50 research outputs found

    Tighter Security Proofs for GPV-IBE in the Quantum Random Oracle Model

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    In (STOC, 2008), Gentry, Peikert, and Vaikuntanathan proposed the first identity-based encryption (GPV-IBE) scheme based on a post-quantum assumption, namely, the learning with errors (LWE) assumption. Since their proof was only made in the random oracle model (ROM) instead of the quantum random oracle model (QROM), it remained unclear whether the scheme was truly post-quantum or not. In (CRYPTO, 2012), Zhandry developed new techniques to be used in the QROM and proved the security of GPV-IBE in the QROM, hence answering in the affirmative that GPV-IBE is indeed post-quantum. However, since the general technique developed by Zhandry incurred a large reduction loss, there was a wide gap between the concrete efficiency and security level provided by GPV-IBE in the ROM and QROM. Furthermore, regardless of being in the ROM or QROM, GPV-IBE is not known to have a tight reduction in the multi-challenge setting. Considering that in the real-world an adversary can obtain many ciphertexts, it is desirable to have a security proof that does not degrade with the number of challenge ciphertext. In this paper, we provide a much tighter proof for the GPV-IBE in the QROM in the single-challenge setting. In addition, we also show that a slight variant of the GPV-IBE has an almost tight reduction in the multi-challenge setting both in the ROM and QROM, where the reduction loss is independent of the number of challenge ciphertext. Our proof departs from the traditional partitioning technique and resembles the approach used in the public key encryption scheme of Cramer and Shoup (CRYPTO, 1998). Our proof strategy allows the reduction algorithm to program the random oracle the same way for all identities and naturally fits the QROM setting where an adversary may query a superposition of all identities in one random oracle query. Notably, our proofs are much simpler than the one by Zhandry and conceptually much easier to follow for cryptographers not familiar with quantum computation. Although at a high level, the techniques used for the single and multi-challenge setting are similar, the technical details are quite different. For the multi-challenge setting, we rely on the Katz-Wang technique (CCS, 2003) to overcome some obstacles regarding the leftover hash lemma

    Tighter Post-quantum Proof for Plain FDH, PFDH and GPV-IBE

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    In CRYPTO 2012, Zhandry developed generic semi-constant oracle technique and proved security of an identity-based encryption scheme, GPV-IBE, and full domain hash (FDH) signature scheme in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). However, the reduction provided by Zhandry incurred a quadratic reduction loss. In this work, we provide a much tighter proof, with linear reduntion loss, for the FDH, probabilistc FDH (PFDH), and GPV-IBE in the QROM. Our proof is based on the measure-and-reprogram technique developed by Don, Fehr, Majenz and Schaffner

    Adaptively Secure Lattice-based Revocable IBE in the QROM: Compact Parameters, Tight Security, and Anonymity

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    Revocable identity-based encryption (RIBE) is an extension of IBE that satisfies a key revocation mechanism to manage a number of users dynamically and efficiently. To resist quantum attacks, two adaptively secure lattice-based RIBE schemes are known in the (quantum) random oracle model ((Q)ROM). Wang et al.\u27s scheme that is secure in the ROM has large secret keys depending on the depth of a binary tree and its security reduction is not tight. Ma and Lin\u27s scheme that is secure in the QROM has large ciphertexts depending on the length of identities and is not anonymous. In this paper, we propose an adaptively secure lattice-based RIBE scheme that is secure in the QROM. Our scheme has compact parameters, where the ciphertext-size is smaller than Wang et al.\u27s scheme and the secret key size is the same as Ma and Lin\u27s scheme. Moreover, our scheme is anonymous and its security reduction is completely tight. We design the proposed scheme by modifying Ma-Lin\u27s scheme instantiated by the Gentry-Peikert-Vaikuntanathan (GPV) IBE. We can obtain the advantages of our scheme by making use of Katsumata et al.\u27s proof technique of the GPV IBE in the QROM

    Identity-Based Encryption with Security against the KGC: A Formal Model and Its Instantiations

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    The key escrow problem is one of the main barriers to the widespread real-world use of identity-based encryption (IBE). Specifically, a key generation center (KGC), which generates secret keys for a given identity, has the power to decrypt all ciphertexts. At PKC 2009, Chow defined a notion of security against the KGC, that relies on assuming that it cannot discover the underlying identities behind ciphertexts. However, this is not a realistic assumption since, in practice, the KGC manages an identity list, and hence it can easily guess the identities corresponding to given ciphertexts. Chow later amended this issue by introducing a new entity called an identity-certifying authority (ICA) and proposed an anonymous key-issuing protocol. Essentially, this allows the users, KGC, and ICA to interactively generate secret keys without users ever having to reveal their identities to the KGC. Unfortunately, since Chow separately defined the security of IBE and that of the anonymous key-issuing protocol, his IBE definition did not provide any formal treatment when the ICA is used to authenticate the users. Effectively, all of the subsequent works following Chow lack the formal proofs needed to determine whether or not it delivers a secure solution to the key escrow problem. In this paper, based on Chow\u27s work, we formally define an IBE scheme that resolves the key escrow problem and provide formal definitions of security against corrupted users, KGC, and ICA. Along the way, we observe that if we are allowed to assume a fully trusted ICA, as in Chow\u27s work, then we can construct a trivial (and meaningless) IBE scheme that is secure against the KGC. Finally, we present two instantiations in our new security model: a lattice-based construction based on the Gentry--Peikert--Vaikuntanathan IBE scheme (STOC 2008) and R{ü}ckert\u27s lattice-based blind signature scheme (ASIACRYPT 2010), and a pairing-based construction based on the Boneh--Franklin IBE scheme (CRYPTO 2001) and Boldyreva\u27s blind signature scheme (PKC 2003)

    Short Identity-Based Signatures with Tight Security from Lattices

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    We construct a short and adaptively secure identity-based signature scheme tightly based on the well-known Short Integer Solution (SIS) assumption. Although identity-based signature schemes can be tightly constructed from either standard signature schemes against adaptive corruptions in the multi-user setting or a two-level hierarchical identity-based encryption scheme, neither of them is known with short signature size and tight security based on the SIS assumption. Here ``short\u27\u27 means the signature size is independent of the message length, which is in contrast to the tree-based (tight) signatures. Our approach consists of two steps: Firstly, we give two generic transformations (one with random oracles and the other without) from non-adaptively secure identity-based signature schemes to adaptively secure ones tightly. Our idea extends the similar transformation for digital signature schemes. Secondly, we construct a non-adaptively secure identity-based signature scheme based on the SIS assumption in the random oracle model

    Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Matrix-Vector Relations and Lattice-Based Group Encryption

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    International audienceGroup encryption (GE) is the natural encryption analogue of group signatures in that it allows verifiably encrypting messages for some anonymous member of a group while providing evidence that the receiver is a properly certified group member. Should the need arise, an opening authority is capable of identifying the receiver of any ciphertext. As introduced by Kiayias, Tsiounis and Yung (Asiacrypt'07), GE is motivated by applications in the context of oblivious retriever storage systems, anonymous third parties and hierarchical group signatures. This paper provides the first realization of group encryption under lattice assumptions. Our construction is proved secure in the standard model (assuming interaction in the proving phase) under the Learning-With-Errors (LWE) and Short-Integer-Solution (SIS) assumptions. As a crucial component of our system, we describe a new zero-knowledge argument system allowing to demonstrate that a given ciphertext is a valid encryption under some hidden but certified public key, which incurs to prove quadratic statements about LWE relations. Specifically, our protocol allows arguing knowledge of witnesses consisting of X ∈ Z m×n q , s ∈ Z n q and a small-norm e ∈ Z m which underlie a public vector b = X · s + e ∈ Z m q while simultaneously proving that the matrix X ∈ Z m×n q has been correctly certified. We believe our proof system to be useful in other applications involving zero-knowledge proofs in the lattice setting

    Revocable Hierarchical Attribute-based Signatures from Lattices

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    Attribute-based Signatures (ABS) allow users to obtain attributes from issuing authorities, and sign messages whilst simultaneously proving compliance of their attributes with a verification policy. ABS demands that both the signer and the set of attributes used to satisfy a policy remain hidden to the verifier. Hierarchical ABS (HABS) supporting roots of trust and delegation were recently proposed to alleviate scalability issues in centralised ABS schemes. An important yet challenging property for privacy-preserving ABS is revocation, which may be applied to signers or some of the attributes they possess. Existing ABS schemes lack efficient revocation of either signers or their attributes, relying on generic costly proofs.Moreover, in HABS there is a further need to support revocation of authorities on the delegation paths, which is not provided by existing HABS constructions. This paper proposes a direct HABS scheme with a Verifier-Local Revocation (VLR) property. We extend the original HABS security model to address revocation and develop a new attribute delegation technique with appropriate VLR mechanism for HABS, which also implies the first ABS scheme to support VLR. Moreover, our scheme supports inner-product signing policies, offering a wider class of attribute relations than previous HABS schemes, and is the first to be based on lattices, which are thought to offer post-quantum security

    Generic Construction of Forward Secure Public Key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search

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    Forward security is a fundamental requirement in searchable encryption, where a newly generated ciphertext is not allowed to be searched by previously generated trapdoors. However, forward security is somewhat overlooked in the public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) context and there are few proposals, whereas forward security has been stated as a default security notion in the (dynamic) symmetric searchable encryption (SSE) context. In the PEKS context, forward secure PEKS (FS-PEKS) is essentially the same as public key encryption with temporary keyword search (PETKS) proposed by Abdalla et al. (JoC 2016) which can be constructed generically from hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) with level-1 anonymity. Alternatively, Zeng et al. (IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2022) also proposed a generic construction of FS-PEKS from attribute-based searchable encryption supporting OR gates. In the public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS) context, a concrete forward secure PAEKS (FS-PAEKS) construction has been proposed by Jiang et al. (The Computer Journal 2022). As an independent work, thought Xu et al. proposed a generic construction of FS-PAEKS (ePrint 2023), they employed the Liu et al. generic construction of PAEKS (AsiaCCS 2022) that requires random oracles. Thus, a generic construction of FS-PAEKS without random oracles has not been proposed so far. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of FS-PAEKS from PAEKS. In addition to PAEKS, we employ 0/1 encodings proposed by Lin et al. (ACNS 2005). We also show that the Jiang et al. FS-PAEKS scheme does not provide forward security, and thus our generic construction yields the first secure FS-PAEKS schemes. Our generic construction is quite simple, and it can also be applied to construct FS-PEKS. Our generic construction yields a comparably efficient FS-PEKS scheme compared to the previous scheme. Moreover, it eliminates the hierarchical structure or attribute-based feature of the previous generic constructions which is meaningful from a feasibility perspective

    Towards Compact Identity-based Encryption on Ideal Lattices

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    Basic encryption and signature on lattices have comparable efficiency to their classical counterparts in terms of speed and key size. However, Identity-based Encryption (IBE) on lattices is much less efficient in terms of compactness, even when instantiated on ideal lattices and in the Random Oracle Model (ROM). This is because the underlying preimage sampling algorithm used to extract the users\u27 secret keys requires huge public parameters. In this work, we specify a compact IBE instantiation for practical use by introducing various optimizations. Specifically, we first propose a modified gadget to make it more suitable for the instantiation of practical IBE. Then, by incorporating our gadget and the non-spherical Gaussian technique, we provide an efficient preimage sampling algorithm, based on which, we give a specification of a compact IBE on ideal lattice. Finally, two parameter sets and a proof-of-concept implementation are presented. Given the importance of the preimage sampling algorithm in lattice-based cryptography, we believe that our technique can also be applied to the practical instantiation of other advanced cryptographic schemes