3 research outputs found

    Topological model for machining of parts with complex shapes

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    Complex shapes are widely used to design products in several industries such as aeronautics, automotive and domestic appliances. Several variations of their curvatures and orientations generate difficulties during their manufacturing or the machining of dies used in moulding, injection and forging. Analysis of several parts highlights two levels of difficulties between three types of shapes: prismatic parts with simple geometrical shapes, aeronautic structure parts composed of several shallow pockets and forging dies composed of several deep cavities which often contain protrusions. This paper mainly concerns High Speed Machining (HSM) of these dies which represent the highest complexity level because of the shapes' geometry and their topology. Five axes HSM is generally required for such complex shaped parts but 3 axes machining can be sufficient for dies. Evolutions in HSM CAM software and machine tools lead to an important increase in time for machining preparation. Analysis stages of the CAD model particularly induce this time increase which is required for a wise choice of cutting tools and machining strategies. Assistance modules for prismatic parts machining features identification in CAD models are widely implemented in CAM software. In spite of the last CAM evolutions, these kinds of CAM modules are undeveloped for aeronautical structure parts and forging dies. Development of new CAM modules for the extraction of relevant machining areas as well as the definition of the topological relations between these areas must make it possible for the machining assistant to reduce the machining preparation time. In this paper, a model developed for the description of complex shape parts topology is presented. It is based on machining areas extracted for the construction of geometrical features starting from CAD models of the parts. As topology is described in order to assist machining assistant during machining process generation, the difficulties associated with tasks he carried out are analyzed at first. The topological model presented after is based on the basic geometrical features extracted. Topological relations which represent the framework of the model are defined between the basic geometrical features which are gathered afterwards in macro-features. Approach used for the identification of these macro-features is also presented in this paper. Detailed application on the construction of the topological model of forging dies is presented in the last part of the paper

    Generalization of mathematical representation for tool path based on boundary representation (BREPS) data structure

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    A generic representation of linear and curvilinear entities with embedded motion attributes is possible via the integration of a Hermite curve and dynamic of motion. A Hermite curve will form the curve, while a dynamic of motion will position the vertices on the curves with the introduction of a delta distance (Δs). A three-phase algorithm is introduced to examine the applicability of generic representation in tool-path generation. The preprocessing stage will examine the input model prior to Phase I. Phase I will extract the BReps data, and these BReps data will be used in Phase II to develop the generalized mathematical representation of the tool path. Finally, the tool path is drawn in Phase III

    Qualification multi-critères des gammes d'usinage : application aux pièces de structure aéronautique en alliage Airware®

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    The optimization of machining sequences is not easy because it suffers from two major shortcomings. The first focuses on the adaptability of existing ranges to current production facilities and their evolution over the years to respond to technological developments. The second point concerns the lack of consideration in the mechanical behavior of the part during the development of machining sequence. This thesis addresses these in relation to the FUI OFELIA project. At first, they study the influence of the machining parameters on the deformation of the workpiece. The aim is to predict the mechanical behavior of the part to identify recommendations with minimal distortion. The second issue deals with multi-criteria evaluation of manufacturing ranges. The criteria take into account are the deformation of the workpiece, productivity through a quick estimate of machining time and recyclability of chips produced during machining. On the other hand, we propose a geometric model of the intermediate states of the workpiece during machining in order to both assess the manufacturing recommendations and to drive the simulation calculations of the deformation of the workpiece during machining.L’optimisation des gammes d'usinage n’est pas aisée, car elle souffre de deux lacunes importantes. La première est axée sur l'adaptabilité des gammes existantes aux moyens actuels de production et à leurs évolutions au fil des années pour répondre aux évolutions technologiques. Le second point concerne, l’absence de prise en compte du comportement mécanique de la pièce durant l'usinage dans l'élaboration de la gamme. Ces travaux de thèse abordent ces problématiques dans le cadre du projet FUI OFELIA. Ils étudient, dans un premier temps l'influence de la gamme d’usinage sur la déformation de la pièce. L'objectif est de pouvoir prédire le comportement mécanique de la pièce pour identifier les gammes minimisant les déformations. Le second point s'intéresse à l’évaluation multicritères des gammes de fabrication. Les critères retenus prennent en compte la déformation de la pièce, la productivité à travers une estimation rapide des temps d'usinage et la recyclabilité des copeaux obtenus lors de l'usinage. D’autre part, nous proposons un modèle géométrique des états intermédiaires de la pièce durant l’usinage pour à la fois évaluer les gammes de fabrication et conduire les calculs de simulation de la déformation de la pièce durant l’usinage