21 research outputs found


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    That knowledge management implementation at SME works well, need to understand critical success factor (CSF) of knowledge management implementation according to SME’s characteristic. CSF viewed as action and practice to ensure the success of knowledge management implementation. Knowledge management is process to create, obtain, understand, divide, and apply knowledge, it doesn't matter where knowledge is, to increase organization learning and performance, include identify, create, acquisition, transfer, sharing, and knowledge exploitation. Knowledge management implementation have challenges to SME because there are very basic differences of knowledge management implementation between SME with business organization, either evaluated from management side, structure, culture, and HRM also. Knowledge management implementation success at SME determined by CSF, like leadership and management support, culture, information technology, strategy and goals, measurement, organization infrastructure, process and activity, motivation, resource, training and education, HRM and HRM participation. CSF understanding assists SME to identify important problem that must be faced when designing and applying knowledge management. No understanding of CSF causes SME will not obtain benefit from knowledge management implementation

    A review of knowledge management about theoretical conception and designing approaches

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    Purpose - The main purpose of this paper is to conduct an in-depth theoretical review and analysis for the fields of knowledge management (KM) and investigate the future research trend about KM. Design/methodology/approach - At first, few theoretical basis about KM which include definitions and stages about KM have been summarized and analyzed. Then a comprehensive review about the major approaches for designing the KM system from different perspectives including knowledge representation and organization, knowledge sharing and performance measure for KM has been conducted. Findings - The contributions of this paper will be useful for both academics and practitioners for the study of KM. Originality/value - For this research, the focus is on conducting an in-depth theoretical review and analysis of KM

    The development and maintenance of maritime education and training (MET) in Liberia: a historical analysis

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    Gestión de la calidad y del conocimiento: dos enfoques complementarios

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    Quality Management applied to organizations generates better products and services, cost reduction, more satisfied customers and employees, and improved financial performance, which in turn means competitive advantages. However, sometimes the efforts are not enough, because the organizations don’t have a mature organizational culture that guide them to hold the continuous improvement, satisfied customers, reduced duplicity efforts, redesign of processes, team work and closer supplier relationships. Knowledge management understood as the activities related to creation, storage, transference, and usage of organizational knowledge arises as a possible solution to the difficulties acquired by the application of quality management. This paper shows the difficulties and opportunities created by quality management and how these can be avoided and exploited through the implementation of knowledge management strategies.La gestión de la calidad aplicada en las organizaciones genera mejores productos y servicios, reducción de costos, más clientes y empleados satisfechos, y mejor rendimiento financiero que a su vez conlleva ventajas competitivas. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones los esfuerzos realizados resultan en vano debido a que las organizaciones no cuentan con una cultura organizacional madura que las guíe para mantener las mejoras continuas, satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes, reducir la duplicidad de esfuerzos, o en el rediseño de procesos, el trabajo en equipo y las relaciones cercanas con los proveedores. La gestión del conocimiento entendida como las actividades relativas a la creación, almacenamiento, transferencia y aplicación del conocimiento en las organizaciones surge como una posible solución a las dificultades adquiridas por la aplicación de la gestión de calidad. En este artículo se muestran las dificultades y oportunidades generadas por la gestión de la calidad y cómo estas pueden ser sorteadas y aprovechadas por la implementación de estrategias de gestión del conocimiento

    Gestión del conocimiento, e-learning, mapas conceptuales: mejor de la calidad de aprendizaje

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    I Congreso Internacional sobre Tecnología Documental y del Conocimiento. 2004¿Sociedad de la información o del conocimiento?, ¿Aprender o enseñar?, ¿Cómo?, ¿Dónde?, ¿Con qué medios?, etc. Estas preguntas reflejan lo que se está cuestionando con la implantación de las nuevas tecnologías en entornos educativos con el uso cada vez mayor del espacio virtual. Vivimos en una sociedad digitalizada que requiere por parte del usuario competencias básicas para vivir y trabajar en la sociedad del conocimiento. El eLearning se vuelve protagonista principal del nuevo entorno pedagógico favoreciendo la flexibilidad y autonomía del usuario, y por esta razón es necesario diseñar sistemas de gestión del conocimiento permitiendo estructurar la información. Por ello, contamos con herramientas como mapas conceptuales. Se analiza los conceptos: gestión del conocimiento, eLearning y mapas conceptuales, de tal forma que con ellos se pueda llevar a cabo una propuesta de calidad en el ámbito educativo, teniendo como base el programa europeo (2004-2006)

    Gestión de la calidad y del conocimiento: dos enfoques complementarios

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    Quality Management applied to organizations generates better products and services, cost reduction, more satisfied customers and employees, and improved financial performance, which in turn means competitive advantages. However, sometimes the efforts are not enough, because the organizations don’t have a mature organizational culture that guide them to hold the continuous improvement, satisfied customers, reduced duplicity efforts, redesign of processes, team work and closer supplier relationships. Knowledge management understood as the activities related to creation, storage, transference, and usage of organizational knowledge arises as a possible solution to the difficulties acquired by the application of quality management. This paper shows the difficulties and opportunities created by quality management and how these can be avoided and exploited through the implementation of knowledge management strategies.La gestión de la calidad aplicada en las organizaciones genera mejores productos y servicios, reducción de costos, más clientes y empleados satisfechos, y mejor rendimiento financiero  que a su vez conlleva ventajas competitivas. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones los esfuerzos realizados resultan en vano debido a que las organizaciones no cuentan con una cultura organizacional madura que las guíe para mantener las mejoras continuas, satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes, reducir la duplicidad de esfuerzos, o en el rediseño de procesos, el trabajo en equipo y las relaciones cercanas con los proveedores. La gestión del conocimiento entendida como las actividades relativas a la creación, almacenamiento, transferencia y aplicación del conocimiento en las organizaciones surge como una posible solución a las dificultades adquiridas por la aplicación de la gestión de calidad. En este artículo se muestran las dificultades y oportunidades generadas por la gestión de la calidad y cómo estas pueden ser sorteadas y aprovechadas por la implementación de estrategias de gestión del conocimiento

    Competitive Legal Professionals’ use of Technology in Legal Practice and Legal Research

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    Advances in the information and communication technologies have led to the availability of a range of primary and secondary legal research publications online via the Internet, rather than on other storing devices such as compact discs or publications in the print media. Not only has information and communication technology (ICT) impacted on the availability of legal information resources, but its effects are also noticed in various law-related areas such as legal practice management, legal education, corporate governance and the law per se. The question addressed by this article is whether the application of ICTs has an effect on the practice of law, and specifically whether information and knowledge management affects the processes of legal research in modern legal practice. Various issues are considered in this regard, including what the concept of knowledge management (KM) entails in a law firm and what the current KM trends in South African law firms are. The article investigates global trends in the application of ICTs for legal research purposes, what the specific applications of KM in support of legal research may be, how information technology applications and KM systems and strategies can support the legal research process, and what the benefits of KM are to legal research. It finally discusses the impact technology has had on the skills required of competitive legal professionals

    Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises – Malaysia and Pakistan Perspective

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    Knowledge management is playing a vital role for the success of organizations as it is important to all type of businesses irrespective of their nature and size. Knowledge management has proved its significance at all levels including the individual, organization and country level. In the early days, knowledge management was not considered as much important for SMEs as it was for large organizations. Nevertheless, this misunderstanding has changed and this is the main reason why this research was conducted focusing on knowledge management implementation in SMEs. This research is the authentication of previous studies done over the years by different researchers and is therefore strengthening the previous work through some modifications to suit the SME environment. This research was conducted on SMEs of Malaysia and Pakistan. Thirty SMEs were approached from each country and were selected using simple random sampling technique. Fourteen CSFs which are important for KM implementation were analyzed and their priority was also checked using the values of ‘R’, R-square. Based on those CSFs, a framework was recommended for knowledge management implementation in SMEs. Validity of framework was analyzed by using hypothesis testing through linear regression technique using SPSS and the results showed that data gathered was reliable. Personally administered questionnaire method was used as research instrument with the top management as the target audience. Reliability of data was checked by using Cronbach alpha value. Besides checking the significance of 14 CSFs and proposing a framework for knowledge management implementation, research also analyzed the level of IT implementation in SMEs of Malaysia and Pakistan, years using knowledge management, future of knowledge management, reasons for not implementing knowledge management, benefits received from knowledge management implementation and type of applications used by SMEs of Malaysia and Pakistan. These findings showed that Pakistan has advantage over Malaysia in terms of IT and KM implementation. Impact of knowledge management implementation on financial and non-financial (daily) performance is also among the findings of this research and the results showed that financial and non-financial performance improves after implementation of KM. This research provides a way forward for other researchers, authors and practitioners to further explore the implementation of knowledge management in SMEs by focusing on issues like developing knowledge friendly culture, availability of financial resources and commitment of top management