4 research outputs found

    Problems facing by visually impaired people during interaction with mobile applications

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    In order to improve the quality of life for Visually Impaired People (VIP), these mobile applications have paly an important role. VIP can independently live their lives with the help of advanced mobile technology. There are many assistive mobile applications that facilitate the VIP to perform their daily tasks. But when VIP interacts with these mobile applications there are many accessibility issues. This paper focused on the accessibility of mobile phone applications by VIP. This paper observed the activities of VIP during using mobile applications. In this paper, a total of 10 VIP people have participated with a different type of visual impairment. In order to find out the problems in accessibilities, the participants completed the given task. In a result of observation and accessibility of mobile phone applications, there were found many problems of accessibilities and usability. The representation of problems during interaction of mobile applications with VIP is the main contribution of this paper


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    With the advancement of technological resources and access to information by means of different devices, there is a gap in the investigations of the user experience (UX) in mobile devices, more specifically in the blind user’s experience with respect to usability attributes aligned to the characteristics of accessibility. Thus, this work proposes a systematic review of the literature, identifying the main methods of blind users’ experience applied in interactions through mobile devices. In this way, 805 scientific papers were identified, and 34 were selected for the systematic review of the literature, which addressed subjects on usability, blind users’ experience and mobile devices. Through result extraction, sixteen different applied methods were identified in the blind users’ experience on mobile devices interaction. The applicability of methods supported by expert reviewers, the observation techniques, trial studies, validation and conformity verification with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are highlighted.Com o avanço dos recursos tecnológicos e o acesso às informações por diferentes dispositivos, há uma lacuna nas investigações sobre a experiência do usuário (UX) em dispositivos móveis, mais especificamente, na experiência do usuário cego em relação aos atributos de usabilidade alinhados às características de acessibilidade. Assim, este trabalho propõe uma revisão sistemática da literatura, identificando os principais métodos da experiência do usuário cego aplicados nas interações por meio de dispositivos móveis. Dessa forma, foram identificados 805 artigos científicos, sendo selecionados 34 para a revisão sistemática da literatura, os quais endereçavam assuntos relacionados à usabilidade, à experiência do usuário cego e a dispositivos móveis. Por meio da extração dos resultados, identificou-se dezesseis diferentes métodos aplicados na experiência de usuários cegos. Destacam-se a aplicabilidade dos métodos apoiados por revisores especialistas, as técnicas de observações, estudos experimentais, validação e verificação de conformidade com as Diretrizes de Acessibilidade do Conteúdo na Web (WCAG)