164,543 research outputs found

    Quadruplex digital flight control system assessment

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    Described are the development and validation of a double fail-operational digital flight control system architecture for critical pitch axis functions. Architectural tradeoffs are assessed, system simulator modifications are described, and demonstration testing results are critiqued. Assessment tools and their application are also illustrated. Ultimately, the vital role of system simulation, tailored to digital mechanization attributes, is shown to be essential to validating the airworthiness of full-time critical functions such as augmented fly-by-wire systems for relaxed static stability airplanes

    Assertion and Testimony

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    [The version of this paper published by Oxford online in 2019 was not copy-edited and has some sense-obscuring typos. I have posted a corrected (but not the final published) version on this site. The version published in print in 2020 has these corrections.] Which is more fundamental, assertion or testimony? Should we understand assertion as basic, treating testimony as what you get when you add an interpersonal addressee? Or should we understand testimony as basic, treating mere assertion -- assertion without testimony -- as what you get when you subtract that interpersonal relation? In this chapter, I’ll argue for the subtractive approach and for the more general thesis that its treatment of the interpersonal element in assertion makes understanding that interpersonal element the key to understanding how assertion expresses belief. My theory of belief-expression in assertion treats it as internalizing the transmission of belief in testimony. How we understand that internalizing move depends on how we conceptualize the interpersonal element in testimony. Since what I’ll call the Command Model does not give us the conceptual resources to make this move, we should adopt an alternative that I’ll call the Custodial Model, on which a testifier aims not to convince her addressee but to reason with him – to give him reasons to believe what she tells him grounded in her trustworthiness in thus attempting to influence him. The subtractive approach to assertion thus rests on a key distinction between the aims of reasoning and persuasion

    John Courtney Murray and Postconciliar Faith

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    System Identification of Constructed Facilities: Challenges and Opportunities Across Hazards

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    The motivation, success and prevalence of full-scale monitoring of constructed buildings vary considerably across the hazard of concern (earthquakes, strong winds, etc.), due in part to various fiscal and life safety motivators. Yet while the challenges of successful deployment and operation of large-scale monitoring initiatives are significant, they are perhaps dwarfed by the challenges of data management, interrogation and ultimately system identification. Practical constraints on everything from sensor density to the availability of measured input has driven the development of a wide array of system identification and damage detection techniques, which in many cases become hazard-specific. In this study, the authors share their experiences in fullscale monitoring of buildings across hazards and the associated challenges of system identification. The study will conclude with a brief agenda for next generation research in the area of system identification of constructed facilities

    Policy Standardization Implementation Guarantying at the Private University in Semarang City

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    The purpose of this research is designed to describe and analyze the implementation of the quality assurance policy at a private college in the city of Semarang and the identification of those aspects that support and hinder the implementation of a quality assurance policy at a private University in the city of Semarang. As for specific targets to be achieved in the research is to formulate quality assurance policy implementation model for effective education (proposed model) and corresponding needs in supporting improved quality of education at Private Colleges in the city of Semarang. The study was designed with a qualitative research approach and use descriptive analysis. The analysis of the data collected is done after through interviews and observations directly in the field. Because it uses a qualitative approach then the data analysis processes in inductive data collection method in dept Interview, observation, documentation, and test the validity of library studies with data using two methods, namely the technique of triangulation and peer debriefing. The activity of this data analysis consists of, i.e., data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. To test the design quality assurance policy implementation model at a private college in the city of Semarang using consultation with experts guarantee quality (peer debriefing) for evaluation and improvement be alternative models. The next stage of the evaluation with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by presenting a quality assurance team of experts from several universities to discuss alternative models these models are proposed so that/later can be implemented at private colleges. The location of the research done at Private Colleges include: Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang (UDINUS), Republic Indonesia Semarang Teachers Union University (UPGRIS), a high school computer (STEKOM), Indonesia Cruise Academy (AKPELNI), the maritime high school (STIMART) and site Quality Assurance Agency on research at the private University

    Summer/Fall 2008

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