1,944 research outputs found

    Nectar: Multi-user Spatial Augmented Reality for everyone: Three live demonstrations of educative applications

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    International audienceIn this demonstration we showcase a new spatial augmented reality device (interactive projection) with three applications: education and experimentation of color models, map exploration for visually impaired people and scientific vulgarization of machine learning. The first exhibition is an interactive exploration about the nature of light. Visitors can experiment with additive subtractive color models. We engage them with questions, and they have to reply using cards to find out answers. This exhibit is suitable for children. The second exhibition is about map exploration and creation for Visually Impaired Persons (VIP). VIP generally use tactile maps with braille to learn about an unknown environment. However, these maps are not accessible to the 80% of VIP who don't read braille. Our prototype augments raised-line maps with audio output. The third exhibition is destined to be used for scientific outreach. It enables the creation of artificial neural networks (ANN) using tangible interfaces. Neurons are represented by laser-cut diamond shaped tokens, and the data to learn is printed on cards. The ANN learns to differentiate shapes, and the whole learning process is made visible and interactive. These three applications demonstrate the capabilities of our hardware and software development kit in different scenarios. At ReVo, each demonstration will have its own setup and interactive space

    Quick-Glance and In-Depth exploration of a tabletop map for visually impaired people

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    National audienceInteractive tactile maps provide visually impaired people with accessible geographic information. However, when these maps are presented on large tabletops, tactile exploration without sight is long and tedious due to the size of the surface. In this paper we present a novel approach to speed up the process of exploring tabletop maps in the absence of vision. Our approach mimics the visual processing of a map and consists in two steps. First, the Quick-Glance step allows creating a global mental representation of the map by using mid-air gestures. Second, the In-Depth step allows users to reach Points of Interest with appropriate hand guidance onto the map. In this paper we present the design and development of a prototype combining a smartwatch and a tactile surface for Quick-Glance and In-Depth interactive exploration of a map

    Interactive Audio Tactile Maps for Pre-Navigation Improve Spatial Learning in Visually Impaired People.

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    Pre-navigational tools can assist visually impaired people when navigating unfamiliar environments. We assessed the effectiveness of an interactive audio-tactile-map (ATM) in blind and visually impaired people. We found that participants exposed to an ATM recalled the map significantly better than those given a conventional tactile map accompanied by text description

    A pathway to independence : wayfinding systems which adapt to a visually impaired person's context

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    Despite an increased amount of technologies and systems designed to address the navigational requirements of the visually impaired community of approximately 7.4 million in Europe, current research has failed to sufficiently address the human issues associated to their design and use. As more types of sensing technologies are developed to facilitate visually impaired travellers for different navigational purposes (local vs. distant and indoor vs. outdoor), an effective process of synchronisation is required. This synchronisation is represented through context-aware computing, which allows contextual information to not just be sensed (like most current wayfinding systems), but also adapted, discovered and augmented. In this paper, three user studies concerning the suitability of different types of navigational information for visually impaired and sighted people are described. For such systems to be effective, human cognitive maps, models and intentions need to be the focus of further research, in order to provide information that is tailored to a user's task, situation or environment. Methodologies aimed at establishing these issues need to be demonstrated through a multidisciplinary framework

    Audio Tactile Maps (ATM) System for the Exploration of Digital Heritage Buildings by Visually-impaired Individuals - First Prototype and Preliminary Evaluation

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    P.I. Dr. Lorenzo Piccinali, Faculty of Technology, DMUNavigation within historic spaces requires analysis of a variety of acoustic, proprioceptive and tactile cues; a task that is well-developed in many visually-impaired individuals but for which sighted individuals rely almost entirely on vision. For the visually-impaired, the creation of a cognitive map of a space can be a long process for which the individual may repeat various paths numerous times. While this action is typically performed by the individual on-site, it is of some interest to investigate to what degree this task can be performed off-site using a virtual simulator. We propose a tactile map navigation system with interactive auditory display. The system is based on a paper tactile map upon which the user’s hands are tracked. Audio feedback provides; (i) information on user-selected map features, (ii) dynamic navigation information as the hand is moved, (iii) guidance on how to reach the location of one hand (arrival point) from the location of the other hand (departure point) and (iv) additional interactive 3D-audio cues useful for navigation. This paper presents an overview of the initial technical development stage, reporting observations from preliminary evaluations with a blind individual. The system will be beneficial to visually impaired visitors to heritage sites; we describe one such site which is being used to further assess our prototype

    Schematisation in Hard-copy Tactile Orientation Maps

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    This dissertation investigates schematisation of computer-generated tactile orientation maps that support mediation of spatial knowledge of unknown urban environments. Computergenerated tactile orientation maps are designed to provide the blind with an overall impression of their surroundings. Their details are displayed by means of elevated features that are created by embossers and can be distinguished by touch. The initial observation of this dissertation states that only very little information is actually transported through tactile maps owing to the coarse resolution of tactual senses and the cognitive effort involved in the serial exploration of tactile maps. However, the differences between computer-generated, embossed tactile maps and manufactured, deep-drawn tactile maps are significant. Therefore the possibilities and confines of communicating information through tactile maps produced with embossers is a primary area of research. This dissertation has been able to demonstrate that the quality of embossed prints is an almost equal alternative to traditionally manufactured deep-drawn maps. Their great advantage is fast and individual production and (apart from the initial procurement costs for the printer)low price, accessibility and easy understanding without the need of prior time-consuming training. Simplification of tactile maps is essential, even more so than in other maps. It can be achieved by selecting a limited number from all map elements available. Qualitative simplification through schematisation may present an additional option to simplification through quantitative selection. In this context schematisation is understood as cognitively motivated simplification of geometry and synchronised maintenance of topology. Rather than further reducing the number of displayed objects, the investigation concentrates on how the presentation of different forms of streets (natural vs. straightened) and junctions (natural vs. prototypical) affects the transfer of knowledge. In a second area of research, a thesis establishes that qualitative simplification of tactile orientation maps through schematisation can enhance their usability and make them easier to understand than maps that have not been schematised. The dissertation shows that simplifying street forms and limiting them to prototypical junctions does not only accelerate map exploration but also has a beneficial influence on retention performance. The majority of participants that took part in the investigation selected a combination of both as their preferred display option. Tactile maps that have to be tediously explored through touch, uncovering every detail, complicate attaining a first impression or an overall perception. A third area of research is examined, establishing which means could facilitate map readersâ options to discover certain objects on the map quickly and without possessing a complete overview. Three types of aids are examined: guiding lines leading from the frame of the map to the object, position indicators represented by position markers at the frame of the map and coordinate specifications found within a grid on the map. The dissertation shows that all three varieties can be realised by embossers. Although a guiding line proves to be fast in size A4 tactile maps containing only one target object and few distracting objects, it also impedes further exploration of the map (similar to the grid). In the following, advantages and drawbacks of the various aids in this and other applications are discussed. In conclusion the dissertation elaborates on the linking points of all three examinations. They connect and it is argued that cognitively motivated simplification should be a principle of construction for embossed tactile orientation maps in order to support their use and comprehension. A summary establishes the recommendations that result from this dissertation regarding construction of tactile orientation maps considering the limitations through embosser constraints. Then I deliberate how to adapt schematisation of other maps contingent to intended function, previous knowledge of the map reader, and the relation between the time in which knowledge is acquired and the time it is employed. Closing the dissertation, I provide an insight into its confines and deductions and finish with a prospective view to possible transfers of the findings to other applications, e.g. multimedia or interactive maps on pin-matrix displays and devices
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