable execution time in practice.</jats:p

    Privacy preserving linkage and sharing of sensitive data

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    2018 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Sensitive data, such as personal and business information, is collected by many service providers nowadays. This data is considered as a rich source of information for research purposes that could benet individuals, researchers and service providers. However, because of the sensitivity of such data, privacy concerns, legislations, and con ict of interests, data holders are reluctant to share their data with others. Data holders typically lter out or obliterate privacy related sensitive information from their data before sharing it, which limits the utility of this data and aects the accuracy of research. Such practice will protect individuals' privacy; however it prevents researchers from linking records belonging to the same individual across dierent sources. This is commonly referred to as record linkage problem by the healthcare industry. In this dissertation, our main focus is on designing and implementing ecient privacy preserving methods that will encourage sensitive information sources to share their data with researchers without compromising the privacy of the clients or aecting the quality of the research data. The proposed solution should be scalable and ecient for real-world deploy- ments and provide good privacy assurance. While this problem has been investigated before, most of the proposed solutions were either considered as partial solutions, not accurate, or impractical, and therefore subject to further improvements. We have identied several issues and limitations in the state of the art solutions and provided a number of contributions that improve upon existing solutions. Our rst contribution is the design of privacy preserving record linkage protocol using semi-trusted third party. The protocol allows a set of data publishers (data holders) who compete with each other, to share sensitive information with subscribers (researchers) while preserving the privacy of their clients and without sharing encryption keys. Our second contribution is the design and implementation of a probabilistic privacy preserving record linkage protocol, that accommodates discrepancies and errors in the data such as typos. This work builds upon the previous work by linking the records that are similar, where the similarity range is formally dened. Our third contribution is a protocol that performs information integration and sharing without third party services. We use garbled circuits secure computation to design and build a system to perform the record linkages between two parties without sharing their data. Our design uses Bloom lters as inputs to the garbled circuits and performs a probabilistic record linkage using the Dice coecient similarity measure. As garbled circuits are known for their expensive computations, we propose new approaches that reduce the computation overhead needed, to achieve a given level of privacy. We built a scalable record linkage system using garbled circuits, that could be deployed in a distributed computation environment like the cloud, and evaluated its security and performance. One of the performance issues for linking large datasets is the amount of secure computation to compare every pair of records across the linked datasets to nd all possible record matches. To reduce the amount of computations a method, known as blocking, is used to lter out as much as possible of the record pairs that will not match, and limit the comparison to a subset of the record pairs (called can- didate pairs) that possibly match. Most of the current blocking methods either require the parties to share blocking keys (called blocks identiers), extracted from the domain of some record attributes (termed blocking variables), or share reference data points to group their records around these points using some similarity measures. Though these methods reduce the computation substantially, they leak too much information about the records within each block. Toward this end, we proposed a novel privacy preserving approximate blocking scheme that allows parties to generate the list of candidate pairs with high accuracy, while protecting the privacy of the records in each block. Our scheme is congurable such that the level of performance and accuracy could be achieved according to the required level of privacy. We analyzed the accuracy and privacy of our scheme, implemented a prototype of the scheme, and experimentally evaluated its accuracy and performance against dierent levels of privacy

    Data Protection in Big Data Analysis

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    "Big data" applications are collecting data from various aspects of our lives more and more every day. This fast transition has surpassed the development pace of data protection techniques and has resulted in innumerable data breaches and privacy violations. To prevent that, it is important to ensure the data is protected while at rest, in transit, in use, as well as during computation or dispersal. We investigate data protection issues in big data analysis in this thesis. We address a security or privacy concern in each phase of the data science pipeline. These phases are: i) data cleaning and preparation, ii) data management, iii) data modelling and analysis, and iv) data dissemination and visualization. In each of our contributions, we either address an existing problem and propose a resolving design (Chapters 2 and 4), or evaluate a current solution for a problem and analyze whether it meets the expected security/privacy goal (Chapters 3 and 5). Starting with privacy in data preparation, we investigate providing privacy in query analysis leveraging differential privacy techniques. We consider contextual outlier analysis and identify challenging queries that require releasing direct information about members of the dataset. We define a new sampling mechanism that allows releasing this information in a differentially private manner. Our second contribution is in the data modelling and analysis phase. We investigate the effect of data properties and application requirements on the successful implementation of privacy techniques. We in particular investigate the effects of data correlation on data protection guarantees of differential privacy. Our third contribution in this thesis is in the data management phase. The problem is to efficiently protecting the data that is outsourced to a database management system (DBMS) provider while still allowing join operation. We provide an encryption method to minimize the leakage and to guarantee confidentiality for the data efficiently. Our last contribution is in the data dissemination phase. We inspect the ownership/contract protection for the prediction models trained on the data. We evaluate the backdoor-based watermarking in deep neural networks which is an important and recent line of the work in model ownership/contract protection

    Practical yet Provably Secure: Complex Database Query Execution over Encrypted Data

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    Encrypted databases provide security for outsourced data. In this work novel encryption schemes supporting different database query types are presented enabling complex database queries over encrypted data. For specific constructions enabling exact keyword queries, range queries, database joins and substring queries over encrypted data we prove security in a formal framework, present a theoretical runtime analysis and provide an assessment of practical performance characteristics

    Toward Private Joins on Outsourced Data

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