47 research outputs found

    Development of a framework for automated systematic testing of safety-critical embedded systems

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    ā€œThis material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." ā€œCopyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.ā€In this paper we introduce the development of a framework for testing safety-critical embedded systems based on the concepts of model-based testing. In model-based testing the test cases are derived from a model of the system under test. In our approach the model is an automaton model that is automatically extracted from the C-source code of the system under test. Beside random test data generation the test case generation uses formal methods, in detail model checking techniques. To find appropriate test cases we use the requirements defined in the system specification. To cover further execution paths we developed an additional, to our best knowledge, novel method based on special structural coverage criteria. We present preliminary results on the model extraction using a concrete industrial case study from the automotive domain

    Architecting specifications for test case generation

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    The Specification and Description Language (SDL) together with its associated tool sets can be used for the generation of Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN) test cases. Surprisingly, little documentation exists on the optimal way to specify systems so that they can best be used for the generation of tests. This paper, elaborates on the different tool supported approaches that can be taken for test case generation and highlights their advantages and disadvantages. A rule based SDL specification style is then presented that facilitates the automatic generation of tests

    Applying SMT Solvers to the Test Template Framework

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    The Test Template Framework (TTF) is a model-based testing method for the Z notation. In the TTF, test cases are generated from test specifications, which are predicates written in Z. In turn, the Z notation is based on first-order logic with equality and Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. In this way, a test case is a witness satisfying a formula in that theory. Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers are software tools that decide the satisfiability of arbitrary formulas in a large number of built-in logical theories and their combination. In this paper, we present the first results of applying two SMT solvers, Yices and CVC3, as the engines to find test cases from TTF's test specifications. In doing so, shallow embeddings of a significant portion of the Z notation into the input languages of Yices and CVC3 are provided, given that they do not directly support Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory as defined in Z. Finally, the results of applying these embeddings to a number of test specifications of eight cases studies are analysed.Comment: In Proceedings MBT 2012, arXiv:1202.582

    A Semantic Framework for Test Coverage

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    Since testing is inherently incomplete, test selection is of vital importance. Coverage measures evaluate the quality of a test suite and help the tester select test cases with maximal impact at minimum cost. Existing coverage criteria for test suites are usually defined in terms of syntactic characteristics of the implementation under test or its specification. Typical black-box coverage metrics are state and transition coverage of the specification. White-box testing often considers statement, condition and path coverage. A disadvantage of this syntactic approach is that different coverage figures are assigned to systems that are behaviorally equivalent, but syntactically different. Moreover, those coverage metrics do not take into account that certain failures are more severe than others, and that more testing effort should be devoted to uncover the most important bugs, while less critical system parts can be tested less thoroughly. This paper introduces a semantic approach to test coverage. Our starting point is a weighted fault model, which assigns a weight to each potential error in an implementation. We define a framework to express coverage measures that express how well a test suite covers such a specification, taking into account the error weight. Since our notions are semantic, they are insensitive to replacing a specification by one with equivalent behaviour.We present several algorithms that, given a certain minimality criterion, compute a minimal test suite with maximal coverage. These algorithms work on a syntactic representation of weighted fault models as fault automata. They are based on existing and novel optimization\ud problems. Finally, we illustrate our approach by analyzing and comparing a number of test suites for a chat protocol

    Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems:Advanced Lectures

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    Using metamodels to improve model-based testing of service orchestrations

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    Extended Proxy-tester

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    We present a proxy-tester, which is an engine for ioco-passive testing. We show characteristics of soundness and completeness of our approach with respect to the ioco-testing relation. Later, we present a novel framework that combines our ioco-passive tester with the check of possible attacks from malicious users.Sociedad Argentina de InformĆ”tica e InvestigaciĆ³n Operativ