4 research outputs found

    Time-Space Tradeoffs for the Memory Game

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    A single-player game of Memory is played with nn distinct pairs of cards, with the cards in each pair bearing identical pictures. The cards are laid face-down. A move consists of revealing two cards, chosen adaptively. If these cards match, i.e., they bear the same picture, they are removed from play; otherwise, they are turned back to face down. The object of the game is to clear all cards while minimizing the number of moves. Past works have thoroughly studied the expected number of moves required, assuming optimal play by a player has that has perfect memory. In this work, we study the Memory game in a space-bounded setting. We prove two time-space tradeoff lower bounds on algorithms (strategies for the player) that clear all cards in TT moves while using at most SS bits of memory. First, in a simple model where the pictures on the cards may only be compared for equality, we prove that ST=Ω(n2logn)ST = \Omega(n^2 \log n). This is tight: it is easy to achieve ST=O(n2logn)ST = O(n^2 \log n) essentially everywhere on this tradeoff curve. Second, in a more general model that allows arbitrary computations, we prove that ST2=Ω(n3)ST^2 = \Omega(n^3). We prove this latter tradeoff by modeling strategies as branching programs and extending a classic counting argument of Borodin and Cook with a novel probabilistic argument. We conjecture that the stronger tradeoff ST=Ω~(n2)ST = \widetilde{\Omega}(n^2) in fact holds even in this general model

    Randomized vs. Deterministic Separation in Time-Space Tradeoffs of Multi-Output Functions

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    We prove the first polynomial separation between randomized and deterministic time-space tradeoffs of multi-output functions. In particular, we present a total function that on the input of nn elements in [n][n], outputs O(n)O(n) elements, such that: (1) There exists a randomized oblivious algorithm with space O(logn)O(\log n), time O(nlogn)O(n\log n) and one-way access to randomness, that computes the function with probability 1O(1/n)1-O(1/n); (2) Any deterministic oblivious branching program with space SS and time TT that computes the function must satisfy T2SΩ(n2.5/logn)T^2S\geq\Omega(n^{2.5}/\log n). This implies that logspace randomized algorithms for multi-output functions cannot be black-box derandomized without an Ω~(n1/4)\widetilde{\Omega}(n^{1/4}) overhead in time. Since previously all the polynomial time-space tradeoffs of multi-output functions are proved via the Borodin-Cook method, which is a probabilistic method that inherently gives the same lower bound for randomized and deterministic branching programs, our lower bound proof is intrinsically different from previous works. We also examine other natural candidates for proving such separations, and show that any polynomial separation for these problems would resolve the long-standing open problem of proving n1+Ω(1)n^{1+\Omega(1)} time lower bound for decision problems with polylog(n)\mathrm{polylog}(n) space.Comment: 15 page

    Tight Time-Space Lower Bounds for Finding Multiple Collision Pairs and Their Applications

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    We consider a collision search problem (CSP), where given a parameter CC, the goal is to find CC collision pairs in a random function f:[N][N]f:[N] \rightarrow [N] (where [N]={0,1,,N1})[N] = \{0,1,\ldots,N-1\}) using SS bits of memory. Algorithms for CSP have numerous cryptanalytic applications such as space-efficient attacks on double and triple encryption. The best known algorithm for CSP is parallel collision search (PCS) published by van Oorschot and Wiener, which achieves the time-space tradeoff T2S=O~(C2N)T^2 \cdot S = \tilde{O}(C^2 \cdot N) for S=O~(C)S = \tilde{O}(C). In this paper, we prove that any algorithm for CSP satisfies T2S=Ω~(C2N)T^2 \cdot S = \tilde{\Omega}(C^2 \cdot N) for S=O~(C)S = \tilde{O}(C), hence the best known time-space tradeoff is optimal (up to poly-logarithmic factors in NN). On the other hand, we give strong evidence that proving similar unconditional time-space tradeoff lower bounds on CSP applications (such as breaking double and triple encryption) may be very difficult, and would imply a breakthrough in complexity theory. Hence, we propose a new restricted model of computation and prove that under this model, the best known time-space tradeoff attack on double encryption is optimal

    Quantum Time-Space Tradeoff for Finding Multiple Collision Pairs

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