22 research outputs found

    Toughness and hamiltonicity in kk-trees

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    We consider toughness conditions that guarantee the existence of a hamiltonian cycle in kk-trees, a subclass of the class of chordal graphs. By a result of Chen et al.\ 18-tough chordal graphs are hamiltonian, and by a result of Bauer et al.\ there exist nontraceable chordal graphs with toughness arbitrarily close to 74\frac{7}{4}. It is believed that the best possible value of the toughness guaranteeing hamiltonicity of chordal graphs is less than 18, but the proof of Chen et al.\ indicates that proving a better result could be very complicated. We show that every 1-tough 2-tree on at least three vertices is hamiltonian, a best possible result since 1-toughness is a necessary condition for hamiltonicity. We generalize the result to kk-trees for k≥2k\ge 2: Let GG be a kk-tree. If GG has toughness at least k+13,\frac{k+1}{3}, then GG is hamiltonian. Moreover, we present infinite classes of nonhamiltonian 1-tough kk-trees for each $k\ge 3

    Uniquely List Colorability of Complete Split Graphs

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    The join of null graph Om and complete graph Kn, denoted by S(m; n), is called a complete split graph. In this paper, we characterize unique list colorability of the graph G = S(m; n). We shall prove that G is uniquely 3-list colorable graph if and only if m>=4, n>=4 and m + n>=10, m(G)>=4 for every 1<=m<=5 and n>=6.The join of null graph Om and complete graph Kn, denoted by S(m; n), is called a complete split graph. In this paper, we characterize unique list colorability of the graph G = S(m; n). We shall prove that G is uniquely 3-list colorable graph if and only if m>=4, n>=4 and m + n>=10, m(G)>=4 for every 1<=m<=5 and n>=6

    Minimally toughness in special graph classes

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    Let tt be a positive real number. A graph is called tt-tough, if the removal of any cutset SS leaves at most ∣S∣/t|S|/t components. The toughness of a graph is the largest tt for which the graph is tt-tough. A graph is minimally tt-tough, if the toughness of the graph is tt and the deletion of any edge from the graph decreases the toughness. In this paper we investigate the minimum degree and the recognizability of minimally tt-tough graphs in the class of chordal graphs, split graphs, claw-free graphs and 2K22K_2-free graphs

    On some intriguing problems in Hamiltonian graph theory -- A survey

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    We survey results and open problems in Hamiltonian graph theory centred around three themes: regular graphs, tt-tough graphs, and claw-free graphs