15,284 research outputs found

    Urban management revolution: intelligent management systems for ubiquitous cities

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    A successful urban management support system requires an integrated approach. This integration includes bringing together economic, socio-cultural and urban development with a well orchestrated transparent and open decision making mechanism. The paper emphasises the importance of integrated urban management to better tackle the climate change, and to achieve sustainable urban development and sound urban growth management. This paper introduces recent approaches on urban management systems, such as intelligent urban management systems, that are suitable for ubiquitous cities. The paper discusses the essential role of online collaborative decision making in urban and infrastructure planning, development and management, and advocates transparent, fully democratic and participatory mechanisms for an effective urban management system that is particularly suitable for ubiquitous cities. This paper also sheds light on some of the unclear processes of urban management of ubiquitous cities and online collaborative decision making, and reveals the key benefits of integrated and participatory mechanisms in successfully constructing sustainable ubiquitous cities

    Theorizing Collective Green Actions

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    The notion of “green” has gained increasing attention over the years. Many major companies have made significant attempt to better fit into the green concept. Are these corporate marketing endeavors purely based on their environmental consciousness or driven by their intention to gain social recognition which could in turn reshape their corporate image that better reflects the concerns of environments, climate change, and green IT issues? This question is interesting to explore because the complexity and difficulty of ‘green endeavor’ has been widely addressed among practitioners and researchers. Based on an institutional perspective, this paper thus proposes a theoretical framework that helps organizations analyze these green issues in the competitive marketplaces. Propositions of the framework theorize that organizations will inevitably face various isomorphic pressures that lead them to initiate or follow green actions collectively. Those isomorphic pressures usually stem from influential agencies or initiatives in their respective fields such as REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals), the Green Grid, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and European Waste Catalogs (EWC). The implications of this theoretical framework suggest that organizations need to undertake green actions shiftily in order to continuously validate their competitive status in the global, networked economy. The cost of failing to do so, i.e. being ‘not’ green, might be beyond any organization’s measure in the long term. Further implications of collective green actions are made to the UAE local industries and research community

    Contextual impacts on industrial processes brought by the digital transformation of manufacturing: a systematic review

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    The digital transformation of manufacturing (a phenomenon also known as "Industry 4.0" or "Smart Manufacturing") is finding a growing interest both at practitioner and academic levels, but is still in its infancy and needs deeper investigation. Even though current and potential advantages of digital manufacturing are remarkable, in terms of improved efficiency, sustainability, customization, and flexibility, only a limited number of companies has already developed ad hoc strategies necessary to achieve a superior performance. Through a systematic review, this study aims at assessing the current state of the art of the academic literature regarding the paradigm shift occurring in the manufacturing settings, in order to provide definitions as well as point out recurring patterns and gaps to be addressed by future research. For the literature search, the most representative keywords, strict criteria, and classification schemes based on authoritative reference studies were used. The final sample of 156 primary publications was analyzed through a systematic coding process to identify theoretical and methodological approaches, together with other significant elements. This analysis allowed a mapping of the literature based on clusters of critical themes to synthesize the developments of different research streams and provide the most representative picture of its current state. Research areas, insights, and gaps resulting from this analysis contributed to create a schematic research agenda, which clearly indicates the space for future evolutions of the state of knowledge in this field

    Fostering improved learning about sustainability

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    University business graduates must not only understand but also be equipped to apply a sustainable thought process to today's business challenges. However, evidence suggests that standard approaches to teaching business courses have not advanced to reflect changing student needs, especially for NetGen students who have differing expectations than earlier cohorts. The current challenge for instructors concerns the preservation of rigor and integrity in course design, while responding to the needs of a new generation of learners. This article presents a conceptual framework incorporating experiential learning, reflective practice, and the use of metaphor, with application to the teaching of sustainability within a number of business courses

    The Value of Green IT: a Theoretical Framework and Exploratory Assessment of Cloud Computing

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    The phenomenon of climate change and the resulting focus on energy consumption has created a consensus among businesses about the need for a collective reduction in carbon emissions. A range of new Green technologies, such as Cloud computing, provide unprecedented opportunities to improve the efficiency of business operations and represent a realistic opportunity to reduce energy costs and combat global warming. Enterprises are equally concerned with optimising the business value derived from investments in Green IT. However, evidence from the literature shows that the measurement of IT value is a complex, challenge involving multiple stakeholders. Green IT, such as Cloud computing, adds further complexity to the understanding of IT value as the expected operational and business benefits should also be complemented by environmental and societal concerns. This paper contributes to the area of Cloud computing and Green IT research through the development of a framework that measures the value of Green IT. The framework expands on the work of Corbett (2010) and is developed as a result of a comprehensive literature review of both seminal works in the IT value field and also the most recent studies in Green IT. This paper demonstrates the efficacy of the value framework by reporting from a series of case studies involving Cloud computing. Using exploratory case studies, this study highlights the utility of the model and its applicability to multiple contexts. Although the framework can be applied in multiple settings, the findings highlight a number of areas that are prominent in SMEs and those in need of further attention

    Green IoT: sustainability environment and technologies

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) connects everyone in the smart world, so the energy consumption of IoT technology is a challenging and attractive research area. The development of technology in the field of IoT has changed the way of life and enriched society with its benefits, but we must not ignore the fact that IoT consumes energy, contributes to toxic pollution, and generates electrical waste. To increase the benefits and reduce the harmfulness of IoT, there are increasing tendencies to move towards green IoT (G-IoT). The G-IoT is considered the future environmentally friendly IoT. Greening ICT technology plays a key role in G-IoT and promises many benefits to society such as efficient production, and reducing the energy used to design and distribute ICT devices and equipment. This paper will present a comprehensive overview of G-IoT technologies and strategies that demonstrate work and efforts to build a green and smart world, contributing to a safe and healthy environment, smart and high quality of life based on enabling technologies, reducing pollution, and reducing energy consumption. ICT technologies that enable G-IoT include Green RFID, Green Wireless Sensor Network (GWSN), Green Cloud Computing (GCC), Green M2M (G-M2M), and Green Data Center (GDC). The paper will also present an analysis of the importance of environmental technology processes in sustainable development, exploring the principles and roles of G-IoT in the progress of society through examining its potential for improving quality of life, environment, economic growth, and green global modernization

    Managing ubiquitous eco cities: the role of urban telecommunication infrastructure networks and convergence technologies

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    A successful urban management system for a Ubiquitous Eco City requires an integrated approach. This integration includes bringing together economic, socio-cultural and urban development with a well orchestrated, transparent and open decision making mechanism and necessary infrastructure and technologies. Rapidly developing information and telecommunication technologies and their platforms in the late 20th Century improves urban management and enhances the quality of life and place. Telecommunication technologies provide an important base for monitoring and managing activities over wired, wireless or fibre-optic networks. Particularly technology convergence creates new ways in which the information and telecommunication technologies are used. The 21st Century is an era where information has converged, in which people are able to access a variety of services, including internet and location based services, through multi-functional devices such as mobile phones and provides opportunities in the management of Ubiquitous Eco Cities. This paper discusses the recent developments in telecommunication networks and trends in convergence technologies and their implications on the management of Ubiquitous Eco Cities and how this technological shift is likely to be beneficial in improving the quality of life and place. The paper also introduces recent approaches on urban management systems, such as intelligent urban management systems, that are suitable for Ubiquitous Eco Cities

    Towards Sustainable Urban Futures: Exploring Environmental Initiatives in Smart Cities

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    Environmentally sustainable smart cities have emerged as a promising approach to address the challenges of urbanization while promoting sustainable development and enhancing residents' quality of life. This research article presents the key findings of a comprehensive study that explores the various aspects and initiatives found in environmentally sustainable smart cities.Renewable energy plays a pivotal role in these cities, with a strong emphasis on harnessing solar, wind, and geothermal power. Investments in clean energy infrastructure, such as solar panels, wind farms, and geothermal plants, significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to lower carbon emissions.Energy efficiency is another critical aspect of sustainable smart cities. These cities prioritize the use of smart grids for optimized energy distribution, smart meters for real-time energy monitoring and control, and energy-efficient buildings equipped with insulation, lighting, and HVAC systems that minimize energy consumption.Smart transportation is a key initiative in environmentally sustainable smart cities, focusing on reducing traffic congestion and air pollution. Electric vehicles (EVs) are promoted, accompanied by the development of charging infrastructure. Intelligent transportation systems aid in effective traffic management, while active transportation modes such as cycling, walking, and public transportation are encouraged.Efficient waste management systems are implemented to minimize landfill waste and promote recycling and composting. Smart waste bins equipped with sensors optimize waste collection routes, reduce littering, and provide real-time data on fill levels, aiding in effective waste management.Water management strategies are prioritized to conserve this precious resource. Smart water meters monitor consumption patterns, rainwater harvesting systems are implemented, water-efficient practices are promoted in buildings, and advanced leak detection technologies minimize water loss.Green spaces and biodiversity conservation are fundamental in environmentally sustainable smart cities. By integrating parks, gardens, rooftop greenery, and urban forests, these cities enhance residents' well-being, improve air quality, and provide habitats for wildlife, thus promoting biodiversity.Data analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT) play a crucial role in monitoring and optimizing various city systems. Real-time data collection and analysis enable effective management of energy usage, traffic flow, waste management, and other infrastructure, facilitating informed decision-making and resource allocation.Citizen engagement is fostered in environmentally sustainable smart cities. Platforms for citizen participation enable residents to provide feedback, report issues, and actively contribute to decision-making processes related to urban planning, energy conservation, waste management, and other sustainability initiatives.The implementation of these strategies in environmentally sustainable smart cities aims to reduce carbon footprints, enhance resource efficiency, improve air and water quality, and create healthier and more livable urban environments. By embracing technology, innovation, and citizen engagement, these cities pave the way for a sustainable and resilient future

    A Study of Factors Influencing Green IT Practices, Buying and Subscription Behaviours of Computer and Mobile Devices, and Streaming Services

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    The pressure of environmental sustainability and the introduction of strict transnational and local environment laws, regulations and targets have catalysed the emergency of Green IT. On individual level, Green IT can be achieved through environmentally responsible behaviour to purchase, use and disposal of products and services without damaging the environment. This research aims to investigate the Green IT behaviour of young consumers including their day-to-day Green IT practices, buying behaviour of mobile and computer devices and subscription behaviour of streaming services. The findings show that: 1) Understanding of Green IT practices (specific knowledge) has a positive influence on PBC, 2) Consumer’s PBC has a positive influence on Green IT behaviour and 3) The communication strategy has a positive influence on PBC. Research results also show that young consumers’ buying and subscribing decision are strongly influenced by factors such as appearance, specification, features, content and price than Green IT factors. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol11/iss1/4
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