3 research outputs found

    Time constrained maximal covering salesman problem with weighted demands and partial coverage

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    In a routing framework, it may not be viable to visit every single customer separately due to resource limitations or efficiency concerns. In such cases, utilizing the notion of coverage; i.e., satisfying the demand of multiple customers by visiting a single customer location, may be advantageous. With this motivation, we study the time constrained maximal covering salesman problem (TCMCSP) in which the aim is to find a tour visiting a subset of customers so that the amount of demand covered within a limited time is maximized. We provide flow and cut formulations and derive valid inequalities. Since the connectivity constraints and the proposed valid inequalities are exponential in the size of the problem, we devise different branch-and-cut schemes. Computational experiments performed on a set of problem instances demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed valid inequalities in terms of strengthening the linear relaxation bounds as well as speeding up the solution procedure. Moreover, the results indicate the superiority of using a branch-and-cut methodology over a flow-based formulation. Finally, we discuss the relation between the problem parameters and the structure of optimal solutions based on the results of our experiments. © 2016 Elsevier Lt

    Covering tour problem with varying coverage: Application to marine environmental monitoring

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    In this paper, we present a novel variant of the Covering Tour Problem (CTP), called the Covering Tour Problem with Varying Coverage (CTP-VC). We consider a simple graph = ( ,), with a measure of importance assigned to each node in . A vehicle with limited battery capacity visits the nodes of the graph and has the ability to stay in each node for a certain period of time, which determines the coverage radius at the node. We refer to this feature as stay-dependent varying coverage or, in short, varying coverage. The objective is to maximize a scalarization of the weighted coverage of the nodes and the negation of the cost of moving and staying at the nodes. This problem arises in the monitoring of marine environments, where pollutants can be measured at locations far from the source due to ocean currents. To solve the CTP-VC, we propose a mathematical formulation and a heuristic approach, given that the problem is NP-hard. Depending on the availability of solutions yielded by an exact solver, we evaluate our heuristic approach against the exact solver or a constructive heuristic on various instance sets and show how varying coverage improves performance. Additionally, we use an offshore CO2 storage site in the Gulf of Mexico as a case study to demonstrate the problem’s applicability. Our results demonstrate that the proposed heuristic approach is an efficient and practical solution to the problem of stay-dependent varying coverage. We conduct numerous experiments and provide managerial insights.publishedVersio