11,650 research outputs found

    Government and industry

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    Performance, cost, and time factors in nasa programs and contract

    Effects of time factors in paired-associate verbal learning

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    Influence of Positive, Motivational and Time Factors on Water Conservation Behavior

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    En este estudio probamos, mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, los efectos del Flow Psicológico en las acciones de cuidado del ambiente, la Gratitud hacia acciones de ahorro de agua, la Orientación al Futuro, la Hedonia y la Eudaimonia sobre una medida de autoinforme de ahorro de agua. Analizamos las respuestas obtenidas de una muestra intencional de 460 participantes provenientes de dos ciudades mexicanas (221 varones y 239 mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre 15 a 66 años (M= 34.5 años; DE= 13.40 años). El modelo exhibió bondad de ajuste y logró explicar un 30% de la varianza en la conducta de ahorro de agua. Tender al futuro y experimentar gratitud ante acciones de cuidado del agua promueven el ahorro de este recurso, mientras que la Hedonia disminuye la práctica de dicha conducta.En este estudio probamos, mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, los efectos del Flow Psicológico en las acciones de cuidado del ambiente, la Gratitud hacia acciones de ahorro de agua, la Orientación al Futuro, la Hedonia y la Eudaimonia sobre una medida de autoinforme de ahorro de agua. Analizamos las respuestas obtenidas de una muestra intencional de 460 participantes provenientes de dos ciudades mexicanas (221 varones y 239 mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre 15 a 66 años (M= 34.5 años; DE= 13.40 años). El modelo exhibió bondad de ajuste y logró explicar un 30% de la varianza en la conducta de ahorro de agua. Tender al futuro y experimentar gratitud ante acciones de cuidado del agua promueven el ahorro de este recurso, mientras que la Hedonia disminuye la práctica de dicha conducta.En este estudio probamos, mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, los efectos del Flow Psicológico en las acciones de cuidado del ambiente, la Gratitud hacia acciones de ahorro de agua, la Orientación al Futuro, la Hedonia y la Eudaimonia sobre una medida de autoinforme de ahorro de agua. Analizamos las respuestas obtenidas de una muestra intencional de 460 participantes provenientes de dos ciudades mexicanas (221 varones y 239 mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre 15 a 66 años (M= 34.5 años; DE= 13.40 años). El modelo exhibió bondad de ajuste y logró explicar un 30% de la varianza en la conducta de ahorro de agua. Tender al futuro y experimentar gratitud ante acciones de cuidado del agua promueven el ahorro de este recurso, mientras que la Hedonia disminuye la práctica de dicha conducta.In this study, we tested, through a structural equation model the effects of Psychological Flow on environmentally-protective behaviors, as well as the influence of Gratitude toward water conservation actions, Future orientation, Hedonia and Eudaimonia on a self-reported measure of water conservation behavior. We analysed the responses of a purposive sample of 460 participants from two Mexican cities (221 men and 239 women), aged between 15 - 66 years (M = 34.5 years; SD = 13.40 years). The model showed goodness of fit, explaining 30% variance of water conservation behavior. Being future oriented and experiencing gratitude towards water conservation actions promote the protection of this resource, while Hedonia decreases this conservationist practice

    Emotional scaffolding with respect to time factors in Networking Collaborative Learning Environments

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    With regard to learning, emotional considerations have been included in the research agenda for a long time and literature offers a variety of studies evaluating the role of emotions in different settings (class, tests and exams, studying at home, etc.). This knowledge and experience has tentatively begun to endow intelligent network systems with emotion assessment and affective feedback capabilities, although the process is still in its infancy. This paper reviews emotional aspects in learning and affect recognition as well as feedback strategies. In the described strategies, the need for considering the time factor is also stressed.

    Time factors in relation to the acquisition of food by the honeybee

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    1. Of all the various methods for marking honeybees tried by the author, the one found best adapted for the present investigation was that of applying pigment combined with white shellac in alcohol. 2. A contrivance of simple construction was devised which, when placed in the entrance of a hive, caused practically every incoming and outgoing bee to pass thru the entrance dorsal side up, thereby enabling the observer to detect the marked bees. 3. A suitable method was discovered for distinguishing between nectar-carriers and water-carriers without injury to the bee. 4. The average speed determined for the flight of worker bees during a calm, was a little less than 15 miles per hour. 5. The time required for gathering a load of nectar varies greatly, but, under favorable conditions, one hour has been shown to be ample time for a nectar-carrier to make a round trip. 6. Ten trips per day, under favorable conditions, probably is as reliable an average as can be deducted from the data at hand for nectar-carriers. 7. The time required for a pollen-carrier to make a round trip varies greatly, but when gathering from corn under favorable conditions, trips are completed in a quarter of an hour or less, on the average. 8. The number of trips made by one pollen-carrier in a day was not great, as a rule, because corn pollen usually is not available after about noon; consequently an unqualified statement for the average number of trips made in a day would scarcely be justified. 9. A water carrier can make a round trip in about five minutes, on the average, when the supply is near at hand. 10. A water-carrier sometimes makes 100 or more trips in a day, but the average is probably less than half that number. 11. Field bees normally spend less than five minutes in the hive between field trips, regardless of whether they carry nectar, pollen or water

    All Politics is Local: The Renminbi's Prospects as a Future Global Currency

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    . In this article we describe methods for improving the RWTH German speech recognizer used within the VERBMOBIL project. In particular, we present acceleration methods for the search based on both within-word and across-word phoneme models. We also study incremental methods to reduce the response time of the online speech recognizer. Finally, we present experimental off-line results for the three VERBMOBIL scenarios. We report on word error rates and real-time factors for both speaker independent and speaker dependent recognition. 1 Introduction The goal of the VERBMOBIL project is to develop a speech-to-speech translation system that performs close to real-time. In this system, speech recognition is followed by subsequent VERBMOBIL modules (like syntactic analysis and translation) which depend on the recognition result. Therefore, in this application it is particularly important to keep the recognition time as short as possible. There are VERBMOBIL modules which are capable to work ..