2 research outputs found

    Toward Efficient Filter Privacy-Aware Content-Based Pub/Sub Systems

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    In recent years, the content-based publish/subscribe [12], [22] has become a popular paradigm to decouple information producers and consumers with the help of brokers. Unfortunately, when users register their personal interests to the brokers, the privacy pertaining to filters defined by honest subscribers could be easily exposed by untrusted brokers, and this situation is further aggravated by the collusion attack between untrusted brokers and compromised subscribers. To protect the filter privacy, we introduce an anonymizer engine to separate the roles of brokers into two parts, and adapt the k-anonymity and l-diversity models to the content-based pub/sub. When the anonymization model is applied to protect the filter privacy, there is an inherent tradeoff between the anonymization level and the publication redundancy. By leveraging partial-order-based generalization of filters to track filters satisfying k-anonymity and l-diversity, we design algorithms to minimize the publication redundancy. Our experiments show the proposed scheme, when compared with studied counterparts, has smaller forwarding cost while achieving comparable attack resilience

    Confidentiality-Preserving Publish/Subscribe: A Survey

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    Publish/subscribe (pub/sub) is an attractive communication paradigm for large-scale distributed applications running across multiple administrative domains. Pub/sub allows event-based information dissemination based on constraints on the nature of the data rather than on pre-established communication channels. It is a natural fit for deployment in untrusted environments such as public clouds linking applications across multiple sites. However, pub/sub in untrusted environments lead to major confidentiality concerns stemming from the content-centric nature of the communications. This survey classifies and analyzes different approaches to confidentiality preservation for pub/sub, from applications of trust and access control models to novel encryption techniques. It provides an overview of the current challenges posed by confidentiality concerns and points to future research directions in this promising field