250 research outputs found

    Configurational statistics of densely and fully packed loops in the negative-weight percolation model

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    By means of numerical simulations we investigate the configurational properties of densely and fully packed configurations of loops in the negative-weight percolation (NWP) model. In the presented study we consider 2d square, 2d honeycomb, 3d simple cubic and 4d hypercubic lattice graphs, where edge weights are drawn from a Gaussian distribution. For a given realization of the disorder we then compute a configuration of loops, such that the configurational energy, given by the sum of all individual loop weights, is minimized. For this purpose, we employ a mapping of the NWP model to the "minimum-weight perfect matching problem" that can be solved exactly by using sophisticated polynomial-time matching algorithms. We characterize the loops via observables similar to those used in percolation studies and perform finite-size scaling analyses, up to side length L=256 in 2d, L=48 in 3d and L=20 in 4d (for which we study only some observables), in order to estimate geometric exponents that characterize the configurations of densely and fully packed loops. One major result is that the loops behave like uncorrelated random walks from dimension d=3 on, in contrast to the previously studied behavior at the percolation threshold, where random-walk behavior is obtained for d>=6.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum walk approach to search on fractal structures

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    We study continuous-time quantum walks mimicking the quantum search based on Grover's procedure. This allows us to consider structures, that is, databases, with arbitrary topological arrangements of their entries. We show that the topological structure of the database plays a crucial role by analyzing, both analytically and numerically, the transition from the ground to the first excited state of the Hamiltonian associated with different (fractal) structures. Additionally, we use the probability of successfully finding a specific target as another indicator of the importance of the topological structure.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Tensor network states and geometry

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    Tensor network states are used to approximate ground states of local Hamiltonians on a lattice in D spatial dimensions. Different types of tensor network states can be seen to generate different geometries. Matrix product states (MPS) in D=1 dimensions, as well as projected entangled pair states (PEPS) in D>1 dimensions, reproduce the D-dimensional physical geometry of the lattice model; in contrast, the multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) generates a (D+1)-dimensional holographic geometry. Here we focus on homogeneous tensor networks, where all the tensors in the network are copies of the same tensor, and argue that certain structural properties of the resulting many-body states are preconditioned by the geometry of the tensor network and are therefore largely independent of the choice of variational parameters. Indeed, the asymptotic decay of correlations in homogeneous MPS and MERA for D=1 systems is seen to be determined by the structure of geodesics in the physical and holographic geometries, respectively; whereas the asymptotic scaling of entanglement entropy is seen to always obey a simple boundary law -- that is, again in the relevant geometry. This geometrical interpretation offers a simple and unifying framework to understand the structural properties of, and helps clarify the relation between, different tensor network states. In addition, it has recently motivated the branching MERA, a generalization of the MERA capable of reproducing violations of the entropic boundary law in D>1 dimensions.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure

    05361 Abstracts Collection -- Algorithmic Aspects of Large and Complex Networks

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    From 04.09.05 to 09.09.05, the Dagstuhl Seminar 05361 ``Algorithmic Aspects of Large and Complex Networks\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Diamond-based models for scientific visualization

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    Hierarchical spatial decompositions are a basic modeling tool in a variety of application domains including scientific visualization, finite element analysis and shape modeling and analysis. A popular class of such approaches is based on the regular simplex bisection operator, which bisects simplices (e.g. line segments, triangles, tetrahedra) along the midpoint of a predetermined edge. Regular simplex bisection produces adaptive simplicial meshes of high geometric quality, while simplifying the extraction of crack-free, or conforming, approximations to the original dataset. Efficient multiresolution representations for such models have been achieved in 2D and 3D by clustering sets of simplices sharing the same bisection edge into structures called diamonds. In this thesis, we introduce several diamond-based approaches for scientific visualization. We first formalize the notion of diamonds in arbitrary dimensions in terms of two related simplicial decompositions of hypercubes. This enables us to enumerate the vertices, simplices, parents and children of a diamond. In particular, we identify the number of simplices involved in conforming updates to be factorial in the dimension and group these into a linear number of subclusters of simplices that are generated simultaneously. The latter form the basis for a compact pointerless representation for conforming meshes generated by regular simplex bisection and for efficiently navigating the topological connectivity of these meshes. Secondly, we introduce the supercube as a high-level primitive on such nested meshes based on the atomic units within the underlying triangulation grid. We propose the use of supercubes to associate information with coherent subsets of the full hierarchy and demonstrate the effectiveness of such a representation for modeling multiresolution terrain and volumetric datasets. Next, we introduce Isodiamond Hierarchies, a general framework for spatial access structures on a hierarchy of diamonds that exploits the implicit hierarchical and geometric relationships of the diamond model. We use an isodiamond hierarchy to encode irregular updates to a multiresolution isosurface or interval volume in terms of regular updates to diamonds. Finally, we consider nested hypercubic meshes, such as quadtrees, octrees and their higher dimensional analogues, through the lens of diamond hierarchies. This allows us to determine the relationships involved in generating balanced hypercubic meshes and to propose a compact pointerless representation of such meshes. We also provide a local diamond-based triangulation algorithm to generate high-quality conforming simplicial meshes

    Fast Distributed Algorithms for LP-Type Problems of Bounded Dimension

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    In this paper we present various distributed algorithms for LP-type problems in the well-known gossip model. LP-type problems include many important classes of problems such as (integer) linear programming, geometric problems like smallest enclosing ball and polytope distance, and set problems like hitting set and set cover. In the gossip model, a node can only push information to or pull information from nodes chosen uniformly at random. Protocols for the gossip model are usually very practical due to their fast convergence, their simplicity, and their stability under stress and disruptions. Our algorithms are very efficient (logarithmic rounds or better with just polylogarithmic communication work per node per round) whenever the combinatorial dimension of the given LP-type problem is constant, even if the size of the given LP-type problem is polynomially large in the number of nodes
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