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    Introducing CitedReferencesExplorer (CRExplorer): A program for Reference Publication Year Spectroscopy with Cited References Standardization

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    We introduce a new tool - the CitedReferencesExplorer (CRExplorer, www.crexplorer.net) - which can be used to disambiguate and analyze the cited references (CRs) of a publication set downloaded from the Web of Science (WoS). The tool is especially suitable to identify those publications which have been frequently cited by the researchers in a field and thereby to study for example the historical roots of a research field or topic. CRExplorer simplifies the identification of key publications by enabling the user to work with both a graph for identifying most frequently cited reference publication years (RPYs) and the list of references for the RPYs which have been most frequently cited. A further focus of the program is on the standardization of CRs. It is a serious problem in bibliometrics that there are several variants of the same CR in the WoS. In this study, CRExplorer is used to study the CRs of all papers published in the Journal of Informetrics. The analyses focus on the most important papers published between 1980 and 1990.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Informetric

    Implementation of Paper Genealogy in Subgraph Mining

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    Information networks contains many data base in the different search of area , Whenever a new researcher goes to search a topic , there are lots of papers , In those papers some are relevant to user define topic and some are unfamiliar to that topic.For making literature survey researcher needs to collect all information regarding domain which are relevant to that particular topic but there are many citations are available which contains huge amount of data where number of papersis presented by authors.It is very difficult to study all published papers, after analysing this problem an idea is created to solve the problem of search of all research papers with their citation. This paper is design to solve these entire problems, how to find out relative papers with respected query. This paper will be centred on creation of genealogy of all those published papers which will find out the all relevant papers according to user entered keyword it is startingworking of process, after that extraction part will be come in which discrimination of survey paper and implementation of paper will be extracting according to seminal papers it will create genealogy of those paper, by association and interlinking among all matching documents on the basis of references of each paper. The created Genealogy willhelpful for user to get a quick look of their searched topic at which papers are relevant to given query of research, So that all the seminal papers will be shown to user and usercan focus on only those documents . By this proposed work user neither looks on unwanted documents nor expend the time for searching the particular topic, which may increases scalability and efficiency of searching keywords
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