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    To achieve our highest goals, we must be willing to abandon them

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    Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Putting Money Back into Monetary Policy: A Monetary Anchor for Price and Financial Stability

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    The Bank of Canada should pay closer attention to the effects of money and credit growth on inflation and asset markets. The authors contend that maintaining price stability should remain the Bank’s only formal goal, but say greater attention should be paid to asset market stability. Once the role of asset markets in the mechanics of inflation or price-level targeting is made explicit, such a policy will promote orderly asset market behaviour. This hinges on the role broader money and credit aggregates play in the transmission mechanism that links monetary policy to the behaviour of the rest of the economy.Monetary Policy, Bank of Canada, inflation, price stability, asset market stability, price-level targeting, broad money aggregate (M2+)

    Collective Impact

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    Large-scale social change requires broad cross-sector coordination, yet the social sector remains focused on the isolated intervention of individual organizations. Substantially greater progress could be made in alleviating many of our most serious and complex social problems if nonprofits, governments, businesses, and the public were brought together around a common agenda to create collective impact. Published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter 2011

    Notes Toward a Definition of Values-Based Leadership

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    O’Toole distinguishes values-based leaders from other types of leadership by citing to various examples of both historical and present day leaders. In the end, as O’Toole notes, the values defining the leader are the values that leader holds dear

    Silicon Valley versus Corporate Welfare

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    The estimated $65 billion a year that the federal government now spends on corporate welfare programs harms U.S. industry in general and Silicon Valley companies in particular. The competitiveness of America's semiconductor firms and other high-technology industries would benefit if corporate subsidies were eliminated altogether and the savings were devoted to reducing corporate income taxes, the capital gains tax, or the personal income tax. Given Congress's reluctance to vote down corporate pork, one strategy for eliminating corporate welfare would be to form an independent commission to identify unnecessary subsidies. That would force Congress to vote yes or no on a package of corporate spending subsidies. More than 50 Silicon Valley CEOs agree with this critical assessment of federal subsidies to industry and have signed a "Declaration of Independence" from corporate welfare. In the statement, which appears in the Appendix of this study, the CEOs urge Congress to end corporate welfare "even if it means funding cuts to my own company.

    Leaders, Followers, and Free Riders: The Community Lawyer’s Dilemma When Representing Non-Democratic Client Organizations

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    This article will explore various aspects of the dissonance between the democratic ideal and the reality of groups in disenfranchised and disempowered communities. We will discuss the intersection of democracy and community action by examining the sociology of groups and the social psychology of leaders and followers. We will also examine the role of, and choices presented to, an attorney working in a community and for local community groups

    Quality management in higher education between desiderate and reality

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    The universities have to assure the highest level of quality management, to help teachers and students to acquire the European knowledge. The universities must be encouraged to develop better for the promotion of academic and civic values. However, the reality is often quite different: we find that the phrase "quality management" is understood differently, having different connotations ,depending on the beliefs and values of the institutional managers, but also depending on the financial resources which they have and are willing to spend for an adequate training of all categories of personnel involved in education, with the aim of promoting an effective quality management to enable the acquisition of performance on all plans and to contribute, ultimately, to the development of the society.Higher education, Quality management

    Here Today, Gone Tomorrow--Is Global Climate Change Another White Man’s Trick to Get Indian Land? The Role of Treaties in Protecting Tribes as They Adapt to Climate Change

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    Indian Tribes are at the tip of the spear when it comes to climate change. Their dependence on their homelands for subsistence and cultural sustenance has made them vulnerable to climate-driven changes like sea level rise, shoreline erosion, and drought. As climate change makes their land less suitable for the animals and plants they depend on, tribes are facing increasing pressure to move to survive. Complicating any such move is its effect on tribal treaties that grant tribes sovereignty over their traditional land and their members. If tribes are forced to sever themselves from their homelands, will that affect their sovereignty; can their treaties migrate with them as they move to new land; where can tribes move to that will enable them to survive as distinct political sub-units in our federal system of government; and will these treaties make their assimilation into any new community impossible? This Article looks at these and many other questions in an attempt to understand how climate change may affect tribes as we know them today and begins to answer some of them. However, there are too many questions to answer in a single article. Therefore, this Article’s major contributions are identifying the problem and related questions and then proposing an analytical framework that separates legal from moral questions, and practical from constitutive ones, and contextualizes these questions in a rapidly changing physical world. Developing and applying this framework may help identify which institutions should try and answer the various questions raised in the Article, what tools they might be expected to use, and in what order the questions should be addressed
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