94,084 research outputs found

    The GalMer database: Galaxy Mergers in the Virtual Observatory

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    We present the GalMer database, a library of galaxy merger simulations, made available to users through tools compatible with the Virtual Observatory (VO) standards adapted specially for this theoretical database. To investigate the physics of galaxy formation through hierarchical merging, it is necessary to simulate galaxy interactions varying a large number of parameters: morphological types, mass ratios, orbital configurations, etc. On one side, these simulations have to be run in a cosmological context, able to provide a large number of galaxy pairs, with boundary conditions given by the large-scale simulations, on the other side the resolution has to be high enough at galaxy scales, to provide realistic physics. The GalMer database is a library of thousands simulations of galaxy mergers at moderate spatial resolution and it is a compromise between the diversity of initial conditions and the details of underlying physics. We provide all coordinates and data of simulated particles in FITS binary tables. The main advantages of the database are VO access interfaces and value-added services which allow users to compare the results of the simulations directly to observations: stellar population modelling, dust extinction, spectra, images, visualisation using dedicated VO tools. The GalMer value-added services can be used as virtual telescope producing broadband images, 1D spectra, 3D spectral datacubes, thus making our database oriented towards the usage by observers. We present several examples of the GalMer database scientific usage obtained from the analysis of simulations and modelling their stellar population properties, including: (1) studies of the star formation efficiency in interactions; (2) creation of old counter-rotating components; (3) reshaping metallicity profiles in elliptical galaxies; (4) orbital to internal angular momentum transfer; (5) reproducing observed colour bimodality of galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 10 tables accepted to A&A. Visualisation of GalMer simulations, access to snapshot files and value-added tools described in the paper are available at http://galmer.obspm.fr

    Visible light assisted organosilane assembly on mesoporous silicon films and particles

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    Porous silicon (PSi) is a versatile matrix with tailorable surface reactivity, which allows the processing of a range of multifunctional films and particles. The biomedical applications of PSi often require a surface capping with organic functionalities. This work shows that visible light can be used to catalyze the assembly of organosilanes on the PSi, as demonstrated with two organosilanes: aminopropyl-triethoxy-silane and perfluorodecyl-triethoxy-silane. We studied the process related to PSi films (PSiFs), which were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), time of flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) before and after a plasma patterning process. The analyses confirmed the surface oxidation and the anchorage of the organosilane backbone. We further highlighted the surface analytical potential of 13 C, 19 F and 29 Si solid-state NMR (SS-NMR) as compared to Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in the characterization of functionalized PSi particles (PSiPs). The reduced invasiveness of the organosilanization regarding the PSiPs morphology was confirmed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and FESEM. Relevantly, the results obtained on PSiPs complemented those obtained on PSiFs. SS-NMR suggests a number of siloxane bonds between the organosilane and the PSiPs, which does not reach levels of maximum heterogeneous condensation, while ToF-SIMS suggested a certain degree of organosilane polymerization. Additionally, differences among the carbons in the organic (non-hydrolyzable) functionalizing groups are identified, especially in the case of the perfluorodecyl group. The spectroscopic characterization was used to propose a mechanism for the visible light activation of the organosilane assembly, which is based on the initial photoactivated oxidation of the PSi matrixWe acknowledge MSC funding provided by the European Commission through FP7 grant THINFACE (ITN GA 607232) and by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through grant NANOPROST (RTC-2016-4776-1

    Linking Visual Development and Learning to Information Processing: Preattentive and Attentive Brain Dynamics

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    National Science Foundation (SBE-0354378); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0657

    Force and energy dissipation variations in non-contact atomic force spectroscopy on composite carbon nanotube systems

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    UHV dynamic force and energy dissipation spectroscopy in non-contact atomic force microscopy were used to probe specific interactions with composite systems formed by encapsulating inorganic compounds inside single-walled carbon nanotubes. It is found that forces due to nano-scale van der Waals interaction can be made to decrease by combining an Ag core and a carbon nanotube shell in the Ag@SWNT system. This specific behaviour was attributed to a significantly different effective dielectric function compared to the individual constituents, evaluated using a simple core-shell optical model. Energy dissipation measurements showed that by filling dissipation increases, explained here by softening of C-C bonds resulting in a more deformable nanotube cage. Thus, filled and unfilled nanotubes can be discriminated based on force and dissipation measurements. These findings have two different implications for potential applications: tuning the effective optical properties and tuning the interaction force for molecular absorption by appropriately choosing the filling with respect to the nanotube.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure