60 research outputs found

    Topoisomerases facilitate transcription of long genes linked to autism

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    Topoisomerases are expressed throughout the developing and adult brain and are mutated in some individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, how topoisomerases are mechanistically connected to ASD is unknown. Here we found that topotecan, a Topoisomerase 1 (TOP1) inhibitor, dose-dependently reduced the expression of extremely long genes in mouse and human neurons, including nearly all genes >200 kb. Expression of long genes was also reduced following knockdown of Top1 or Top2b in neurons, highlighting that each enzyme was required for full expression of long genes. By mapping RNA polymerase II density genome-wide in neurons, we found that this length-dependent effect on gene expression was due to impaired transcription elongation. Interestingly, many high confidence ASD candidate genes are exceptionally long and were reduced in expression following TOP1 inhibition. Our findings suggest that chemicals and genetic mutations that impair topoisomerases could commonly contribute to ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders

    Protein Delivery of an Artificial Transcription Factor Restores Widespread Ube3a Expression in an Angelman Syndrome Mouse Brain.

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    Angelman syndrome (AS) is a neurological genetic disorder caused by loss of expression of the maternal copy of UBE3A in the brain. Due to brain-specific genetic imprinting at this locus, the paternal UBE3A is silenced by a long antisense transcript. Inhibition of the antisense transcript could lead to unsilencing of paternal UBE3A, thus providing a therapeutic approach for AS. However, widespread delivery of gene regulators to the brain remains challenging. Here, we report an engineered zinc finger-based artificial transcription factor (ATF) that, when injected i.p. or s.c., crossed the blood-brain barrier and increased Ube3a expression in the brain of an adult mouse model of AS. The factor displayed widespread distribution throughout the brain. Immunohistochemistry of both the hippocampus and cerebellum revealed an increase in Ube3a upon treatment. An ATF containing an alternative DNA-binding domain did not activate Ube3a. We believe this to be the first report of an injectable engineered zinc finger protein that can cause widespread activation of an endogenous gene in the brain. These observations have important implications for the study and treatment of AS and other neurological disorders

    Prenatal treatment path for angelman syndrome and other neurodevelopmental disorders

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    Angelman syndrome (AS) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder caused by mutation or deletion of the maternally inherited UBE3A allele. These pathogenic mutations lead to loss of maternal UBE3A expression in neurons. Antisense oligonucleotides and gene therapies are in development, which activate the intact but epigenetically silenced paternal UBE3A allele. Preclinical studies indicate that treating during the prenatal period could greatly reduce the severity of symptoms or prevent AS from developing. Genetic tests can detect the chromosome 15q11-q13 deletion that is the most common cause of AS. New, highly sensitive noninvasive prenatal tests that take advantage of single-cell genome sequencing technologies are expected to enter the clinic in the coming years and make early genetic diagnosis of AS more common. Efforts are needed to identify fetuses and newborns with maternal 15q11-q13 deletions and to phenotype these babies relative to neurotypical controls. Clinical and parent observations suggest AS symptoms are detectable in infants, including reports of problems with feeding and motor function. Quantitative phenotypes in the 0- to 1-year age range will permit a more rapid assessment of efficacy when future treatments are administered prenatally or shortly after birth. Although prenatal therapies are currently not available for AS, prenatal testing combined with prenatal treatment has the potential to revolutionize how clinicians detect and treat babies before they are symptomatic. This pioneering prenatal treatment path for AS will lay the foundation for treating other syndromic neurodevelopmental disorders. Autism Res 2020, 13: 11–17. © 2019 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Lay summary: Prenatal treatment could benefit expectant parents whose babies test positive for the chromosome microdeletion that causes Angelman syndrome (AS). Prenatal treatment is predicted to have better outcomes than treating after symptoms develop and may even prevent AS altogether. This approach could generally be applied to the treatment of other syndromic neurodevelopmental disorders

    Cas9 gene therapy for Angelman syndrome traps Ube3a-ATS long non-coding RNA

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    Angelman syndrome (AS) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a mutation or deletion of the maternally inherited UBE3A allele. In neurons, the paternally inherited UBE3A allele is silenced in cis by a long non-coding RNA called UBE3A-ATS. Here, as part of a systematic screen, we found that Cas9 can be used to activate ('unsilence') paternal Ube3a in cultured mouse and human neurons when targeted to Snord115 genes, which are small nucleolar RNAs that are clustered in the 3′ region of Ube3a-ATS. A short Cas9 variant and guide RNA that target about 75 Snord115 genes were packaged into an adeno-associated virus and administered to a mouse model of AS during the embryonic and early postnatal stages, when the therapeutic benefit of restoring Ube3a is predicted to be greatest1,2. This early treatment unsilenced paternal Ube3a throughout the brain for at least 17 months and rescued anatomical and behavioural phenotypes in AS mice. Genomic integration of the adeno-associated virus vector into Cas9 target sites caused premature termination of Ube3a-ATS at the vector-derived polyA cassette, or when integrated in the reverse orientation, by transcriptional collision with the vector-derived Cas9 transcript. Our study shows that targeted genomic integration of a gene therapy vector can restore the function of paternally inherited UBE3A throughout life, providing a path towards a disease-modifying treatment for a syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder

    Exploring cell reprogramming techniques for Angelman Syndrome disease modelling

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    Angelman Syndrome (AS) is an imprinted neurodevelopmental disease with no cure caused by the lack of UBE3A expression, which, in neurons, is exclusively maternally expressed. The paternal UBE3A allele is silenced by the UBE3A antisense transcript (UBE3A-ATS), which is only expressed from the paternal chromosome. In AS mouse model, inhibition of the UBE3A-ATS transcription can reactivate paternal UBE3A. To translate such an approach to humans, the development of a cellular model for this disease is necessary. Here we sought to develop cellular model systems of AS from patient-derived fibroblasts and evaluate their imprinting status using RNA FISH-based single-cell approaches. First, a neural direct conversion protocol based on expression of two neuronal transcription factors - ASCL1, NGN2 – and SMAD pathway inhibitors was tried in order to convert fibroblasts into neurons. Despite high infection efficiency and detection of transgenic ASCL1 expression, the generated “iNs” did not show signs of neuronal identity based on RT-qPCR and IF analysis. This failure might have been caused by lack of lentiviruses concentration by ultracentrifugation, antibiotic selection skipping and/or dislodging of the cells under conversion. Second, we tried to generate NPCs from iPSCs using a commercially available differentiation protocol. Based on RT-qPCR and IF analysis, the generated “NPCs” failed to express the correct genetic markers. This failure might be explained by inappropriate accelerated division rate of the cells during induction or lack of pluripotency of the newly-generated iPSCs used. Despite unsuccessful generation of neuronal cells, we were able to optimize nascent-transcript RNA FISH, combining UBE3A and paternally expressed SNORD116, which is a crucial tool to confirm the imprinting status of the Angelman locus in newly-generated cells. With future efforts, the establishment of AS cellular model systems will serve as drug screening platform to test paternal UBE3A reactivation as a therapeutic target for AS

    Molecular mechanisms of etoposide

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    Etoposide derives from podophyllotoxin, a toxin found in the American Mayapple. It was first synthesized in 1966 and approved for cancer therapy in 1983 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Hande, 1998). Starting from 1980s several studies demonstrated that etoposide targets DNA topoisomerase II activities thus leading to the production of DNA breaks and eliciting a response that affects several aspects of cell metabolisms. In this review we will focus on molecular mechanisms that account for the biological effect of etoposide

    UBE3A and Its Link With Autism

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    UBE3A is a dual function protein consisting of ubiquitin ligase as well as transcriptional co-activator function. UBE3A gene is imprinted in the brain with preferential maternal-specific expression particularly in the neuron and loss of activity of the maternally inherited UBE3A causes Angelman syndrome (AS), characterized by severe mental retardation, lack of speech, seizures and autistic features. Interestingly, duplication, triplication, or gain-of-function mutations in the UBE3A gene are also linked with autism clinically distinguished by social impairments and stereotyped behaviors. These findings indicate that the expression and activity of UBE3A must be tightly regulated during brain development and UBE3A might be playing a crucial role in controlling synaptic function and plasticity through proteasome-mediated degradation as well as transcriptional regulation of its target proteins. In fact, several recent reports demonstrated the role of UBE3A in the modulation of synaptic function and plasticity. This review focuses on the critical role of UBE3A in regulating the synaptic function and how its altered activity is associated with autism

    Angelman Syndrome: From Mouse Models to Therapy

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    The UBE3A gene is part of the chromosome 15q11-q13 region that is frequently deleted or duplicated, leading to several neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). Angelman syndrome (AS) is caused by the absence of functional maternally derived UBE3A protein, while the paternal UBE3A gene is present but silenced specifically in neurons. Patients with AS present with severe neurodevelopmental delay, with pronounced motor deficits, absence of speech, intellectual disability, epilepsy, and sleep problems. The pathophysiology of AS is still unclear and a treatment is lacking. Animal models of AS recapitulate the genotypic and phenotypic features observed in AS patients, and have been invaluable for understanding the disease process as well as identifying apropriate drug targets. Using these AS mouse models we have learned that loss of UBE3A probably affects many areas of the brain, leading to increased neuronal excitability and a loss of synaptic spines, along with changes in a number of distinct behaviours. Inducible AS mouse models have helped to identify the critical treatment windows for the behavioral and physiological phenotypes. Additionally, AS mouse models indicate an important role for the predominantly nuclear UBE3A isoform in generating the characteristic AS pathology. Last, but not least, the AS mice have been crucial in guiding Ube3a gene reactivation treatments, which present a very promising therapy to treat AS

    Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders is now a fully open access journal

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    AbstractWith the publication of the first articles of this 2012 volume, the Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders enters the exciting world of open access publishing. The Journal will now be published by BioMed Central, (part of Springer Science+Business Media) as a fully open access journal. This change will mean that all articles will be made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, will be available to readers throughout the world without subscription charges or registration barriers, and be indexed in both PubMed and PubMed Central

    Transferable neuronal mini-cultures to accelerate screening in primary and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons

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    The effort and cost of obtaining neurons for large-scale screens has limited drug discovery in neuroscience. To overcome these obstacles, we fabricated arrays of releasable polystyrene micro-rafts to generate thousands of uniform, mobile neuron mini-cultures. These mini-cultures sustain synaptically-active neurons which can be easily transferred, thus increasing screening throughput by >30-fold. Compared to conventional methods, micro-raft cultures exhibited significantly improved neuronal viability and sample-to-sample consistency. We validated the screening utility of these mini-cultures for both mouse neurons and human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons by successfully detecting disease-related defects in synaptic transmission and identifying candidate small molecule therapeutics. This affordable high-throughput approach has the potential to transform drug discovery in neuroscience
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