11 research outputs found

    Business Faculty Time Management: Lessons Learned From The Trenches

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    Teaching, research, and service expectations of the academic profession may sometimes seem overwhelming. Although much has been written about time management in general, there has not been much written about time management in the academic professions and even less written about time management for academics in the business disciplines. This paper will provide a review of the literature about time management for faculty. In addition, this paper will provide practical methods for you to plan and organize your time to better meet your teaching, research and service expectations. Finally, this paper will help you develop a strategy to avoid the top ten time wasters for faculty

    Managing Time: A Study Among Arab Open University Tutors In Kuwait Branch

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    The purpose of this paper was to investigate how tutors at the Arab Open University (AOU) in Kuwait Branch manage their time given workloads they are assigned. Group interviews were conducted with a sample that was selected from AOU tutors in Kuwait branch.  The findings showed that tutors do not ask for more time or cut down workloads; instead, they ask for a better organized and healthy work environment where they can make use of the available time and be more productive and creative

    Factors Affecting Time Management and Nurses’ Performance in Hebron Hospitals

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    Background: Nursing is a demanding job and it can often feel as though there are not enough hours in the day to complete all of tasks required. Unlike other jobs, priorities can change rapidly when a patient is in urgent need for attention. Aim of the Study: The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting time management( personal, and administration obstacles) and nurses performance in Hebron hospitals. The study used a quantitative descriptive design and stratified random sampling approach to select 181 nurses working in Hebron district Hospitals in the West Bank. The data was collected through questionnaire which consisted demographic variable, and 57 statements divided into four dimensions to examine the effectiveness of time management on nurses’ performance. These dimensions are; time management (Analyzing time, follow-up, planning time, and time commitment) , personal as (uses phone, fear from mistakes) and administrative obstacles of time management as(lack priorities or plans daily, Lack of incentives, Procrastination), and nursing performance in Hebron hospitals. The total number of responders was 181 nurses distributed among five hospitals in Hebron government and non government hospitals in the West Bank. The governmental hospitals included: Alia Hospital, 65 nurses and Abu Al-Hassan hospital18 nurses; while the non-governmental hospitals included: Al Ahli Hospital 60 nurses, Al-Mizan hospital 20 nurses, and Red Crescent hospital 18 nurses. Results: The majority of the responders were young with age less than 39 years old, with less than ten years of experience, and 60% of them had a bachelor degree or more. Time management in Hebron hospital was high with rate 69.5% and there were two major factors affecting to time management for nurses including personal obstacles with a rate less than 50%, and administrative and organizational obstacles with a rate of 69.3%. There was a positive significant correlation between time management and nurses performance ( ? ? 0.05). There was also a significant correlation between. time management obstacles and nurses performance ( ? ? 0.05). However, there was no significant correlation between gender, academic degree, experience or qualification of participants and time management or nurses’ performance with ? ? 0.05. Conclusion: Attention is needed to address the obstacles of time management within governmental hospitals. More studies about obstacles of time management among nurses are needed to expand the concepts of interest, and the meaning of scientific and technical methods to manage time

    Feeling the Burn: A Phenomenological Study on Burnout among Adjunct Professors at Higher Education Institutions

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    The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study was to understand the lived experiences of burnout among adjunct professors at higher education institutions. The central research question guiding this study was what are the lived experiences of burnout among adjunct professors at higher education institutions? This study found that adjunct professors burned-out due to their higher education institutions’ unreasonable work expectations, tight deadlines, and lack of resources. Using the guiding theory of job demands and resources (JD-R) developed by Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner, and Schaufeli, the phenomenon’s essence was discovered as it highlighted how excessive work demands and a lack of resources lead to burnout experiences. The snowballing method was used to recruit 11 adjunct professors who provided rich and thick accounts of their lived experiences using three types of data collection: an open-ended survey, a reflective journal, and a semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed using Moustakas’ modified version of van Kaam’s phenomenological analysis approach, which discovered four main themes, six sub-themes, and contextual data, then coded using Delve’s coding guidelines for qualitative researchers. Data were triangulated to synthesize the descriptions to detail the essence of the adjunct professors’ lived experiences of burnout. Burnout among adjunct professors affects students and institutions. The implications of this study revealed the potential need to optimize job demands, job resources, and personal resources for adjunct professors. Because adjunct professors make up a significant portion of the higher education sector, it is vital to understand their specific concerns. Adjunct professors are essential to higher education institutions and should be honored for their contributions

    Annual Governance Report on Faculty Tenure, Board of Regents, April 25-26, 2012

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    The Board of Regents Policy Manual §4.07 requires that recommendations for promotion and tenure be approved by the Board and §6.17 requires that an annual report on tenure status be presented to the Board

    Annual Governance Report on Faculty Tenure, Board of Regents, April 24-25, 2013

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    The Board of Regents Policy Manual §4.07 requires that recommendations for promotion and tenure be approved by the Board and §6.17 requires that an annual report on tenure status be presented to the Board

    Understanding, Defining and Managing of Operational Personal Priorities. A Tool for Task Management Self-Prioritization

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    RÉSUMÉ : Plusieurs personnes se sentent bombardées par l'augmentation de la charge de travail et des engagements. Nous avons, souvent, le sentiment de manquer de temps. L'établissement des priorités devient un défi et émotionnel pour tout le monde. En effet, il est difficile de définir les tâches qui semblent plus le meilleur parmi plusieurs choix. Il existe des centaines d'outils numériques de gestion de temps personnel sur le marché. Cependant, il semble avoir une faible tentative de développer un outil qui s’aligne avec le comportement des gens et qui réponde à leurs besoins. Le temps est élastique et sa gestion est difficile par des gens. Par conséquent, chaque personne reste son meilleur planificateur. Cette recherche vise à répondre à l’objectif : « Comment pouvons-nous soutenir les gens dans la gestion, sélection et priorisation de leurs propres tâches connues / inconnues afin de donner le meilleur de soi-même ? ». Pour atteindre cet objectif, les besoins des gens ont été étudiés afin de comprendre comment ils gèrent leurs tâches. Les données ont servi à cerner leurs difficultés dans la gestion, puis à élaborer un cadre pour répondre à leurs besoins. L'étude empirique a été réalisée sur le personnel du département d'urgence d’un hôpital. Le choix du département d’urgence a été fait vu l’importance de la gestion du temps et des priorités. Sur la base des résultats de l'étude de cas, un nouvel outil a été proposé, appelé " House in Goal Hierarchy (HIGH) ", qui est un outil d'établissement des priorités et de prise de décision utilisant une approche ascendante de gestion. Le potentiel de ce nouvel outil a été testé auprès de quinze personnes de l'École Polytechnique de Montréal. Un sondage a été mené pour comprendre l'efficacité et les différences de comportement des participants avant et après l’utilisation de l’outil. Les données collectées ont été analysées qualitativement et quantitativement. Malgré cette recherche avait la limite de taille de l’échantillon, une amélioration de 50% a été mesurée auprès des utilisateurs dans leur priorisation de tâches et dans l’atteinte de leurs objectifs.----------ABSTRACT : Many of us feel bombarded by our increasing workload, commitments, and requests for more time. Prioritization is very emotional and challenging for everyone since it is difficult to prioritize, which is the best among more than one choice. There are hundreds of digital and paper versions of personal time management tools available on the market. It seems there is a feeble attempt to develop a tool that meets people' behavior and needs. Time is elastic and more or less manageable by people. Therefore, each person is his/her own best scheduler. Time-management more referred to the self and task management to make a balance between the activities. This research tried to work on the objective of “How can we help people to manage, select and prioritize their own known/unknown tasks to account to themselves in a respectful manner?” For this objective, people’s needs were studied to understand how people manage tasks. The data was used to identify their difficulties and then develop a framework to meet their needs. The empirical study was carried out on the personnel of the emergency department of the hospital since time and prioritizing is extremely valuable to them. Based on the results of the case study, a new tool was proposed called “House in Goal Hierarchy (HIGH)” that is a prioritizing and decision-making tool to create a bottom-up approach. The potential of this new tool was then tested with fifteen graduate students of the École Polytechnique of Montréal. A survey was applied to understand the effectiveness and differences in the behavior of the participants, before and after using the tool. The collected data analyzed in both quantitative and qualitative ways. Even though this research had a limitation in testing in a small group, but stillthe result of using HIGH tool showed that the approach has approximately a 50% improvement in prioritizing the user’s tasks and reaching his/her goals

    The implementation of reading fluency strategies in second graders

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    Este proyecto de aula se enfoca en la implementación de estrategias de fluidez de lectura en estudiantes de segundo de una escuela primaria pública ubicada en la ciudad de Pereira y desarrollado por una estudiante de la Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa. El objetivo principal de este proyecto de aula era implementar las estrategias apropiadas para promover el desarrollo de la fluidez de lectura en conjunto con la comprensión de lectura de los 33 estudiantes de segundo grado por medio de seis sesiones en las que se implementaron los materiales de lectura preseleccionados para los estudiantes. Para la recolección de datos acerca del proceso que se llevó a cabo, se realizaron reflexiones de cada sesión acorde a lo que se vio durante el proceso. Los resultados obtenidos con este proyecto de aula demostraron que implementar estrategias para promover el desarrollo de la fluidez de lectura en conjunto con la comprensión de lectura en niños de segundo grado es un proceso difícil debido a factores que afectan el buen desarrollo de las habilidades en su segunda lengua. Por el contrario, se obtuvieron resultados positivos después de las implementaciones, y estos resultados permitieron llegar a la conclusión de que usar los materiales apropiados y las estrategias apropiadas para promover el desarrollo de las habilidades de la segunda lengua de los estudiantes puede resultar en el buen desarrollo cognitivo y completo de las habilidades de la segunda lengua sin importar el contexto en el que se encuentren los estudiantes. Por otro lado, esto también nos lleva a tener en cuenta que es necesario realizar investigaciones acerca del desarrollo de la fluidez de lectura de estudiantes de primaria que estén aprendiendo inglés en el contexto colombiano

    Improving Tool Support for Personal Task Management (PTM)

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    Personal Task Management (PTM) describes the planning, prioritising and list-making of tasks employed by an individual user. There are hundreds of commercial electronic PTM tools available on the market which users can choose from. There appears to be little attempt to develop a framework for describing people’s task management behaviour, making it difficult to determine the extent to which these tools meet users’ needs. The aims of this thesis were therefore to understand how academics manage their tasks, to identify the conceptual gaps between them and the existing electronic tools, and to establish requirements for guiding the design and evaluation of PTM tools. The research adopts a user-centred design methodology. This includes both empirical and analytical approaches, conducted through four different studies. Firstly, a semi-structured interview study develops a PTM framework, describing the components of PTM (i.e. the underlying activities and contextual factors). Secondly, a member-checking study tests the accuracy of the framework. Thirdly, a video-diary study examines the inconsistencies discovered between the interview and member-checking studies. The findings extend the PTM framework to include other aspects of users (e.g. challenges, context awareness, etc.), broadening the understanding of the complexity of PTM behaviours. The data gathered in the user studies was analysed using a grounded theory (GT) approach, and the findings were then used to build personas of academics. Finally, an in-depth expert analytical evaluation of a set of existing tools using CASSM identifies the conceptual misfits between users and the existing tools. The contributions of this thesis are a development of the PTM framework, describing the key factors that influence academics in managing their tasks; a development of personas, explaining characteristics of different groups of academics and PTM strategies that they employ over time; and an evaluation of existing PTM tools, determining their strengths and limitations and providing recommendations

    Time management for new faculty

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