611 research outputs found

    Multimodal Scale Consistency and Awareness for Monocular Self-Supervised Depth Estimation

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    Dense depth estimation is essential to scene-understanding for autonomous driving. However, recent self-supervised approaches on monocular videos suffer from scale-inconsistency across long sequences. Utilizing data from the ubiquitously copresent global positioning systems (GPS), we tackle this challenge by proposing a dynamically-weighted GPS-to-Scale (g2s) loss to complement the appearance-based losses. We emphasize that the GPS is needed only during the multimodal training, and not at inference. The relative distance between frames captured through the GPS provides a scale signal that is independent of the camera setup and scene distribution, resulting in richer learned feature representations. Through extensive evaluation on multiple datasets, we demonstrate scale-consistent and -aware depth estimation during inference, improving the performance even when training with low-frequency GPS data.Comment: Accepted at 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    A Study on the Generality of Neural Network Structures for Monocular Depth Estimation

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    Monocular depth estimation has been widely studied, and significant improvements in performance have been recently reported. However, most previous works are evaluated on a few benchmark datasets, such as KITTI datasets, and none of the works provide an in-depth analysis of the generalization performance of monocular depth estimation. In this paper, we deeply investigate the various backbone networks (e.g.CNN and Transformer models) toward the generalization of monocular depth estimation. First, we evaluate state-of-the-art models on both in-distribution and out-of-distribution datasets, which have never been seen during network training. Then, we investigate the internal properties of the representations from the intermediate layers of CNN-/Transformer-based models using synthetic texture-shifted datasets. Through extensive experiments, we observe that the Transformers exhibit a strong shape-bias rather than CNNs, which have a strong texture-bias. We also discover that texture-biased models exhibit worse generalization performance for monocular depth estimation than shape-biased models. We demonstrate that similar aspects are observed in real-world driving datasets captured under diverse environments. Lastly, we conduct a dense ablation study with various backbone networks which are utilized in modern strategies. The experiments demonstrate that the intrinsic locality of the CNNs and the self-attention of the Transformers induce texture-bias and shape-bias, respectively.Comment: Accepted in TPAM

    A Simple Baseline for Supervised Surround-view Depth Estimation

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    Depth estimation has been widely studied and serves as the fundamental step of 3D perception for autonomous driving. Though significant progress has been made for monocular depth estimation in the past decades, these attempts are mainly conducted on the KITTI benchmark with only front-view cameras, which ignores the correlations across surround-view cameras. In this paper, we propose S3Depth, a Simple Baseline for Supervised Surround-view Depth Estimation, to jointly predict the depth maps across multiple surrounding cameras. Specifically, we employ a global-to-local feature extraction module which combines CNN with transformer layers for enriched representations. Further, the Adjacent-view Attention mechanism is proposed to enable the intra-view and inter-view feature propagation. The former is achieved by the self-attention module within each view, while the latter is realized by the adjacent attention module, which computes the attention across multi-cameras to exchange the multi-scale representations across surround-view feature maps. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves superior performance over existing state-of-the-art methods on both DDAD and nuScenes datasets

    On the Synergies between Machine Learning and Binocular Stereo for Depth Estimation from Images: a Survey

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    Stereo matching is one of the longest-standing problems in computer vision with close to 40 years of studies and research. Throughout the years the paradigm has shifted from local, pixel-level decision to various forms of discrete and continuous optimization to data-driven, learning-based methods. Recently, the rise of machine learning and the rapid proliferation of deep learning enhanced stereo matching with new exciting trends and applications unthinkable until a few years ago. Interestingly, the relationship between these two worlds is two-way. While machine, and especially deep, learning advanced the state-of-the-art in stereo matching, stereo itself enabled new ground-breaking methodologies such as self-supervised monocular depth estimation based on deep networks. In this paper, we review recent research in the field of learning-based depth estimation from single and binocular images highlighting the synergies, the successes achieved so far and the open challenges the community is going to face in the immediate future.Comment: Accepted to TPAMI. Paper version of our CVPR 2019 tutorial: "Learning-based depth estimation from stereo and monocular images: successes, limitations and future challenges" (https://sites.google.com/view/cvpr-2019-depth-from-image/home
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