119 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of non-prefiltering vs. time reversal prefiltering in distributed and uncoordinated IR-UWB ad-hoc networks

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    Time Reversal (TR) is a prefiltering scheme mostly analyzed in the context of centralized and synchronous IR-UWB networks, in order to leverage the trade-off between communication performance and device complexity, in particular in presence of multiuser interference. Several strong assumptions have been typically adopted in the analysis of TR, such as the absence of Inter-Symbol / Inter-Frame Interference (ISI/IFI) and multipath dispersion due to complex signal propagation. This work has the main goal of comparing the performance of TR-based systems with traditional non-prefiltered schemes, in the novel context of a distributed and uncoordinated IR-UWB network, under more realistic assumptions including the presence of ISI/IFI and multipath dispersion. Results show that, lack of power control and imperfect channel knowledge affect the performance of both non-prefiltered and TR systems; in these conditions, TR prefiltering still guarantees a performance improvement in sparse/low-loaded and overloaded network scenarios, while the opposite is true for less extreme scenarios, calling for the developement of an adaptive scheme that enables/disables TR prefiltering depending on network conditions

    A Unified Multi-Functional Dynamic Spectrum Access Framework: Tutorial, Theory and Multi-GHz Wideband Testbed

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    Dynamic spectrum access is a must-have ingredient for future sensors that are ideally cognitive. The goal of this paper is a tutorial treatment of wideband cognitive radio and radar—a convergence of (1) algorithms survey, (2) hardware platforms survey, (3) challenges for multi-function (radar/communications) multi-GHz front end, (4) compressed sensing for multi-GHz waveforms—revolutionary A/D, (5) machine learning for cognitive radio/radar, (6) quickest detection, and (7) overlay/underlay cognitive radio waveforms. One focus of this paper is to address the multi-GHz front end, which is the challenge for the next-generation cognitive sensors. The unifying theme of this paper is to spell out the convergence for cognitive radio, radar, and anti-jamming. Moore’s law drives the system functions into digital parts. From a system viewpoint, this paper gives the first comprehensive treatment for the functions and the challenges of this multi-function (wideband) system. This paper brings together the inter-disciplinary knowledge

    Energy Efficiency Optimization in Green Wireless Communications

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    The rising energy concern and the ubiquity of energy-consuming wireless applications have sparked a keen interest in the development and deployment of energy-efficient and eco-friendly wireless communication technology. Green Wireless Communications aims to find innovative solutions to improve energy efficiency, and to relieve/reduce the carbon footprint of wireless industry, while maintaining/improving performance metrics. Looking back at the wireless communications of the past decades, the air-interface design and network deployment had mainly focused on the spectral efficiency, instead of energy efficiency. From the cellular network to the personal area network, no matter what size the wireless network is, the milestones along the evolutions of wireless networks had always been higher-and-higher data rates throughout these years. Most of these throughput-oriented optimizations lead to a full-power operation to support a higher throughput or spectral efficiency, which is typically not energy-efficient. To qualify as green wireless communications, we believe that a candidate technology needs to be of high energy efficiency, reduced electromagnetic pollution, and low-complexity. In this dissertation research, towards the evolution of the green wireless communications, we have extended our efforts in two important aspects of the wireless communications system: air-interface and networking. In the first aspect of this work, we study a promising green communications technology, the time reversal system, as a novel air-interface of the future green wireless communications. We propose a concept of time reversal division multiple access (TRDMA) as a novel wireless media access scheme for wireless broadband networks, and investigate its fundamental theoretical limits. Motivated by the great energy-harvesting potential of the TRDMA, we develop an asymmetric architecture for the TRDMA based multiuser networks. The unique asymmetric architecture shifts the most complexity to the BS in both downlink and uplink schemes, facilitating very low-cost terminal users in the networks. To further enhance the system performance, a 2D parallel interference cancellation scheme is presented to explore the inherent structure of the interference signals, and therefore efficiently improve the resulting SINR and system performance. In the second aspect of this work, we explore the energy-saving potential of the cooperative networking for cellular systems. We propose a dynamic base-station switching strategy and incorporate the cooperative base-station operation to improve the energy-efficiency of the cellular networks without sacrificing the quality of service of the users. It is shown that significant energy saving potential can be achieved by the proposed scheme

    Technology Implications of UWB on Wireless Sensor Network-A detailed Survey

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    In today’s high tech “SMART” world sensor based networks are widely used. The main challenge with wireless-based sensor networks is the underneath physical layer. In this survey, we have identified core obstacles of wireless sensor network when UWB is used at PHY layer. This research was done using a systematic approach to assess UWB’s effectiveness (for WSN) based on information taken from various research papers, books, technical surveys and articles. Our aim is to measure the UWB’s effectiveness for WSN and analyze the different obstacles allied with its implementation. Starting from existing solutions to proposed theories. Here we have focused only on the core concerns, e.g. spectrum, interference, synchronization etc.Our research concludes that despite all the bottlenecks and challenges, UWB’s efficient capabilities makes it an attractive PHY layer scheme for the WSN, provided we can control interference and energy problems. This survey gives a fresh start to the researchers and prototype designers to understand the technological concerns associated with UWB’s implementatio

    A Robust Signal Detection Method for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Networks with Uncontrolled Interference

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    We propose a novel detection method for non-coherent synchronization (signal acquisition) in multi-user UWB impulse radio (IR) networks. It is designed to solve the IUI (Inter-User Interference) that occurs in some ad-hoc networks where concurrent transmissions are allowed with heterogeneous power levels. In such scenarios, the conventional detection method, which is based on correlating the received IR signal with a Template Pulse Train (TPT), does not always perform well. The complexity of our proposal is similar to that of the conventional method. We evaluate its performance with the Line Of Sight (LOS) and the Non LOS (NLOS) office indoor channel models proposed by the IEEE P802.15.4a study group and find that the improvement is significant. We also investigate the particular case where the concurrent transmissions have the same time-hopping code, and we show that it does not result in collision, such scenarios appear in ad-hoc networks that employ common code for control or broadcast purposes

    Ultra Low Power Communication Protocols for UWB Impulse Radio Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This thesis evaluates the potential of Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio for wireless sensor network applications. Wireless sensor networks are collections of small electronic devices composed of one or more sensors to acquire information on their environment, an energy source (typically a battery), a microcontroller to control the measurements, process the information and communicate with its peers, and a radio transceiver to enable these communications. They are used to regularly collect information within their deployment area, often for very long periods of time (up to several years). The large number of devices often considered, as well as the long deployment durations, makes any manual intervention complex and costly. Therefore, these networks must self-configure, and automatically adapt to changes in their electromagnetic environment (channel variations, interferers) and network topology modifications: some nodes may run out of energy, or suffer from a hardware failure. Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio is a novel wireless technology that, thanks to its extremely large bandwidth, is more robust to frequency dependent propagation effects. Its impulsional nature makes it robust to multipath fading, as the short duration of the pulses leads most multipath components to arrive isolated. This technology should also enable high precision ranging through time of flight measurements, and operate at ultra low power levels. The main challenge is to design a system that reaches the same or higher degree of energy savings as existing narrowband systems considering all the protocol layers. As these radios are not yet widely available, the first part of this thesis presents Maximum Pulse Amplitude Estimation, a novel approach to symbol-level modeling of UWB-IR systems that enabled us to implement the first network simulator of devices compatible with the UWB physical layer of the IEEE 802.15.4A standard for wireless sensor networks. In the second part of this thesis, WideMac, a novel ultra low power MAC protocol specifically designed for UWB-IR devices is presented. It uses asynchronous duty cycling of the radio transceiver to minimize the power consumption, combined with periodic beacon emissions so that devices can learn each other's wake-up patterns and exchange packets. After an analytical study of the protocol, the network simulation tool presented in the first part of the thesis is used to evaluate the performance of WideMac in a medical body area network application. It is compared to two narrowband and an FM-UWB solutions. The protocol stack parameters are optimized for each solution, and it is observed that WideMac combined to UWB-IR is a credible technology for such applications. Similar simulations, considering this time a static multi-hop network are performed. It is found that WideMac and UWB-IR perform as well as a mature and highly optimized narrowband solution (based on the WiseMAC ULP MAC protocol), despite the lack of clear channel assessment functionality on the UWB radio. The last part of this thesis studies analytically a dual mode MAC protocol named WideMac-High Availability. It combines the Ultra Low PowerWideMac with the higher performance Aloha protocol, so that ultra low power consumption and hence long deployment times can be combined with high performance low latency communications when required by the application. The potential of this scheme is quantified, and it is proposed to adapt it to narrowband radio transceivers by combining WiseMAC and CSMA under the name WiseMAC-HA

    Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

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    Physical limitations on wireless communication channels impose huge challenges to reliable communication. Bandwidth limitations, propagation loss, noise and interference make the wireless channel a narrow pipe that does not readily accommodate rapid flow of data. Thus, researches aim to design systems that are suitable to operate in such channels, in order to have high performance quality of service. Also, the mobility of the communication systems requires further investigations to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of the receiver. This book aims to provide highlights of the current research in the field of wireless communications. The subjects discussed are very valuable to communication researchers rather than researchers in the wireless related areas. The book chapters cover a wide range of wireless communication topics

    A Power Independent Detection Method for UltraWide Band (UWB) Impulse Radio Networks

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    We propose a novel detection method for non-coherent synchronization (signal acquisition) in multi-access UWB impulse radio (IR) networks. It is designed to solve the IUI (Inter-User Interference) that occurs in some ad-hoc networks where concurrent transmissions are allowed with heterogeneous power levels. In such scenarios, the conventional detection method, which is based on correlating the received IR signal with a Template Pulse Train (TPT), does not always perform well. Our proposal has similar complexity as the conventional method. We evaluate its performance with the Line Of Sight (LOS) office indoor channel model proposed by the IEEE P802.15.4a study group and find that the improvement is significant

    Differentially-encoded di-symbol time-division multiuser impulse radio in UWB channel

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