659 research outputs found

    SieveNet: A Unified Framework for Robust Image-Based Virtual Try-On

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    Image-based virtual try-on for fashion has gained considerable attention recently. The task requires trying on a clothing item on a target model image. An efficient framework for this is composed of two stages: (1) warping (transforming) the try-on cloth to align with the pose and shape of the target model, and (2) a texture transfer module to seamlessly integrate the warped try-on cloth onto the target model image. Existing methods suffer from artifacts and distortions in their try-on output. In this work, we present SieveNet, a framework for robust image-based virtual try-on. Firstly, we introduce a multi-stage coarse-to-fine warping network to better model fine-grained intricacies (while transforming the try-on cloth) and train it with a novel perceptual geometric matching loss. Next, we introduce a try-on cloth conditioned segmentation mask prior to improve the texture transfer network. Finally, we also introduce a dueling triplet loss strategy for training the texture translation network which further improves the quality of the generated try-on results. We present extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluations of each component of the proposed pipeline and show significant performance improvements against the current state-of-the-art method.Comment: Accepted at IEEE WACV 202

    A comprehensive survey on Pose-Invariant Face Recognition

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    © 2016 ACM. The capacity to recognize faces under varied poses is a fundamental human ability that presents a unique challenge for computer vision systems. Compared to frontal face recognition, which has been intensively studied and has gradually matured in the past few decades, Pose-Invariant Face Recognition (PIFR) remains a largely unsolved problem. However, PIFR is crucial to realizing the full potential of face recognition for real-world applications, since face recognition is intrinsically a passive biometric technology for recognizing uncooperative subjects. In this article, we discuss the inherent difficulties in PIFR and present a comprehensive review of established techniques. Existing PIFR methods can be grouped into four categories, that is, pose-robust feature extraction approaches, multiview subspace learning approaches, face synthesis approaches, and hybrid approaches. The motivations, strategies, pros/cons, and performance of representative approaches are described and compared. Moreover, promising directions for future research are discussed

    DI-Net : Decomposed Implicit Garment Transfer Network for Digital Clothed 3D Human

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    3D virtual try-on enjoys many potential applications and hence has attracted wide attention. However, it remains a challenging task that has not been adequately solved. Existing 2D virtual try-on methods cannot be directly extended to 3D since they lack the ability to perceive the depth of each pixel. Besides, 3D virtual try-on approaches are mostly built on the fixed topological structure and with heavy computation. To deal with these problems, we propose a Decomposed Implicit garment transfer network (DI-Net), which can effortlessly reconstruct a 3D human mesh with the newly try-on result and preserve the texture from an arbitrary perspective. Specifically, DI-Net consists of two modules: 1) A complementary warping module that warps the reference image to have the same pose as the source image through dense correspondence learning and sparse flow learning; 2) A geometry-aware decomposed transfer module that decomposes the garment transfer into image layout based transfer and texture based transfer, achieving surface and texture reconstruction by constructing pixel-aligned implicit functions. Experimental results show the effectiveness and superiority of our method in the 3D virtual try-on task, which can yield more high-quality results over other existing methods

    Editing faces in videos

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    Editing faces in movies is of interest in the special effects industry. We aim at producing effects such as the addition of accessories interacting correctly with the face or replacing the face of a stuntman with the face of the main actor. The system introduced in this thesis is based on a 3D generative face model. Using a 3D model makes it possible to edit the face in the semantic space of pose, expression, and identity instead of pixel space, and due to its 3D nature allows a modelling of the light interaction. In our system we first reconstruct the 3D face, which is deforming because of expressions and speech, the lighting, and the camera in all frames of a monocular input video. The face is then edited by substituting expressions or identities with those of another video sequence or by adding virtual objects into the scene. The manipulated 3D scene is rendered back into the original video, correctly simulating the interaction of the light with the deformed face and virtual objects. We describe all steps necessary to build and apply the system. This includes registration of training faces to learn a generative face model, semi-automatic annotation of the input video, fitting of the face model to the input video, editing of the fit, and rendering of the resulting scene. While describing the application we introduce a host of new methods, each of which is of interest on its own. We start with a new method to register 3D face scans to use as training data for the face model. For video preprocessing a new interest point tracking and 2D Active Appearance Model fitting technique is proposed. For robust fitting we introduce background modelling, model-based stereo techniques, and a more accurate light model

    Multimodal Three Dimensional Scene Reconstruction, The Gaussian Fields Framework

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    The focus of this research is on building 3D representations of real world scenes and objects using different imaging sensors. Primarily range acquisition devices (such as laser scanners and stereo systems) that allow the recovery of 3D geometry, and multi-spectral image sequences including visual and thermal IR images that provide additional scene characteristics. The crucial technical challenge that we addressed is the automatic point-sets registration task. In this context our main contribution is the development of an optimization-based method at the core of which lies a unified criterion that solves simultaneously for the dense point correspondence and transformation recovery problems. The new criterion has a straightforward expression in terms of the datasets and the alignment parameters and was used primarily for 3D rigid registration of point-sets. However it proved also useful for feature-based multimodal image alignment. We derived our method from simple Boolean matching principles by approximation and relaxation. One of the main advantages of the proposed approach, as compared to the widely used class of Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithms, is convexity in the neighborhood of the registration parameters and continuous differentiability, allowing for the use of standard gradient-based optimization techniques. Physically the criterion is interpreted in terms of a Gaussian Force Field exerted by one point-set on the other. Such formulation proved useful for controlling and increasing the region of convergence, and hence allowing for more autonomy in correspondence tasks. Furthermore, the criterion can be computed with linear complexity using recently developed Fast Gauss Transform numerical techniques. In addition, we also introduced a new local feature descriptor that was derived from visual saliency principles and which enhanced significantly the performance of the registration algorithm. The resulting technique was subjected to a thorough experimental analysis that highlighted its strength and showed its limitations. Our current applications are in the field of 3D modeling for inspection, surveillance, and biometrics. However, since this matching framework can be applied to any type of data, that can be represented as N-dimensional point-sets, the scope of the method is shown to reach many more pattern analysis applications