6 research outputs found

    A Conditional Generative Chatbot using Transformer Model

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    A Chatbot serves as a communication tool between a human user and a machine to achieve an appropriate answer based on the human input. In more recent approaches, a combination of Natural Language Processing and sequential models are used to build a generative Chatbot. The main challenge of these models is their sequential nature, which leads to less accurate results. To tackle this challenge, in this paper, a novel end-to-end architecture is proposed using conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks and a transformer model for answer generation in Chatbots. While the generator of the proposed model consists of a full transformer model to generate an answer, the discriminator includes only the encoder part of a transformer model followed by a classifier. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a generative Chatbot is proposed using the embedded transformer in both generator and discriminator models. Relying on the parallel computing of the transformer model, the results of the proposed model on the Cornell Movie-Dialog corpus and the Chit-Chat datasets confirm the superiority of the proposed model compared to state-of-the-art alternatives using different evaluation metrics

    CARE: Commonsense-Aware Emotional Response Generation with Latent Concepts

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    Rationality and emotion are two fundamental elements of humans. Endowing agents with rationality and emotion has been one of the major milestones in AI. However, in the field of conversational AI, most existing models only specialize in one aspect and neglect the other, which often leads to dull or unrelated responses. In this paper, we hypothesize that combining rationality and emotion into conversational agents can improve response quality. To test the hypothesis, we focus on one fundamental aspect of rationality, i.e., commonsense, and propose CARE, a novel model for commonsense-aware emotional response generation. Specifically, we first propose a framework to learn and construct commonsense-aware emotional latent concepts of the response given an input message and a desired emotion. We then propose three methods to collaboratively incorporate the latent concepts into response generation. Experimental results on two large-scale datasets support our hypothesis and show that our model can produce more accurate and commonsense-aware emotional responses and achieve better human ratings than state-of-the-art models that only specialize in one aspect.Comment: AAAI-202

    Ranking Enhanced Dialogue Generation

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    How to effectively utilize the dialogue history is a crucial problem in multi-turn dialogue generation. Previous works usually employ various neural network architectures (e.g., recurrent neural networks, attention mechanisms, and hierarchical structures) to model the history. However, a recent empirical study by Sankar et al. has shown that these architectures lack the ability of understanding and modeling the dynamics of the dialogue history. For example, the widely used architectures are insensitive to perturbations of the dialogue history, such as words shuffling, utterances missing, and utterances reordering. To tackle this problem, we propose a Ranking Enhanced Dialogue generation framework in this paper. Despite the traditional representation encoder and response generation modules, an additional ranking module is introduced to model the ranking relation between the former utterance and consecutive utterances. Specifically, the former utterance and consecutive utterances are treated as query and corresponding documents, and both local and global ranking losses are designed in the learning process. In this way, the dynamics in the dialogue history can be explicitly captured. To evaluate our proposed models, we conduct extensive experiments on three public datasets, i.e., bAbI, PersonaChat, and JDC. Experimental results show that our models produce better responses in terms of both quantitative measures and human judgments, as compared with the state-of-the-art dialogue generation models. Furthermore, we give some detailed experimental analysis to show where and how the improvements come from.Comment: Accepted at CIKM 202

    Target Guided Emotion Aware Chat Machine

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    The consistency of a response to a given post at semantic-level and emotional-level is essential for a dialogue system to deliver human-like interactions. However, this challenge is not well addressed in the literature, since most of the approaches neglect the emotional information conveyed by a post while generating responses. This article addresses this problem by proposing a unifed end-to-end neural architecture, which is capable of simultaneously encoding the semantics and the emotions in a post and leverage target information for generating more intelligent responses with appropriately expressed emotions. Extensive experiments on real-world data demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of both content coherence and emotion appropriateness.Comment: To appear on TOIS 202