28,626 research outputs found

    Quantifying Timing Leaks and Cost Optimisation

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    We develop a new notion of security against timing attacks where the attacker is able to simultaneously observe the execution time of a program and the probability of the values of low variables. We then show how to measure the security of a program with respect to this notion via a computable estimate of the timing leakage and use this estimate for cost optimisation.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables. A shorter version is included in the proceedings of ICICS'08 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, 20-22 October, 2008 Birmingham, U

    Dimension Reduction via Colour Refinement

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    Colour refinement is a basic algorithmic routine for graph isomorphism testing, appearing as a subroutine in almost all practical isomorphism solvers. It partitions the vertices of a graph into "colour classes" in such a way that all vertices in the same colour class have the same number of neighbours in every colour class. Tinhofer (Disc. App. Math., 1991), Ramana, Scheinerman, and Ullman (Disc. Math., 1994) and Godsil (Lin. Alg. and its App., 1997) established a tight correspondence between colour refinement and fractional isomorphisms of graphs, which are solutions to the LP relaxation of a natural ILP formulation of graph isomorphism. We introduce a version of colour refinement for matrices and extend existing quasilinear algorithms for computing the colour classes. Then we generalise the correspondence between colour refinement and fractional automorphisms and develop a theory of fractional automorphisms and isomorphisms of matrices. We apply our results to reduce the dimensions of systems of linear equations and linear programs. Specifically, we show that any given LP L can efficiently be transformed into a (potentially) smaller LP L' whose number of variables and constraints is the number of colour classes of the colour refinement algorithm, applied to a matrix associated with the LP. The transformation is such that we can easily (by a linear mapping) map both feasible and optimal solutions back and forth between the two LPs. We demonstrate empirically that colour refinement can indeed greatly reduce the cost of solving linear programs

    Control Plane Compression

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    We develop an algorithm capable of compressing large networks into a smaller ones with similar control plane behavior: For every stable routing solution in the large, original network, there exists a corresponding solution in the compressed network, and vice versa. Our compression algorithm preserves a wide variety of network properties including reachability, loop freedom, and path length. Consequently, operators may speed up network analysis, based on simulation, emulation, or verification, by analyzing only the compressed network. Our approach is based on a new theory of control plane equivalence. We implement these ideas in a tool called Bonsai and apply it to real and synthetic networks. Bonsai can shrink real networks by over a factor of 5 and speed up analysis by several orders of magnitude.Comment: Extended version of the paper appearing in ACM SIGCOMM 201

    Enumerating Polytropes

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    Polytropes are both ordinary and tropical polytopes. We show that tropical types of polytropes in TPn−1\mathbb{TP}^{n-1} are in bijection with cones of a certain Gr\"{o}bner fan GFn\mathcal{GF}_n in Rn2−n\mathbb{R}^{n^2 - n} restricted to a small cone called the polytrope region. These in turn are indexed by compatible sets of bipartite and triangle binomials. Geometrically, on the polytrope region, GFn\mathcal{GF}_n is the refinement of two fans: the fan of linearity of the polytrope map appeared in \cite{tran.combi}, and the bipartite binomial fan. This gives two algorithms for enumerating tropical types of polytropes: one via a general Gr\"obner fan software such as \textsf{gfan}, and another via checking compatibility of systems of bipartite and triangle binomials. We use these algorithms to compute types of full-dimensional polytropes for n=4n = 4, and maximal polytropes for n=5n = 5.Comment: Improved exposition, fixed error in reporting the number maximal polytropes for n=6n = 6, fixed error in definition of bipartite binomial

    Counterfactual Causality from First Principles?

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    In this position paper we discuss three main shortcomings of existing approaches to counterfactual causality from the computer science perspective, and sketch lines of work to try and overcome these issues: (1) causality definitions should be driven by a set of precisely specified requirements rather than specific examples; (2) causality frameworks should support system dynamics; (3) causality analysis should have a well-understood behavior in presence of abstraction.Comment: In Proceedings CREST 2017, arXiv:1710.0277
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