114 research outputs found

    (Total) Vector Domination for Graphs with Bounded Branchwidth

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    Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) of order nn and an nn-dimensional non-negative vector d=(d(1),d(2),…,d(n))d=(d(1),d(2),\ldots,d(n)), called demand vector, the vector domination (resp., total vector domination) is the problem of finding a minimum S⊆VS\subseteq V such that every vertex vv in V∖SV\setminus S (resp., in VV) has at least d(v)d(v) neighbors in SS. The (total) vector domination is a generalization of many dominating set type problems, e.g., the dominating set problem, the kk-tuple dominating set problem (this kk is different from the solution size), and so on, and its approximability and inapproximability have been studied under this general framework. In this paper, we show that a (total) vector domination of graphs with bounded branchwidth can be solved in polynomial time. This implies that the problem is polynomially solvable also for graphs with bounded treewidth. Consequently, the (total) vector domination problem for a planar graph is subexponential fixed-parameter tractable with respectto kk, where kk is the size of solution.Comment: 16 page

    The Incidence Chromatic Number of Toroidal Grids

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    An incidence in a graph GG is a pair (v,e)(v,e) with v∈V(G)v \in V(G) and e∈E(G)e \in E(G), such that vv and ee are incident. Two incidences (v,e)(v,e) and (w,f)(w,f) are adjacent if v=wv=w, or e=fe=f, or the edge vwvw equals ee or ff. The incidence chromatic number of GG is the smallest kk for which there exists a mapping from the set of incidences of GG to a set of kk colors that assigns distinct colors to adjacent incidences. In this paper, we prove that the incidence chromatic number of the toroidal grid Tm,n=Cm□CnT_{m,n}=C_m\Box C_n equals 5 when m,n≡0(mod5)m,n \equiv 0 \pmod 5 and 6 otherwise.Comment: 16 page

    Some Results on incidence coloring, star arboricity and domination number

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    Two inequalities bridging the three isolated graph invariants, incidence chromatic number, star arboricity and domination number, were established. Consequently, we deduced an upper bound and a lower bound of the incidence chromatic number for all graphs. Using these bounds, we further reduced the upper bound of the incidence chromatic number of planar graphs and showed that cubic graphs with orders not divisible by four are not 4-incidence colorable. The incidence chromatic numbers of Cartesian product, join and union of graphs were also determined.Comment: 8 page

    Circular Coloring of Random Graphs: Statistical Physics Investigation

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    Circular coloring is a constraints satisfaction problem where colors are assigned to nodes in a graph in such a way that every pair of connected nodes has two consecutive colors (the first color being consecutive to the last). We study circular coloring of random graphs using the cavity method. We identify two very interesting properties of this problem. For sufficiently many color and sufficiently low temperature there is a spontaneous breaking of the circular symmetry between colors and a phase transition forwards a ferromagnet-like phase. Our second main result concerns 5-circular coloring of random 3-regular graphs. While this case is found colorable, we conclude that the description via one-step replica symmetry breaking is not sufficient. We observe that simulated annealing is very efficient to find proper colorings for this case. The 5-circular coloring of 3-regular random graphs thus provides a first known example of a problem where the ground state energy is known to be exactly zero yet the space of solutions probably requires a full-step replica symmetry breaking treatment.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Grad and Classes with Bounded Expansion II. Algorithmic Aspects

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    Classes of graphs with bounded expansion are a generalization of both proper minor closed classes and degree bounded classes. Such classes are based on a new invariant, the greatest reduced average density (grad) of G with rank r, ∇r(G). These classes are also characterized by the existence of several partition results such as the existence of low tree-width and low tree-depth colorings. These results lead to several new linear time algorithms, such as an algorithm for counting all the isomorphs of a fixed graph in an input graph or an algorithm for checking whether there exists a subset of vertices of a priori bounded size such that the subgraph induced by this subset satisfies some arbirtrary but fixed first order sentence. We also show that for fixed p, computing the distances between two vertices up to distance p may be performed in constant time per query after a linear time preprocessing. We also show, extending several earlier results, that a class of graphs has sublinear separators if it has sub-exponential expansion. This result result is best possible in general

    SMT Solving for Functional Programming over Infinite Structures

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    We develop a simple functional programming language aimed at manipulating infinite, but first-order definable structures, such as the countably infinite clique graph or the set of all intervals with rational endpoints. Internally, such sets are represented by logical formulas that define them, and an external satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solver is regularly run by the interpreter to check their basic properties. The language is implemented as a Haskell module.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2016, arXiv:1604.0038
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